
9 Post – 101 Comments
Joined 5 months ago


Looks great. I wonder if it will support high bitrate tho.

SEO disgusts me. On that topic I also hate when people in YT videos are begging for likes, subs ands comments to boost engagement and optimize their video in the algorithm. I get it, they are kinda forced to, but that's such a sad state of affairs.

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Publicity stunt amount.

Why would you send 240 million PCs to the landfill when you can install Linux on all of them?

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They should release an app where people can donate a portion of their storage to be used for redundancy in case anything happens to the archive.

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What if I paused a video to be able to read something from the paused frame and it's all covered by an ad?

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Wake me up when they open source Windows 10/11.

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Ok this is actually a disgusting idea!

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Fuck HDMI!

Non-landscape videos give me mental discomfort.

I'm working on a system which allows people to get synchronized/coordinated reminders about anything on a daily basis. It's just a Rust library ATM, but I might make it into a website or an app eventually (or someone else can, since the algorithm is like 10 lines of code and in public domain). https://github.com/TypicalHog/randevu

What does this thing solve? Imagine a game (perhaps obscure/dead one) you and some other people really like, but there's never enough people playing it at the same time for it to function (imagine it's a multiplayer game). People could add the game to the list and the game would be featured to everyone who has it on their list of items on the same days. Let's say once a month or once a year etc. This would allow people to all come play/appreciate/discuss the game on the same days instead of each person randomly remembering it and playing it alone on random days when no one else is. The system also works for movies, videos, books, websites, people, servers and literally ANYTHING else. It also works offline with no internet connection. The system assigns each item a "significance" value each day. Values range from 0 to infinity and each value happens 2 times less often than the previous. For example: 0 happens every single day, 1 about every 2 days (on average), 2 every 4 days, 3 -> 8, 4 -> 16, 5 -> 32 and so on. So imagine a system assigned value 5 to some game today. Every single person who has set their "reminder/significance" threshold to 5 or below for that game will get a reminder about it. And if enough people do so - one can expect that game to have surges of activity every now and then (when its significance number is high). The system essentially "scoops up" everyone who's interested in something and directs them towards it on the same days. I'm sorry if this is confusing, but the system is actually super simple, I just might be bad at explaining it.

Here's a visual analogy:

Imagine if each object had a board like one in the picture. The system throws a dart randomly somewhere on the board for each object every day. The section where the dart lands determines the level of significance that's assigned to that object. Note that the dart lands on completely different place for different objects like MINECRAFT, XONOTIC and THE_MATRIX_1999. But, for each person using the system, the dart will land on the exact same spot for the same item. So if a dart lands on the section with the number 4 for the object THE_SIMPSONS - every single user who has THE_SIMPSONS on their list will "see" that the dart landed on 4 that day. And like I said - anyone who has their reminder threshold set to 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 will have THE_SIMPSONS featured that day. Once again, the system isn't actually throwing virtual darts on a colorful board and is actually just spitting a single number for each item each day, but this visualization is IMO a good abstraction that explains the system.

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I'm not for banning shit. I am for educating. We need to show people what TikTok really is, what it does and how it affects shit.

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It only matters if the autopilot does more kills than an average human driver on the same distance traveled.

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ALWAYS. Maybe you have ADHD. Weed helps me IMMENSELY with that.

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Why you not using it anymore?

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Discord, Steam and Obsidian.

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I just saw the image and it makes the actual paused video smaller (thus making it harder to read small text and see details in the paused frame). Also, ads are immersion breaking.

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Guys is probably the most neutral of the ones you mentioned.

I would assume it's because each hour an expensive machine is not being used is going to waste and if machine goes obsolete in 10 years and being replaced - there is a difference between it doing 30k hours of work and 90k. I'm not sure if that's the reason, but that would make sense to me personally.

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This! I literally found out about it like a couple days ago and I'm really liking it!

No and no.

Why lmao?

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Imagine playing lottery...

So true! Well said!

It makes that motivation that evaporated return. And it returns even stronger (like way stronger) than when I initially had it sober.

Can you link me the data that says Tesla's competitors self-driving is more safe and causes less accidents and WHICH ONES? I would really like to know who else has this level of self-driving while also having less accidents.

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I sometimes have a weird vibe like someone somehow crippled Bitcoin by making it not able to evolve and develop. I mean... If I wanted it gone and couldn't just destroy it, I would cripple it. Idk, just feels sus.

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People defending Binance and Tether are either:

  • Clueless and haven't done any research
  • Brainwashed
  • Part of the Binance/Tether cartel
  • Paid to do it
  • Lying to themselves
  • Aware of the truth, but want their bags to continue to be propped up by fraudsters

Which one are you?

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Then it's just gonna suck up "green energy". It's still energy. We have already have provably secure PoS (not Ethereum btw, it's PoS sucks ass).

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Pausing a video and seeing the frame you paused at is way less immersion breaking and context switchy then seeing an ad for a random thing that has no relation to the video.

Blockchain is obviously needed if we want the Metaverse to be decentralized and not centralized like in Ready Player One. Blockchain is not bad itself, but bad and toxic stuff can be implemented using blockchain.

I tried Logseq, but it was slower than Obsidian and it's section/block oriented and I want it to be note oriented (Obsidian). It is a decent alternative tho.

Bitcoin has literally 2 pools who have more then half of the block production. Also not all PoS systems have locking and slashing btw.

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This doesn't mean we can't do better than both.

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It's done so, so well, damn. I had my doubts, but ultimately took it as real cause I didn't do research on it's origin.

This one is pretty scary. Especially since it makes so much sense.

Instead of using an independent RNG to determine the next block producer Bitcoin miners are essentially flipping coins and whoever manages to flip like 78 tails in a row gets to create the next block. How crazy is that?

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I just wish it collapsed sooner. At this point the effect on the whole crypto sector, be it BTC, ETH or ADA will be unimaginable for most people.

Xon rocks!