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Joined 1 years ago

"No lawful way..."

I just finished saving backups of the games I bought using my (hackable) Switch, and I'm planning on setting it up w/ Yuzu on my Steam Deck.

And no one's going to stop me from fairly using my stuff.

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The untested legal gambit is a last-ditch effort to bar the candidacy of an ex-president who remains popular with his base instigated an insurrection against the nation and constitution he swore to uphold.

FIFY...his popularity is not the issue here. It never was. It's about actions he took, and what the law says happens at this point. I don't care how much his base loves him. We can see that even today, after all the history we have, people still support Hitler. People are fucking idiots, but that's not illegal. Inciting an insurrection is, however.

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No official, public explanation. We know why...

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I was among those worrying about range until I spent 5 minutes thinking about what I actually do on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

We'd still have my wife's ICE van, we both work from home, and 99% of the time my work-related travel is local (within 5 miles). My wife's van can pull the camper for our camping trips, or for our longer drives.

I have no good reason not to get an EV for my next car.

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You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

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I hear your annoyance, and I get it, because the "real" question is "How do I stop this from ever happening again on Windows?"

But the bottom line is, no matter what workaround or registry fix is found, nothing stops MS from making changes and popping this crap up yet again in some other obnoxious and shitty way.

If you run Windows, you have to accept some level of this bullshittery.

You gain very little from security because nobody is targeting you...

It's not about being targeted, it's about being caught in the big fishing net that scammers are throwing. You don't have to be targeted to have security concerns.

If a phone isn't receiving regular security updates, I won't use it. My Pixel 5a just got replaced because it's coming up on end of support. My new Pixel has 7 years of support, so I feel a lot better about keeping it longer.

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It's a long shot, but I hope that they keep the exposure notification framework and work with the CDC/appropriate orgs around the world to make it a generic exposure notification. The technical feature is impressive, and the usefulness (with proper adoption) would be high for the various occasions where other communicable diseases pop up. It seems easy enough to have a generic app to add the various diseases and their incubation/transmission windows to allow others to be notified.

But, because people are whiny fucks, it'll die and we'll be in a rush to reimplement it for the next thing that comes up.

Even if it did exist in an ideal state, people would still not use it, because people suck.

Better option, have a good contract in place.

Obligatory Mike Montiero video "Fuck you, pay me" - https://youtu.be/jVkLVRt6c1U

I'm all for using Linux, and I'm considering moving my desktop over from Win 10, but I've never had any issues with the install of Windows. If it's any level of modern hardware, it should mostly work out of the box.

These kinds of rants really trip my BS detector, because it's just not that complicated. If you can handle Linux but can't manage to even install Windows, I have a lot of questions.

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Interesting. Looks like perhaps your boot loader isn't properly pointing at your root partition.

I'm assuming you've just done the install and never successfully booted, yes? In that case, you can try to re-run the installer, or try rescue mode and try repairing the bootloader.

Are you doing dual-booting, or is this system dedicated to Linux?

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The Treaty is often cited in discussions regarding the role of religion in United States government for a clause in Article 11 of the English language American version which states that "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

Signed by founders, we don't even have to wonder what their thoughts were. Leave your shitty religion out of government.

I have no problem with Christians. I have a problem with whatever GOP-supporting assholes call Christian, because it is nothing like what Jesus would teach/do.

I see a "Women for T****" sign down the road. That's what the words say, anyway. What it says to me is "I vote against my own best interest."

Mother-in-law ended up getting COVID last week, so her birthday plans on Christmas Eve were cancelled, plus they couldn't come to see the kids today. Our hot water heater seems to have a failed thermocouple, so we have no (instant) hot water at the moment.

Nothing is "ruined," just annoying.

You're not wrong, but why the hell does a washing machine need to be Internet connected in the first place?

And since the first answer is always "So it can tell me when the cycle is done," set a frickin timer if it's that big of a deal.

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Our pediatrician approached the question of COVID vaccination for my daughter very gently with me. As soon as she started I saw her demeanor change and I could tell she was getting ready to change course quickly (presumably) in case I went off on a rant or something.

She immediately snapped back to normal when I told her "Absolutely, yes, if she can get it let's make it happen." We had just been waiting for it to be available.

I feel bad for what she likely had to deal with from others. She's a fricking doctor, trying her best to keep children healthy, and now she is clearly getting enough shit from some parents that she's gunshy about even bringing up certain important topics. It's crazy.

I'm indifferent to them. I use their products, but I'm not a huge fan. I use them because I dislike the alternatives more.

I've been considering trying to degoogle myself, but honestly it would be complicated, and there's a wife-approval factor that likely hinders that. We have multiple Chromecasts, Next hubs, etc around the house, and my wife likes the ease of use. I am slowly building up a home assistant instance, but still tying it into the Google home integration for ease of wife approval.

I use what works best for me, and right now most of those options are from Google.

I bought the 512Gb OLED, and within two months decided I needed to upgrade the storage. I replaced the drive with a 2Tb drive, and I'm much happier. That said, I download a ton of stuff and keep it on there. I don't often play a single game straight through, so I like having the ability to have a wide variety at any given time. Replacing the drive is trivial if you're handy at all.

I would buy direct, I wouldn't trust getting something second hand. I'm sure plenty of people are selling their LCD for an OLED, but I would rather go direct unless you're getting an amazing deal and have some level of purchase protection.

Read the error again. It's journalctl.

I've very seriously considered that. Right now, we could probably go down to one car without issue. We have two reasons why I'd like to maintain a second, though. We have young kids, and we are already starting to run them around to different places at the same time. We're looking to move soon, and the idea is to move outside of town where we have more room. That would make basically every drive longer, which would increase the likelihood of needing a second vehicle.

Either way, an EV should be fine. Depending on cost, I might stick with a small, used ICE this time, because I don't need much. But I'm not at that point quite yet, so maybe things will change by the time I'm ready.

This is the way.

I started by just eating less. I cut portions and started counting calories. I did the math and started staying under my number, and the pounds just melted off.

A couple months later, I added biking and walking. I'm trying to walk at least 30 minutes daily, which is just a nice break from everything.

I'm down 120 pounds. I want to drop more, but I've been pretty stationary for the past 3 months or so. I'm already a new man, and my doctor says I'm fine where I am. I'd like to drop another 10 just to be solidly below 200 for the first time in decades.

I went to a personal trainer for some ideas on exercises, and I need to fit those workouts into my schedule. I haven't done that yet, but I need to.

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Or just don't connect the TV to the Internet at all.

I have a pair of Sony WH-1000MX4 over the ear headphones, and I just got some Shokz OpenRun bone conduction headphones. They're both great. I put some thicker pads on the Sonys, and they're very comfortable. The Shokz are mainly for when I'm biking or need to take a call while driving (they don't interfere with my helmet, and they leave my ears open). I also can't use earbuds, they just don't stay and they're not comfortable.

Yes, back in the early 00s. We toyed with making a net-bootable image with it for our computer labs, but it was really not practical. It definitely taught me a ton about systems, though.

I just got mine, and I need to get my kids scheduled. My wife and I both work at home, my kids being in school is the most likely infection source these days.

I would rather we all have it if only for the lessened impact, I won't even pretend it's going to prevent infection given how many people out there won't get it.

I've been much more pro-annual flu shots since a baby died at our daycare from the flu. I was never against it, I just didn't think it was a big deal (because I was young and healthy). But now, if my getting a shot every year can help prevent a family from losing a child, I'm all in. It's the least I can do.

Never interrupt your opponent while they're making a mistake.

Same, but my seeds are stored in a separate vault from my passwords. Seems like having MFA and passwords in the same place defeats the purpose. I used to let keepassxc auto fill MFA tokens, but finally changed to a separate app.

I took a week off and saw emails upon my return that they almost called me about a security issue, but implemented alternative mitigations.

Jokes on them, I would not have answered. It's not my fault that I'm a single point of failure in the org. I don't roll over and take that shit.

Same situation, I packed up my Xbox because we're looking to move. Cancelled Game Pass Ultimate sub for now, but maybe I don't end up resubscribing.

Mozilla seized an opportunity to bring trustworthy AI into Firefox, largely driven by the Fakespot acquisition and the product integration work that followed. Additionally, finding great content is still a critical use case for the internet. Therefore, as part of the changes today, we will be bringing together Pocket, Content, and the AI/ML teams supporting content with the Firefox Organization.

emphasis mine

How do you interpret that?

Yes, early 40s, midwest.

My mother wouldn't let me take my driver's test without leaning to drive manual. My first car ended up being a manual, which ensured that no one ever borrowed my car.

I agree with pretty much everything here.

My employer is a regional organization, so all our meetings were via Zoom/WebEx/whatever before COVID. Our pivot to remote work was trivial - those that could already had the tools at their disposal (and were likely using them already), those that couldn't were healthcare providers and had a whole different experience anyway.

I do end up going in once in a while, because it's only 10 minutes away from home and I already have to drive kids past the office anyway. But once my younger child is in school this fall, I'm not sure how things will change. I won't have a need to get up early every day, so I might go in less, and possibly work earlier hours.

I'm very surprised that we allowed remote work to continue, but we actually embraced it and made it the standard. We downsized our office space (let the lease expire), and remodeled the space we kept. It's been good, though it has exposed a lot of issues with our onboarding process. But that's nothing we can't work through.

My washer has a delay timer on it. Is that not a common option?

I also have an option to start a small fan and spin the drum every few minutes, so it keeps wet clothes from getting mildewy. I use that every time, so I don't have nasty clothes when I inevitably forget to swap stuff into the dryer.

Look into editing the sudoers file. Add a line that allows you to run openvpn with the NOPASSWD option.

I strongly recommend not using that for everything, just the specific commands you need to run non-interactively.

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I barely used my joycons, but I had drift. I don’t think I was misusing them, I only used them when mobile, and that was infrequent. And yet they drifted.

I replaced the sticks with Hall effect sticks, and they’ve been fine since.

I admit, I’m not a big fan of putting more functionality into systemd (or just of systemd in general), but that is a well-reasoned argument for having sudo live in the init system.

I read the man page, but I didn't see the answer to your question in there.

I am assuming that it would only dump the root filesystem in your example. Other mounted filesystems like /home or /media, if they're separate filesystems, probably aren't included. You'd have to run a separate dump for each one.

Best option to find out is to try it and see what happens. No better way to learn than by doing.

My phone has a passcode, so does my password manager and my MFA app - all different passwords. Those are the only ones I need to remember, so it’s not too bad.

Probably not ideal, but to break that someone needs to A) physically get my phone, B) unlock my phone, C) unlock my pw vault, and D) unlock my MFA app. I’m fairly confident in my setup.

Same here. Seems like Google did a pretty good job with the eSIM registration in their app. I've swapped phones a number of times with zero issues.

It's only as insecure as you make it. It's an option, it needs to be used responsibly.