6 Post – 147 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A middle-aged nerd from the UK. I like films and write about them, sometimes for Film Stories or my blog.

Have a great day.

I see what you mean. They could only afford so many lines of dialogue! 😆

13 years old, isn't it enough? 😆

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I was really excited for this on the Cube back in the day but all the reviews said it was another average Star Wars game so I decided not to risk the money.

When can we get Rogue Squadron remastered? That still looks pretty damn good today. 😊

The 8 bit guy. I loved his retro computing channel and then one day, he acquired a rare IBM computer and promptly destroyed the power supply by sticking a screwdriver into it (if I remember correctly).

For some reason, I googled about this and discovered he's a gun nut. They're videos of him going grocery shopping with his rifle on his back which apparently he does this knowing it will annoy people.

Unsubscribed from the channel and never looked back.

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Then basically there's no point in this shop existing anymore. They're basically toy stores now.

I occasionally look in Game but can't remember the last time I actually bought anything. It would've been a pre-owned title anyway.

Is Electronics Boutique still going? 😁

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I was being a bit tongue in cheek. GAME took over EB in the UK. I don't think they're any dedicated gaming shops anymore, just independents.

Back in the old days of 8bit computing, I remember a few magazines used to explain their scoring system.

Most magazines reviewed a game out of ten. A score of five would be an average. The game is just ok. Not brilliant but not terrible either.

A great game would be an eight or nine. Very rarely would a game receive a ten as that indicates perfection.

In today's world, the way people talk, it feels like a game needs at least an 8 (or 80%) or it's not even worth touching.

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Dredd had a really poor advertising campaign. I think the first trailer only came out a few weeks before it's release when for other films it's months in advance.

I think the first footage I saw was actually a VFX breakdown that somehow made it's way into YouTube but it didn't stay there long.

There was a big campaign to get a sequel and Dredd on Blu-ray rose to #1 in the Amazon sales charts.

One of the executive producers, Adi Shankar, explained in a YouTube video that he appreciated the effort but the big problem was the box office returns. Everyone who invested made a loss, so no one wanted to invest in a sequel.

Rebellion were going to make a Mega City One series which may have had appearances from Dredd occasionally but I think that project has stalled.

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Yep, those were different times.

Battlecruiser 3000AD. This advert was later revised and they drew black knickers on the model.

Psycho Pigs UXB. Another British classic?

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We have a problem over at, the sole admin has gone missing and no one has been able to contact him. All we wanted is for a few more people to be made admins then problems could be solved. A new server/instance is going to be created and hopefully everyone on feddit can move over. Unless the admin comes back, it will fall behind in updates and become defederated. This happened once a few weeks ago by but we managed to convince them it was in error and they federated us back in.

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Reminds me of Fraggle Rock. Due to the television station that produced the show being taken over many times over the years, most of the original broadcast masters have been lost. I think all episodes have been found but they're mostly at home VHS recordings.

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I've never understood the concept of pre ordering digital content, it's not going to run out of stock. And why pay extra for a few graphical items that don't change the way the game plays?

Also, surely digital games would be cheaper because there's no physical product to send to the customer? But there you go. Base copy of Diablo 4 is £70!! Wow!

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Thunder is my main app and it's updated regularly as well. Jerboa is my second choice because that's the "official" Lemmy app.

I was a big fan of LiftOff!, unfortunately, the developer had twins back in the summer and understandably, the app hasn't been updated since.

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I presume the Linux version is the same (I used the Windows version) but WiiUDownloader gives you a lovely graphical interface to download anything from the WiiU eShop servers. Even copies files straight to an SD card ready to install on your WiiU.

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What the article didn't mention, and it says in the video, Alien: Resurrection was possibly going to be a multi cd game at one point and the dev was experimenting with the code to get that working.

I remember, way back when, I think it was one of Natalie Imbriglia's first albums, I stuck it into my PC's CD-ROM drive and something odd happened.

I could listen to a digital copy of the album via an included player and files that were in some locked weird format.

My CD drive couldn't see the normal CDDA portion of the disc just this little data area with a digital copy.

Wasn't impressed.

Have an upvote from me. I dumped pocket and started using this instead. It's simpler, cleaner and easier to use. I also reported a web page that wouldn't save properly, it was just an URL without any header or text.

Within about 48 hours, after reporting the link, it saved as a proper page of text. I like to think they fixed it.

Maybe it's a strong case of nostalgia but a first person Indiana Jones game doesn't feel right. But on the flip side, if it was a true third person game, people would complain that it's a clone of Uncharted and Tomb Raider despite Indy being the original.

I have mixed feelings which make me happy as I don't have an Xbox. 😁

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Jerboa is created by the developers of Lemmy.

I was a sucker for these fmv games back in the day. The more CDs the game came on the better. Bonus for lots of recognisable actors too.

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I discovered this after giving up on the BBC weather app because it wants me to sign in.

It's been really good, I love the details and it's been getting regular updates. Recommended.

But I've fallen for Thunder! Dare I try another?

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Here's a couple I posted a while back.

The only one that I remember is,

How can you tell when an Essex girl has had an orgasm?

She drops her packet of crisps.

Seems a bit rubbish now I've typed that out. 😆

At least they realised Red Dwarf tinkering was a bad idea and the originals still safely exist. I think they said they used the original negatives for Star Wars which were spliced and used for the Special Editions. They kept telling the public the original negatives for untouched Star Wars no longer exist. I can't believe that's true though. George keeps a copy of everything. There even a cut of Star Wars that used rear screen protection instead of blue screen!

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These are just overpriced toy stores now. More toys than games. They haven't been a real gaming store for ages, in my opinion.

Back in the 8bit home micro days, we used to read the manuals all the time. Mainly because the games took so long to load from cassette.

I distinctly remember the Microprose manuals for their simulation games when I had a 16bit computer, I felt like I could master the real vehicle after looking through those.

I don't think they have their open official app but they offer their API free to developers I think.

I'm on Android and I've been through several TMDB apps but I don't really like any of them. I do know that Letterboxd use their API as well but that's a more social based thing.

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I loved the FMV cut scenes in Westwood Studios games. They always managed to get a minor celebrity as the games got bigger.

They also made a really good Diablo style game called Nox.

His video on the special effects of Fight of the Navigator is one of the best "making of" videos I've seen. They should license it and put it on the Blu-ray, it's that good.

Flight of the Navigator | VFXcool

Keep these posts coming, they're fantastic. I think I was on my Atari ST by this point. I can't remember if I had Final Fight or not.

While my friends owned Amigas, they easily got the latest games by swapping disks with friends. As an ST owner, I knew no one and had to take risks with every game I purchased. 😂

Crazy Taxi was fantastic.

Metropolis Street Racer was utterly brilliant and I remember being annoyed when I heard the sequel was going to that new Microsoft console called XBox. That was of course Project Gotham Racing.

And Rez which I love so much I bought it remastered on Xbox360, again on PS4 and one final time on Quest 2.

Keep 'em coming. Another great read thank you.

This was a common practice, especially during a certain decade but I forget which. Old tapes were erased to be used again. No thought was given to preserving what was being wiped.

I swear I downloaded and played Half Life for the DC back when I had the machine. I think it was Blue Shift which was originally going to be on the DC first (as an exclusive?).

It was perfectly fine to play but I guess due to hardware limitations, the areas in which you played weren't that large and loading times off the CD was quite slow.

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This card has two drawbacks as far as I can see. Firstly, there's no loader to swap between games.

Secondly, it only supports its own format when you back up your own games. The games you download from the net aren't compatible but it's assumed the pirates would 'repack' their past releases to be compatible.

Here's a question, would the Switch be oblivious to how the game is stored and download any updates? Do pirated games come complete with the latest available updates?

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Carrier Command was utterly brilliant. I first had this on my ZX Spectrum ( it only played on 128k models)

The graphics were clear wireframe and moved so slowly but the tactical game was awesome.

Then I later got my first 16bit computer, the Atari ST and it came with...Carrier Command.

Now the graphics were in colour and the vehicles were made of solid geometric shapes and everything moved so fluidly in comparison to the previous version.

Loved the game all over again.

I know there's an (unofficial?) Sequel on PC but I haven't looked into it yet.

I don't understand the fascination. From what my son once told me, everyone has the same advantage, you're just paying for looks and individuality. I see that as a waste of money. Paying out for licensed characters is just a way to keep that going.

The only part I found interesting was when it shut down for a few days to have that major upgrade. All that was left was the black hole. That was quite fun watching everyone react.

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I've really enjoyed many of the IP based games over the years, Star Wars, Marvel, Indiana Jones and even Lego GTA. Oh sorry, Lego City: Undercover.

The one that really disappointed me was Lego: Worlds. I thought it would be fun to build with unlimited bricks virtually but it's just not for me.

I like to have physical bricks in front of me which give me ideas as I build. Finding different bricks in the pile gives me new ideas as I build. That's not something than happens with the game.

On the flip side, playing with the 80s Space sets was a huge nostalgia kick for me.

There's always the Wayback Machine.

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