U de Recife

@U de Recife@literature.cafe
0 Post – 66 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm many things. Here's perhaps a few worth knowing.


  • an M.A. in #Philosophy
  • a teacher, mostly #teaching #academic #writing
  • a committed #FOSS user
  • a #Fediverse enthusiast

If you're into Mastodon, you can also find me @UdeRecife@firefish.social.

Having opinions about other peoples gender, sexual orientation, private matters. Also legislating about that.

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Wherever I am, everything becomes peaceful. Nations at war start peace talks. Long standing conflicts are immediately solved.

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I'm confused about your comment. Why assume it's childish to act in a way that distances you of any drama?

Why that us vs. them attitude of name calling someone as childish? How is that any different of the childish behaviour that is being hoisted upon in the first place?

Perhaps that's an indication that a side is already being chosen?

Anyway, don't take my comment in a wrong way. I really have no dog in this fight. I barely know who this Linus guy is. I just dislike seeing people being rude to each other, unneedingly escalating discussions by being unkind.

Maybe you'll like it more under this new guise: I named my cat Goofyball. But since Linnaeus named the species Felis catus, you remind me that my cat's name should ackchyually be Felis catus/Goofyball. To which I reply, very appropriately, 'it's MY cat'. So Goofyball it is.

Understand now the authority argument? Authority in the sense of authorial, having an author.

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This may seem a tangent, but bear with me. You make an interesting point. Your view should be considered.

You look deeper into the mentality us vs them behind this meme. You identify that as a possible strategy to keep people apart. That is something worthwhile considering.

Now, problem is your post is hard to parse. You have what amounts to a whole paragraph with only one period. My suggestion: break information into small chunks. That greatly helps your readers. It allows them to become more engaged with your content.

Now, leaving that aside. Thanks for trying to reason through this shallow us-them mentality.

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I've been using it for more than 20 years, but I still love when someone pulls the GNU/Linux card.

To me it feels like reading an old plaque in Latin. It reminds me of an important past that shouldn't be forgotten.

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Any history book will be filled with such stories. Depending on the outlook, I'd say all history is like that.

Take any one event. Let's pick any decisive moment in history. Say, the battle of Salamis. Now flip it to the side of the Persians and you have the kind of blunder you're looking for.

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The rotary disc on phones!

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I'm really enjoying Lemmy so far. I've posted more here in one and a half months than in 16+ years on reddit astroturfbay. Why?

Because here feels like friendly neighbourhood square where people actually care to listen to each other. Whatever happens here feels way more organic and people-oriented than elsewhere. No algos dictating agendas just because more engagement=more profit.

So yeah, I really like this place.

Vegan when eating, Arch Linuxing when computing, communist when sharing, capitalist when investing, ...

The list knows no end. Why not just say what's appropriate for each particular circumstance?

For arch Linux, there's Topgrade. All there, in just one command. All. There. Official repos, AUR, even firmware upgrades.

Here's my alias to update the whole system. It includes fetching the fastest mirrors, topgrade, and cleaning the update's packages cache. Tailor it to your own needs.

alias update='sudo fetchmirrors -q -s 5 -v -c PT && yes | topgrade -c -y --no-retry --disable gem --disable vim --disable emacs --disable gem --disable sdkman --disable rustup --disable cargo --disable remotes && sudo paccache -rk 0'

Exactly. Whatever side-effect is cast upon you, you THINK it was chosen by you. You're 100% sure it was your decision. You're blissfully but unfortunately erroneously way too self-confident.

I've watched the whole thing and it's an eye opener. I've got now a greater respect for email.

Viva la federatiom!

I always read out loud. Always. And I do most of my readings while walking. So I imagine hearing me waking around taking to myself make other people think 'wtf?'.

Paris, Texas. Yeah, from the movie.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo


That's simply outrageous!!! As soon as I finish tinkering with my system, I'll prepare a proper reply...

On a more serious note though. Don't overlook the role of procrastination in the endless tinkering many put on their boxes. I'm speaking from experience.

U not name. U is sound.

Since person was learning Vietnamese, person noticed Vietnamese have one letter words. One word person liked was Ô, umbrella. Saying Ô reminded person of monkey making sound.

Person thought about simplest sounds monkeys make. U in person mother language sounds oo. U is simple, basic monkey sound. Oo-oo, aa-aa. Person being monkey, person thought U good name. Reminded person of person's past and person connection to nature. So person decided to be U.

U then thought of past people. Past people were simply known as person OF place person came. Examples: Leonardo DA (of) Vinci, René DES (of) Cartes. U is from Recife. Thus U de (of) Recife.

Don't worry about English. Text is text. My mother tongue is Portuguese. Precisely because the internet is full of people like us, i. e., that are not totally comfortable with English, we should make our texts easier to parse.

Your mind is in the right place. That's the hardest part. Adjusting your writing style is much easier. So be confident.

My aside:

In every community I see this. There are always folks trying to narrow the community to some cut and dry descriptors—which for them are always obvious.

Sometimes the jab is perhaps intended as a joke. But to my reading it's always a trope, namely the tired fallacy of taking a part as the whole.

Either way, it's myopic. In any internet community, we're always bound to narrowly see what's happening. Because:

  • We can only see the posters, never the lurkers—which far exceed the former;
  • Posters, by virtue of taking the time to post, are most often than not highly opinionated;
  • Our reading is always selective. We're either misguided by the way the comments are sorted, by our mood at the moment, by chance, or simply because we're really bad at reading;
  • Our reading is always biased. Either by our mood, our current situation in life, our upbringing, our milieu, whatever;
  • the list goes on and on and on.

This results in a very reductive view that, although very teasing because very personal and idiosyncratic, is ultimately an exercise in futility. To those already biased, it simply supplies them with fodder to confirm what they already believed.

From afar, it's just noise. Any view on what the community is is but a poor reflection of what the community ultimately is.

jumpapp. A run-or-raise application switcher for any X11 desktop.

It's THAT good.

Thanks for that link. I didn't know disroot hosted Jitsi.

For others in this thread, here's a list of Jitsi instances: https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/community/community-instances/

The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.

L.P. Hartley, The Go-Between

According to this, they were indeed built by aliens.

True. And the way it's said/written causes a soft perplexity that feels nice.

Now you got me thinking. In my mother tongue, this is not at all perplexing. In order to find out why, I tried a more direct translation from my language to English. Here's my try:

The picture of me youngest is also my oldest picture.

I would say you're actually witnessing the very real phenomenon of language-drift. Languages evolve for a billion reasons, but there's no right or wrong state of language.

That's why we distinguish between language, dialect, idiolect, sociolect. Each bearer of language is also a producer of language. Their version is just theirs, in whatever many ways that makes that version unique.

(Check linguistics to better understand this process of language-drifting )

Thanks for posting this. It's a good reminder I've got to install thunderbird.

Not OP, but here's how. You live-distro yourself to a running command prompt. You then connect to the internet, mount the partitions, finally chrooting to your computer's storage install. Once there, you clear pacman's lock from var and run a full update: pacman -Syyu. Wait until it finishes, exit chroot, reboot. 9 out 10 times works as expected.

Hey, you make a great point. There's a false dichotomy being presented here. As you see it, local-first is a bit of a misnomer when you already expecting your device to join a remote environment.

Yes, makes sense that we're being lured by the so-called cloud hosting. Following a business model that sells convenience in lieu of data control, cloud providers are distorting our current understanding of remote hosting. They're breaking the free flow of information by siloing user data.

Now, with that being said, I'd like to add something about your presentation. I'd suggest you avoid walls of text. Use paragraph breaks. They're like resting areas for the eyes. They allow the brain to catch up and gather momentum for the next stretch of text.

Regardless. You brought light to this conversation. For that, thank you.

I had many issues since the upgrade. After getting tired of hunting them down individually, my one-time solution was to nuke my old configs and simply start anew. Fresh home, .config, .local.

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Thumb and ring finger change places. Opposable ring fingers.

Is Librera Reader FOSS? Their website provides no info about that.

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Early 2002. I read about Linux somewhere, and I was trying a Mandrake install. I also read about control+alt+Backpage, which eagerly proceed to try.

Now I'm on tty, cursor blinking, thinking: I broke Linux.

Scared, I cleverly undid that mistake by simply... reinstalling the distro. Ignorance is NOT bliss.

Hello! Nice to meet you. I know and love your kind. One monitor is pretty standard, so I have a lot of friends just like you.

Yup, 3 monitors user here. I guarantee it's not that uncommon.

(And yes, I'm still running X11)

I have accounts on several instances, but only use one of them.

Just like opening an account on an email provider to gauge the quality of the service+features, I went instance hopping until I found one that felt right.

Right now, all other accounts are sleeper accounts. I have them kind of sorted out so that if my current instance goes down or is knocked out of the air, I'll just log in to the next sleeper account.

You're not wrong. Why would you? Either works or not. You said it yourself, it's work-related. The rest you could probably work around them if sufficiently motivated.

Sorry if I mistake your intention. If that's the case, it's just me making a wrong guess.

You're probably misreading this.

I authored THE NAME. If you prefer, I'm the name-giver, the author in this sense.

Linus is the namer and the creator of that kernel.

As creator he is by right allowed to name his creation whatever he likes. Just like me, as the cat 'entity creator as a pet' am allowed to name it whatever I like.

No outsiders input required. You get now what I mean by author?

Whatever your reply may be, let me thank you already for engaging. It's nice to be pressured to explain something in simpler, more accessible terms.

Owen said forbidden word. Last sentence.

The leftover ...

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One day at a time. Only for today. This is how I'm taking this ride. I'm happy with Lemmy as is. I'm in the here, hopefully in the fediverse now.

Read as Law Enforcement Officer. And I was, huh? Then it hit me. Ah, the zodiac...

Owen forgiven. Good Owen.