雨 月

@雨 月@feddit.de
1 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

People hate them so much that it became the most lucrative way of monetizing games ever.

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That´s one thing I GENUINELY can´t wrap my head around with lemmy in general. How is it, that the admins of one lemmy instance feel responsible for what gets posted in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT instance to the point they feel the need to keep their own members from even seeing it? It doesn´t reflect negatively on firefox, that they allow me to access piracy sites. It doesn´t reflect negatively on gmail that they allow me to use their email address to subscribe to piracy stuff. Why would it reflect negatively on lemmy.world, if their members also accessed piracy stuff? Are the admins of lemmy.world somehow responsible for what their members do, even if it´s not on their own instance?

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When there are no "mild" solutions to the big problems, those who simply ignore the problem get the vote.

We drove climate change to a point where we simply can´t even begin to reign it in without drastic measures. Measures that are expensive, inconvenient, not fun at all. That´s just the reality. Along comes a party that says "You know that big problem because of which the current gov want´s to make all our lives harder in an attempt to solve it? We sure don´t have any better solutions BUT what if we just agree to ignore it for a time?".

That´s on my "want to read" list.

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The old tricks are becoming less reliable because the magazines, recognizing that those methods undermine their money making, switched from "paywall" to "members only".

Back in the day, a paywall was nothing more that a "thing" that was displayed between you and the paywalled content. The content was still there, you just had to pay to literally remove the wall between you and it. "The old tricks" mainly work by detecting what is content and what is wall and removing the wall so that you can see the content.

Nowadays though, many sited don´t even load the paywalled content in unless you are logged into your subscription account. And what content isn´t loaded in the first place also can´t be magically made to appear from behind the wall. It´s not so much like the content is behind a wall, it´s more like you leave the original building all together, get blindfolded and driven to a secret location and only there will the actually bring out the content.

That´s so insane, right? I mean, they practically had us in the bag with netflix. People either had their own account or chipped in to use someone elses one BUT EITHER WAY, THEY PAID FOR IT! And then came one of the rare moments where more competition was actually bad.

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What WAS their next cash grab though?

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Oh boy, I didn´t know that. What´s the reason of doing it that way though? I mean, since I discovered lemmy, most if not all drama related to lemmy being a good platform came down to the fact that certain instances blocked certain other instances OR even to the question why an instance DIDN´T block another instace that had some right wing shit on it. Seems to me, having your instance simply copy over everything might be more of a liability at this point.

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It´s just as dumb as any sort of stickers that convey your personal opinion.

Most people won´t care, very few will appreciate it but if there´s only one person that really really hates it, you might end up with a keyed car.

No matter where you look in Media, digital copies have outpaced physical. And it´s not even close! So the step is not really a surprise. Also, some games are already essentially a digital copy, even if "some" game files get delivered on a disc. But the lack of a physical medium is not what sucks about this. It´s the fact that you link the purchase to your own account of whatever store it´s in and that´s it. No lending, selling or gifting once you activated the code. I actually prefer to buy cartridges for the switch because of that very reason.

But with digital downloads being so much more convenient and instantly available, I don´t see how any market forces would ever change this. Also, people pre order digital copies as if they worry the store wouldn´t have enough copies on launch day, which is also quite telling.

First of all, such a cool game to play with my son! You absolutely need to try "A way out" by the same devs as well.

I´d just get a repack if I were you. Much easier. Makes no difference.

Here are some more:

  • Falcon 4.0
  • Rainbow Six
  • Unreal
  • Battlezone
  • Gran Turismo

That´s actually insane for one year!

Back then, studios had to actually make new games to make more money. Nowadays, you make one game and then just milk it for a decade.

IMO, resources like the Megathread create a false sense of security here. People read something on there and think downloading anything from sites on the megathread is absolutely safe. Just like any admin of a torrent site can´t catch anything bad before it can cause any damage, the authors of the megathred also can´t be 100% aware of each and every upload on every one of the sites featured there.

Just use your brains guys. We´re talking about piracy here after all!

They were but not as a 3d model. Someone has to actually make that 3d model and it looks like that person was the guy from the article.

Same here. My children, mainly my daughter, use Netflix MUCH more than my wife and I. So the "just pirate the stuff" doesn´t really apply. If I want to see a specific movie or series, sure. But my kids don´t even watch with the intention of finishing a series or whatever. They browse and watch what catches their eye. That can´t be easily done with pirated stuff. And for me and my wife, it´s kinda similar. We don´t have the time or interrest to watch that many movies. Most of the time, we have like an hour to spare, we plop down on the couch, browse through what new cooking or duocumentaries there are and just watch something.

Now, at the moment, we still use a friends account. Seems like the "Kids" profile still works and on mobile everything still works fine. But as soon as that´s over, I can´t promise that I won´t have to get my own account...as much as it saddens me.

You are aware that we are in a piracy group here, right? We don´t want our money back. Because we didn´t pay for it in the first place!

Security wise, there´s probably no reason to consider leaving Bitwarden. Feature wise, bitwarden already has almost all bases covered when it comes to being a password manager. UI is where it would probably be easiest to get ahead. Pricing on the other hand seems a bit expensive on Protons side. The have the "limited offer" now for 1€ a month, which is already 2€ more per year than Bitwarden, but they write that the regular price would be 4,99 a month, which would be beyond rough compared to BW.

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I see what you did there.

Nord is such a weird case. It almost never gets recommended. It even gets negative comments as soon as someone mentions it. And yet, even the comparison table at r/VPN hast Nord at the top spot with full points for almost all criteria. So do people hate Nord just because they see other people hating it and go along? Or is r/VPN also just an ad for NordVPN?

I myself started using Nord quite a while back and I also never had any problem whatsoever. Speed is super good, availability was never a problem, it just works. Still, if someone would point me to some specific flaws with Nord and showed me how some other VPN is an improvement, I´d be happy to reconsider once my Nord subscription runs out in september.

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I´m sure the will be no false strikes at all. And even if, I´m sure they have a quick and easy appeal process in place, just like they have with copyright.

What's aggressive routing? Like more prone to induce road rage?

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Oh ok, I thought you were talking about the content. Because the original question/post was about the content.

I started with World of Warships. I played World of Tanks for a long time but not very successfully. Now I wanted to give Ships a go. I´m at level 5 now, which (as I wasn´t aware before) is where you get thrown into real battles with real people instead of the training wheel matchmaking they have up to level 4. I´m starting to get the hang of it though.

There´s a inbuilt store where you buy and download them. It´s basically android under the hood, you can even install regular android apps via the apk. So if there were pico game apks out there, I´d say that´s all it would take.

Yeah I picked that up on avherald the other day. Seems that it has been found to be a suicide.

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Yeah, It´s kinda fucked up since normally, competition is good for the customer. It´s a good thing to have different stores you can go to. It´s a cood thing to have different car or moobile phone brands to chose from.

With streaming though, I can´t really think of any real world situation where the customer actually is worse off with more variety to chose from.

In the baking? This literally came up the second this situation arose. People jumped from "This upload has a miner" via "People got banned for reporting it" to "The proceeds from the miner go directly to the admins" within one single post. And all most people had to say was "Well, where do I go now?".

All social media is designed to be addicting. By whom?

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Nord does do a lot of sponsoring, that´s right. But that doesn´t make it a bad service automatically. If I want to believe that comparison table I mentioned, Nord might even be a pretty good service, so maybe they "need" this big marketing to rake in enough users to make it profitable and affordable.

About that port forwarding though, what´s the deal with that? I´m asking because I lack the tech background here. You say, it´s crucial for torrenting. And obviously, many look for alternatives to mullvad because they don´t offer it any more. Others though say they don´t really need port forwarding.

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EDIT: Looks like I found a discord that has what you are looking for. Report back if it worked for you! https://discord.gg/FtWVdRGg

I´m wondering about that as well. I know that you can in fact install apk files on it, so by my estimation, if yut get a hold of a cracked apk of a pico game, you´d be set.

I´m genuienely baffled why the mods of those protesting subs didn´t, at least as a backup plan, also created an alternative community on here right away. Sure, in the beginning, they might have hoped the protests could work. But even after the first two days blackuot, it was pretty clear that Reddit didn´t care at all. So why even fight this fight and not just go "Well, have fun without us Reddit. And here´s a tutorial on how to join us over at lemmy." EDIT: I know some did. r/piracy I believe were pretty open about packing up and moving to lemmy. And as the days go by, more and more "stuff" I used Reddit for also pops up on some lemmy server or another. Still, an at least fairly organized move would have been nice.

So you are saying, if I would torrent something while using Nord, there would be no upload / seeding happening at all? I use a seedbox, so I don´t know. In the seedbox though, I always keep the files up. I have an overall ratio of over 13, so I´m very much in favor of seeding.

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Indeed, looks like that´s correct. Just to test it, I fired up Q on my own machine, with Nord connected to a swiss server, and while I have no restrictions in place, there´s almost no upload.

Allow me to ask one further question: If I had a VPN which supported port forwarding, how would I go about to usilise that for torrenting? I know port forwarding from my internet router, where I can forward an external port directly to a specific internal IP. Is that similar?

What does this have to do with laws though? I find it pretty reasonable for a film company to be able or allowed to run their own streaming platform and just not sell their shows to say netflix. If I create something that I want to sell my self, in my own store, there should be no law forcing me to also hand it over to that supermarket down the streat to sell it there. And if I want to charge a monthly fee for even being able to enter my own little store, that should also not be prohibited.

Imagine there would be a law that said, every studio would also have to sell their stuff to netflix. You think, Netflix wouldn´t immediately abuse this power to drive any competition out of business?

Don´t get me wrong, I HATE that to be able to watch all the stuff I might be interrested in, I´d have to subscribe to like 5 different services. I just don´t see how laws would be a good tool to deal with that.

I´n no expert on suicide, so what do I know? However, over at avherald, the people who actually work in that very environment already suspected that it must have been intentional based on the procedures in place that would normally prevent this sort of thing from happening accidentally. And now, the news outlets say that "a medical examination has ruled it a suicide".

Maybe people mainly search for answers to simple daily life questions or something.