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Owning a high end Apple device strongly suggests owning a high end console as well. Maybe the target demographics (rich gamers) already own those games on their favorite platform, so why buy it twice.

To be honest, Windows Phone OS was a marvel in terms of user experience and design language. It was a fresh breath on interacting and utilizing the new always online world.

Calling it ‘Bad Software’ is not fair at all.

Too bad MS picked every possible bad decision to cripple it, starting with not putting it’s weight behind the OS at all.

I really, really miss the feeling of being in control of my whole digital existence with just a single glance.

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Every music genre with examples.

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Deserves all of it.

What a shame for other wonderful games to be released in the same year with BG3.

Yeah, I agree.

The main incentive twirled around UWP mentality, “Write one app that works on Windows, WP and Xbox automagically”.

I think it was a fucking-a-star idea that could gather fresh developers to a big potential userbase. And surprisingly, it worked for a time as well.

But MS again cold-feeted the platform themselves in a short span and scared everyone.

I actually witnessed many brilliant developers wrote their very first C# code with UWP, only to spin out to other platforms later as WinPhone’s apparent neglect. PocketCasts and Flipboard are two that went very successful on other platforms.

Until you need to reach out support for a fake 1 tb microsd card

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Every news I read about this game is another recipe for disaster. Drawing inspiration from a game released 2 months ago, and still scheduled to be released in 2024?

Also, Larian has 20 years of experience about building that beauty. Every step they took in the past brought them here. Chinese Room, on the other hand, is founded, run and abandoned by some fuckwits.

Only thing VTMB2 should take inspire from is VTMB Unofficial Patch.

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Is it possible to run it in VM?

Edit: it’s meant to run on a vm. cool!

They quit Mini business at iPhone 13.

Try Sunshine + Moonlight and this script:

Firefox launched PWA way too early, and abandoned it just before it gained some traction over Fediverse apps. I don’t like using an unofficial extension to enable PWA, yet not as much as have to use MS Edge for PWA.

Only thing I’m interested in these updates are Mozilla bringing PWA back.

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Was there input lag on LCD that I wasn’t aware?

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I just plugged it to my TV to remote play GoW on a big screen.

No other device can pull this off with 4k Stream, HDR, Surround Sound, full DualSense support and sub-1 frame (of 60) latency.

Yeah, visually there are alternatives on Android, but there were a few features built into WP that Android doesn’t fundamentally support that made the whole difference.

Like having your SO’s all accounts merged under a single node, and seeing everything related to her, be it from WhatsApp, Mail, SMS, Photo Shares etc inside a single tile was awesome. Can Android do that in 2024?

It’s great to see Dolby Atmos support at last. Matching that with their headphones would be awesıme. Wondering if they allowed passthrough though.

3 billion devices can't be wrong…

As a dev, I agree with this comment. Feature parity really hinders the iteration and patching speed.

Last time I checked, these Snapdragons burning five times more electricity to reach M3 levels.

Nepotism also comes with future immunity in oligarchies though.

Producing a really high end CPU just be muscle flexing. Anybody can do that. Having apps run on it is a whole another story.

What Apple done right with M1 was not producing a powerful Arm CPU, but having old apps run on it so everyday people won’t be thrown into an unknown territory.

I’m too, looking forward to RISCV’s expansion though. MS could just skip ARM and adopt the better platform.

…It took them only 4 years to follow the leader this time.

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I prefer to call it “Halal AI”

Consider having a SteamDeck.

I used Steam Link, Mi Box, Shield Pro, Apple TV and Steam Deck for streaming indoors. Latency-wise Deck beats all by 3 miliseconds, APTV and Shield ties in second (all three have latency under 16ms [1 frame in 60fps]). APTV + Moonlight supports wireless gamepad rumble and all other Dualsense features, also HDR. Shield is hit and miss especially with newer controllers.

Deck supports every combination, plus you can stream your Xbox (or Game Pass Cloud) and PS5 to Deck if you have either.

YunoHost is pretty much alive than ever, but don’t expect it to be up-to-date all the time since their way of doing stuff is pretty extreme to maintain.

So my advice would be, spend enough time with it, and when you get the grips move to docker containers.

Nope, it’s the previous update released the day before.

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Groove Armada’s Black Light.

I highly doubt if anyone but me is listening to it.

I’ve been playing it on deck since the launch smoothly with Lutris. Does this mean Diablo IV now has a Linux native client?

Even Frasier got a reboot but not this one. How disappointing.

There’s already gamepad support for a few years now. Not sure what’s stopping them.

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  • OS Native notifications for Calendar

I always suspected it’s not because they won’t, but they can’t due to the licensing issues.

In the end Larian is a subcontractor of Hasbro, who’s preparing their own ‘virtual tabletop’ for a while now.

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Yup. Both are possible, but if the game is addictive and you keep launching that exact same game among bazillions of other similar games, it’s 100% rigged towards manipulating your compulsive behavior.

On that topic, is there an alternative for a mail client + calendar for Win 11 that doesn’t look and feel like a Windows 95 exe named Thunderbird?

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If you are absolute beginner and OK with setting up things few more times in the future, start eith Yunohost. I get the grasp of everything while I’m using it.

Because everyone knows it’s Xbox-exclusive and everyone on Xbox also has the Game Pass, which Starfield is a day-one addition.

I have the old one. Next iteration will have the same better display along with better cpu/gpu/ram, current battery is more than enough for a day of my gaming needs and I doubt I will ever need to touch a screw let alone a repair. I’m glad there’s an upgrade at the same price for newcomers but it isn’t “radiant” anything.

I’m thinking some people having more joy at staring at the fps counter then play the game.

Maybe you’re confusing engineering with programming.

Although everyone uses both interchangeably, software programmers aren’t more engineer than ‘sound engineers’. Engineers are good at structuring and optimizing. Programmers, though, are much better at finishing the job.

All news are for investors nowadays. Microinvestment runs the 2020s world.