
4 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Uhhh... 🔔

Not every cat responds the same, or at all, to stress on their whiskers. Just like people, cats have varrying tolerances to stimulus.

Anecdotally, my cats would not finish their food in narrow bowls but do now that they eat from flat bowls.

FOSS is Free Open Source Software. All Lemmy apps except Connect and Sync are FOSS.

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A labs employee mouthed off and GN went full scorched earth

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It was one of the first things shown in the video. I didn't even know about the comment until watching the GN video.

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Lmao gottem

See: any Valve game

Boy do I have good news about my cat because it's her birthday 🎂🎈

True; every cat is different.

Feeling too silly today boss I need a day to get back to my usual depression.

Dog are we still on beans??

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Fructose is typically fine when it's paired with equal amounts of glucose, like in fruit. Your body has a really hard time processing high concentrations of fructose alone, which is how most sugary food is produced now a days since high fructose is a much cheaper method of sweetening food than a balanced mix of sugars.

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Wow this makes me feel old

Everything I read about Elon is against my will and I'm tired of being violated.

Lol dude has no clue where he is

Do posts outside of Lemmy.World not show up in my feed?

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Agreed. I hate teenagers.

Scrub your feet unless you want yellow toenails like grandpa

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Can't a man shit his bed in peace anymore smh

Sure. How's your day going?

Best of redditor updates was my favorite of these, even if most of them were probably made up.

This whole post is just yikes

I'd smash

Love Thunder but Sync has been looking so damn sexy like damn girl

Because we're like the 2nd worst state in the country so it sticks out. Whenever I get depressed about being stuck in Arkansas, I tell myself "at least I don't live in Florida"

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Non-tech career but have always been a tech enthusiast.

Waiting on the FOSS 2.0 update to drop first

Because you're online way too much

What is rule and why am I seeing it everywhere?


My dude is really gatekeeping what you can post on a site that is already losing users.

There are multiple reasons a cat could be begging for food while some is left, whisker fatigue is just the most common and misunderstood.

.world gang

If you long press on any settings option, a "link" to it will be copied to your clipboard.

Just wish duck duck go had PWA support. It would be my default browser if so.

Your comment triggered the lurking FOSS fanboys lmao. Some of y'all really need to touch grass.

Washing your feet prevents if from growing in the first place.

Your comment has made me realize that I give literally zero fucks anymore about this topic. Have whatever opinions you want - I'm just gonna post memes and enjoy life ✌️ peace.

I'll never make a threads account, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to interact with anyone from threads. That's the beauty of the fediversve: I can still talk to metas users without sacrificing my first born to the zucc.

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