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Joined 1 years ago

I was thinking the very same.

What irks me, is that i never noticed this before

If you were a true american you'd be for privatization of all utilties


Yes but just because they dont want to deal with the hastle doesnt mean others wont keep supporting it. Especially in the manga-space where stealing is very much an everyday occurrance

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oh no i forgor

magnetic tapes or something

All three of them, Please

ha! german...

What Piracy isnt legal?

Thats the spirit!

But 11 wants sometjing from my computer that it doesnt have, so it cant "upgrade"...

Be carefull, the ISP may be well-meaning to torrenting, however that doesnt change that technically, uploading unlicensed content is not legal in switzerland.

As well as breaking other laws (by downloading/spreading extremist content for example) can get you in trouble still.

*Apparently it seems that in switzerland Games for example are in a different legal category from a Movie and such and are technically also illegal to upload. Though I dont really think rhant a private person just suddenly gets into major trouble because of this.

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well... believing in anything but freedoms just very much unpopular... but just a tad bit of slavery "aint never 'urt anybody!"

You are probably talking about future me...

Focus. focus... focus on what? focus on " _____ " ah yeah... was just about to do that... focus. focus. focus on focussing. I just need to focus.

I really dont understand americans, they are so proud of their weapons yet can't control them so theres a school-shooting every month or so. But when there is a grown-up (politician/capitalist) they suddenly dont have their guns anymore?

It seems shooting kids is easier then shooting the evil people. Not that I would ever do either...

just saying, dead people cannot maintain a broken system.

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We love those especially.

You wouldnt own a Pirate

"As a non-native (who also misunderstood the sentence at first), I wouldn't want people to adapt or simplify their language for my sake." That is very true for me too

It seems my situation is different, sometimes I want to watch some movie. I know which. I spin up my external Harddrive and BAM! I AM watching MY movie. If I dont have a Movie or whatelse downloaded and it needs to be now not later, then its always very frantic, because, well streaming services are a bit crap.

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Why would anyone pay for Spotify trash-non-opensourced software?

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That reminds me of Rossmanns last video where he tells the story of how he discovered that he himself has also worth, especially compared to brokem apple computers.

That happened to me with a word 2011 version. I sent my work file for corrections to my companion, we sat together and worked together through the errors. Several hours later, we saved, and immediatly closed the window. BAM! corrupted file. That was not a good day. We all love microsoft right?

Wow, Gobbo tools is fun, thanks.

I am sorry about that, it is a just weird style of humour I tried to replicate, after having seen it otherwhere.

I meant Neurotypicals or something, dont know anymore.

"Furthermore, our law enforcement has more and even bigger guns"

yes, but guns kill people. if you manage to shoot someone in the head, say from a window/balcony in a hotel, they are dead. regardless of bigness of gun.

The people with bigger guns ought to protect the children or something.

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For non-native speakers or possibly people with disablities it should be worded differently. At least I had to do a triple-take at that

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depends on whos asking.

cool, i've always wanted floridian swamp under a brige!

yeah, sounds reasonable, untill i open up my Firefox-Browser with ublock origin and go on the spotify website, where i have more usability than my friend who pays for it and uses their phone app

doesnt vinyl poison you?

Well the Point of it is, that its the only place for 'murricans, with their infinite freedom, to get the Japanese shows second season

hu? I dont get it, what does that have to do with the Onion?

aha, now I feel smart!

As I said, its not that way for me, because my hard-drive is right there, I plug it in, move to the right folder, which is where I want it, where I know it.

Those "oh so easy" applications are bloatware, need sign-ins, money, need crappy mobile/console interfaces, and very often still dont have what I want to watch (language, captions, resolution or even "nah, we dont have the rights to this series (anymore), because we rented them to someone else, even though we have initially created tge whole thing")

imagine I want to make a meme or gif out of star wars, VLC or Windows Movie Editor or whatnot is just better than trying to film Neftlix.

I will state again: for me "pirating" and locally storing content is the significantly easier option.

Hmm I wonder if that even makes a difference, uploading content to other swiss people or uploading content to someone from, say italy.

I cant even with lofi, I call it "headache inducing sounds" many games with "relaxing" soundtracks have a similar problem, like Minecraft. theres just so much thyme (without music) for you to accumulate all of your senses and then there comes the music, wich is just a bit of long (boooring) piano plings and then the nightmare continues, i get dehydrated, the game is """"""FFFFUN"""""""" whith a capital f-u... anyways i dont enjoy listening to samey things...

I dont wanna go on for hours about this, but maybe I will, at some point.

Maybe I am growing insane, maybe I am not, for sure I am not the best person to explain this (/communicate my thoughts).

"That's the simple explanation"

This does not cut it for me, I want to know what these processes truely entail.

If you "own your home with no mortgage" Inflation does NOT do anything, since the worth and the money numbers are not the same. If you own a Housing complex in Brazil or Venezuela or whatever and suddenly the inflation jumps up 3'000% per month. Your assets arent suddenly the equivalent of an egg from Walmart. After the Shake-up has calmed down, you will ve able to raise the rent back up to a similar level as before and as such extract a similar worth from those poor Venezuelans.

The money number may be entirely different, maybe even in another currency, but the worth should stay the same.

What in tarnation? who did that to you, what monster....

what in the world compelled you to want it that way?

There are extremely funny edits of Harry Potter by a german Youtuber (Coldmirror) from many years ago.




Even an Audiopodcast:


She absolutelly loves harry Potter so she even madr her own content with the original material as base, since the copyright rules wouldnt allow for what she did originally anymore.
