
651 Post – 168 Comments
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At the breakup of every empire, many people were afraid of what would happen. But nowadays numerous free nations that were once a part of this or that empire, celebrate their independent development. I think the same will happen with the forthcoming free nations which are still Russian colonies.

It reminds me of the Ottoman empire which was deeply sick and murderous before its final demise.

He has been trapped in the propaganda bubble and has become delusional as a result of it.

Russia applied the human wave attack tactics in WWII as well, and that war remains their benchmark standard.


They have increased arms spending several times, as soon as they understood what the 2014 annexation of Crimea portends to them: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-19/baltics-states-have-doubled-arms-spending-since-putin-s-advance Now they prudently give a lot of arms to Ukraine, to prevent any possibility of Ruscist success.

Why do you think they are all the same people? In reality, new recruits are conscripted every month. I have seen them myself.

Moreover, there's a regular rotation of units between the frontline and the rear, with a few days off to meet the family.

That's due to decades of totalitarian terror which conditioned the populace to obey blindly. TBH, having grown up under Communist regime, I still sometimes notice in myself the remnants of deep fear of the state. This is a multi-generational trauma. Fortunately here in Ukraine we also have ancient democratic traditions.

Yes, Russian consumers do notice significant inflation every month: https://fom.ru/ekonomika/11554

Even though the Russians know that the elections are rigged, they desperately want to keep up the appearance that their country is the best and most democratic, and not at all an evil empire ruled by a crazy dictator. That is why they care so much about keeping up the election show.

Also, the dominant mafia group that runs Russia uses elections to prove to other competing mafia groups that they are still the strongest, able to manipulate millions of people without any protest.

Russia does run out of tanks, gradually. That's why it has started to use obsolete Soviet-era tanks. The day when Russia completely runs out of tanks isn't anytime soon, since Russia has thousands of obsolete tanks in storage.

Still, the number of tanks Russia has diminishes every day, and their quality is worsening. In the meantime, Ukraine gets new rather modern vehicles from the West and captures a lot of Russian ones. Having an advantage, Ukraine is going to destroy even more Ruscist tanks - and thus move closer to the distant victory.

Yes, "to put paid to (something)" is a rather rare British English idiom, and I also had to look it up. Basically, it means "to stop something from happening or spoil plans for something".

Biletsky indeed made some racist statements in 2006-2010, but he changed his views and hasn't made a single racist statement since 2014. Azov batallion included several Jews from the very beginning, so Biletsky now isn't an anti-Semite.

Sorry, but these aren't graves of the Ruscist soldiers. These are graves of all who died there - mostly thousands of Ukrainian civilians.


AFAIK, the Soviet nuclear missiles have already rusted down in the nuclear shafts - and nuch fewer modern Russian missiles will also rust down without imperial funding. And all the destitute, deprived people of the current empire will at last be free to develop and prosper.

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Actually used, and well-known (with a bit of humour) equivalent would be "пиздець російській федерації" (pyzdets' rosijskij federaciji). It was made famous by the speech: https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=503739114801103&locale=ms_MY and you can hear these words at the very end of the speech.

You are welcome to post the news. It's just that @SoniKozak erroneously accused you of spamming. Please take it easy.

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Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned both HAMAS violence and Israeli violence: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-president-says-he-rejects-killing-civilians-both-sides-conflict-2023-10-12/ So the Palestinian position is quite close to what the President Biden is saying.

In any old empire, soldier's life isn't worth much. Fortunately, most of the empires are gone by now, and hopefully Russia will follow their tracks.

Here it started with tools to report the presence of enemy forces - see e.g. https://bachu.info/ I'm not an expert at organising, but I guess the Internet greatly facilitates civilian resistance - see e.g. https://zlamavka.com/en/home/

Their assault does look like the Hunger Games, especially since the soldiers are often deprived of food and water. I suspect that those who survive all these vicissitudes will overthrow the Pootin regime. It's like throwing a bunch of rats into a metal barrel - the Rat King will emerge.

Thank you for your compassion. The main thing is that F-16s will soon be here to protect the Ukrainian skies.

These are Ruzzians, and what Ruzzians do? They drink. As said in the source, this was beer. Apparently it got hot at the tank.

Thank you for your kind care.

You are warmly welcome 🤗

Yes, I am looking forward to see all the colonized people free. They are already working toward their freedom: http://freenationsleague.org/ Moreover, due to climate change, there's going to be a huge northward wave of migration - precisely to the Siberian belt that is becoming warm enough for agriculture.

These monuments are dismantled as colonial markers. Every city and town in the empire had to have monuments to Pushkin. They were erected even in some villages. Large cities had several of them. And not because there were so many Pushkin fans. It was a monumental propaganda of the cultural supremacy of Muscovy.

In such a case, it makes no sense to negotiate with a corpse. Although a corpse might be better at sticking to agreements.

Karma is the number of points earned for posts and comments. In this example, it shows that the posts were quite appreciated. Until you came with your spam accusation.

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Yes, this was. Indeed, ruzzian attacks are becoming more and more clownish 🤡

Some people want to make it seem like it's useless to help Ukraine - and to reap political and financial rewards from cooperation with Ruscists. And they seed dissatisfaction and frustration in others.

Well, even here in Ukraine many people are frustrated with the heavy toll of war. But there's a solid ground for hope.

Heroyam slava! Glory to the heroes!

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There are many cats kept in the Ukrainian dugouts. However, it seems that mice have incredibly proliferated by feeding on the Ruscist corpses left out in the open. Cats are physically unable to consume them all at once.

Biletsky got rid of his anti-Semitism by now.

  • government votes for you 😉
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Well, the number depends on how you count the lines. Here the same line of defense is meant.