
1 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I don't believe for one bit that windows will move to a pure subscription based model. They are greedy, but not stupid.

What's more believable is that the base OS will be the same as usual, but if you want fancy AI assistants in your OS, you must subscribe, with the justification being that MS must pay for the servers running the models you're using.

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Chess got an open class and a female class. The latter is there to provide a safer environment for girls and hopefully encourage more to try out the sport.

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"Brave New World" warned against genetic engineering, but that's turned out to be a great technology for curing diseases and improving crop yields.

I was still a teen when I read the book, but that wasn't really my take from it when I read it. We are still far away from genetically designing human babies. And you also overlooked the part about oppression/control via distractions such as drugs and entertainment.

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Men can be nasty and intimidating towards women as history have shown a million times. Add in the fact you have a lot of "old fashioned" men in the sport that may not be up to date on how you should behave in the third millennium. If you want to grow the sport, you need to facilitate a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. Tournaments exclusive to girls is one way build towards that.

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It would be nice if every community had to pick a tag associated with it so that you can automatically filter out communities you have no interest in. E.g. Politics, news, memes, sports, tech, celebrities, TV/Movies, etc...

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Taiwan would never attack China, the only way a war between China and Taiwan happens is if China invades Taiwan.

China saying this increases the "risk" of war is nothing but doublespeak.

I guess it knows that it's unknown

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It's uses safari's engine, which is the only one allowed by Apple. Doesn't matter what browser you download from the store.

Witcher 3, the Last of Us (ps3), Baldurs Gate 3, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Elden Ring, Read Dead Redemption 2 (offline), Zelda, etc...

There are plenty of triple A games that were well received that didn't involve gambling and mtx.

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It'd honestly the funniest thing I've read on this instance. Puts programmer humour to shame. Love it when developers finds the jankiest/unconventional way to solve problems.

Localised pricing is good though? Is it really fair ask someone in India to pay the same price as an American? If you can't geo block keys, you can't stop people taking advantage by using a VPN to buy games from whatever country got the lowest price. The result will just be publishers keeping the high price for every country, screwing poorer regions over.

Also, what they did wouldn't really qualify as price fixing.

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Lower skill ceiling. One option can be done by pretty much anyone at a high volume output, the other would require a lot training and are not available for your average basement dweller.

Good luck trying to regulate it though, Pandora's box is opened and you won't be able to stop the FOSS community from working on the tech.

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Got a few minutes into the context video before I head to close it. Do people actually enjoy YouTubers presenting stuff in this manner?

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I get the point the author is coming from. When I was teaching first year engineering students programming, the one on the left is how everyone would write, it's simply how human intuitively think about a process.

However, the one on the right feels more robust to me. For non trivial processes with multiple branches, it can ugly real quick if you haven't isolated functionalities into smaller functions. The issue is never when you are first writing the function, but when you're debugging or coming back to make changes.

What if you're told the new Italian chef wants to have 15 different toppings, not just 2. He also got 3 new steps that must be done to prepare the dough before you can bake the pizza, and the heat of the oven will now depend on the different dough used. My first instinct if my code was the one on the left, would be to refactor it to make room for the new functionality. With the one on the right, the framework is already set and you can easily add new functions for preparing the dough and make a few changes to addToppings() and bake()

If I feel too lazy to write "proper" code and just make one big function for a process, I often end up regretting it and refactoring it into smaller, more manageable functions once I get back to the project the next day. It's simply easier to wrap your head around

than reading the entire function and look for comments to mark each important step. The pizza got burned? Better take a look at `bakePizza()` then.
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The driver is fully responsible, but Tesla are also making the big bucks with misleading marketing of how good their driving assistance is. So it's more profitable to keep people unaware of its actual capabilites.

VSCode uses electron so it's not exactly a lightweight text editor, way overkill if you just want to read a simple .txt. Add on the fact if you got way too many extension, it will be even heavier.

Python are fine with whatever number of spaces you want to use. You can use 8 spaces which forces you carefully consider each nest, you can use 1 if you're a monster, or you can use tabs if you're enlightened, python only demands consistency.

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Sounds pretty wild to call it unethical to buy the game because of WoC (which isn't even the one responsible for the game). I doubt their worst act even comes close to a normal Tuesday for a lot of companies you likely buy from, directly or indirectly.

You can look up Larian if you want, but they are far from a big game publisher the way EA or Rockstar is. And they are going against the trend of mtx or DRM. Pirate if you want, but using morals as an excuse for not wanting to spend money doesn't really fly in this instance.

Valve won't break the law for other publisher's profits. Steam is just a store front, they were geo blocking on behalf of other publishers.

Valve also doesn't take a cut from steam key sales not bought directly through their storefront, so the geoblocking keys isn't something that will impact them. More likely, this will result in citizens of poorer EU countries getting screwed over by having to pay higher prices for games, since they can't stop EU citizens from taking advantage of buying the game from the poorest EU country.

4 spaces, although I'll die on the hill that tabs should always be used instead of space for indentation. Not just in python.

I'm pretty sure it's generating racially diverse nazis due to companies tinkering with the prompts under the hood to counterweight biases in the training data. A naive implementation of generative AI wouldn't output black or Asian nazis.

it doesn't have EQ or sociological knowledge.

It sort of does (in a poor way), but they call it bias and tries to dampen it.

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Also, I've yet to see a single Linux kernel that is aesthetically pleasing


Does lemmy have copypasta community?

I've never understood the complaint about forced indentation. What kind of monster doesn't use indentation for their code anyway?

If anything, it's nice that the language forces it on you so that you don't stumble on code written by one of those monsters.

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Nynorsk supporters just never quit do they. Half the country wants it gone and less than 10 percent of the country uses it, still it's on the list while Swedish and Danish aren't, lmao.

Sounds like you are missing the point completely, likely in bad faith too

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I have no idea how to install all the different program types (flathub, db, appimage, etc.). Windows has exe. I click "install" and boom, it's done.

That's strange, I've always felt that installing stuff is a lot easier on Ubuntu than windows. It's just apt install <program> and apt remove <program>. Having to manually download and run an exe feels outdated in comparison.

I can't even select a file because there are no previews. Just a gazillion blue squares with names like "dlcosn_3947912947".

Curious what distro you installed that had that issue. The only preview issue I've encountered was on win10 where I had to pay for windows to support H.265 to give me previews of H.265 files.

Things are constantly breaking. When they do I look up support articles that are written in fucking Klingon and sent to the terminal to type in commands that always return some sort of generic error "command not found" or some shit because the solution is written for a different one of the 862700422 available distros.

That's a fair point though. If you aren't willing (and most aren't) to learn enough to be comfortable with the terminal, it can be very easy break something when you are forced to interact with the terminal.

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And if Google went nuclear and starts embedding the ad into the videos themselves?

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The owner is retiring and seems to want to shut down the business. Their latest power supplies are only given 3 years warranty despite the standard being 10 years.

These news doesn't come as no surprise unfortunately.

Just block it? Do you really browse c/all without filtering out unwanted communities?

How is it morally grey? What factors makes it potentially unethical to buy a game from Larian? I don't see an angle that wouldn't immediately imply that it's unethical to buy essentially any large company.

Yes I did read it. I was pointing out that all this will do is screw over citizens of poorer EU countries. India vs USA was simply to make it obvious why the concept of geo blocking makes sense. Germans will on average have stronger buying power than someone in Latvia.

Steam is a storefront, not a competitor to game publisher. It's effectively no different than Lidl agreeing to run a regional rebate program for Samsung TVs in Latvia for whatever reason.

The geo blocking enabled cheaper prices for certain countries, not higher. The only people who would have an issue with it is people from richer countries that for some reason are jealous of lower prices in some countries.

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That would never be an option for Stackoverflow

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The game has just launched and the mod had been released and cracked already. This isn't about making bread, it's clearly a trivial hack for him to do, not something that requires full time job maintenence.

People spend hundreds of hours modding free of charge, what he does is a joke in comparison if we are talking about lost time that could have been spent earning money. The groundwork was made by Bethesda, AMD and Nvidia.

Normal users can see it?

His "work" as you put it, is the only thing of value on the site. SO without users to provide answers are worth zero dollars, so I'm not sure why you put work in quotation mark.

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Can someone tell me what their angle is? Are user's supposed to curate and help train the model for free? Is it just a model trained on stackoverflow data?

All their data is open so what edge do they over the already established competition.

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Sorry for not combing through every major release since tetris and making a perfectly objective list of every good game of which most them I've never even seen gameplay of.

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How many exceptions do you need before it no longer being an exception, 50%?

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A round number is a number that is the product of a considerable number of comparatively small factors (Hardy 1999, p. 48). Round numbers are very rare. As Hardy (1999, p. 48) notes, "Half the numbers are divisible by 2, one-third by 3, one-sixth by both 2 and 3, and so on. Surely, then we may expect most numbers to have a large number of factors. But the facts seem to show the opposite."

A positive integer n is sometimes said to be round (or "square root-smooth") if it has no prime factors greater than sqrt(n). The first few such numbers are 1, 4, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 25, 27, 30, 32, ... (OEIS A048098). Using this definition, an asymptotic formula for the number of round integers less than or equal to a positive real number x is given by N(x)∼(1-ln2)x+O(x/lnx)



Alternatively, a number rounded off to a given precision in whatever numeral system you are using. E.g. ten in decimal may be round if you are dealing with small numbers in the decimal system, but it wouldn't be particularly round if you were dealing with large numbers or hexadecimal.