
1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"it's all just for your protection!" I'm amazed that people actually believe this shit. That's the same argument as with various countries fighting against CSAM, seeing that as an excuse for total privacy invasion. Like come on...

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highly valued but totally useless contribution

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most reverse proxies have SSO tooling that you can set up pretty easily

But honestly, have you considered just using wireguard for these cases? It's much more secure if you just want a bunch of stuff hidden from the rest of the world

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Android 11 was bonkers. I liked it. Then I updated to android 12 and the buttons were massively inflated, customization options went down the drain (rip pretty accent colors) and the easter egg was shittified

Android 9-11 (😳) were the best versions

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IPhones are irrepairable, good looking, feature packed, reliable, android mocking, mostly great phones with intentional design flaws, from whose platform you can't easily switch away, created by an unethical company trying to squeeze every penny out of you

black toner is cheap, everything else is expensive as hell. But yes, toner printers are probably your best option for cheap printing.

My experience:

  1. First load errored out over ... something
  2. Second page load: I'm greeted with a rate limit. Nice.
  3. Load: finally worked

is this a joke? Is this a relative's work?


whaat? They changed like nothing at all. Where is the redesign? The current UI is garbage, but the new one is equally as bad

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I don't know how well your box performed, but I recently snagged a fujitsu esprimo box with an i5-6500. It has 5 sata connectors and two m.2 slots. There's space for two hard drives and there's like 5 low profile PCIE slots (2x x16 and 2x x4 I believe)

I think they're a great deal (if you get the right CPU). Apart from the weird OEM PSU and motherboard, it's a pretty bonkers box, and I got mine for 40$, which was very lucky

they forgot kys :(

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The Steven He Asian difficulty is real?

so it's pretty much like SSHDs nowadays, or like read caching?

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yeah I can see why they don't want invidious having access to their platform

Every time you morph into a male body you have to repeat this process


try wg-easy. it's on the docker hub and it makes setting up a wireguard tunnel incredibly easy (as in, press the add button). The initial docker configuration process was a bit annoying to me since I had no prior experience, but most of the issues were down to the dns settings, which I eventually figured out.

I swear one day these websites like haveibeenpwned.com and the like will start collecting the data you enter

you can convert really any computer into a little router using the help of an ethernet card. I'm planning to do exactly that for my homeserver

did they bribe that cop for looking away?

ask a repair shop. Since the label is the same on the other things around it, they could use a parts tester to determine what it is and then order that part. If you're in luck, that's the whole problem. If it's some other component that failed they could still probably determine and fix it

garbage idea. Putting unnecessary wear on screens. They just break too quickly and instead of making phones bigger every year you could start making them smaller again

that is the best choice yet

nsfw: ::: spoiler spoiler the video of a guy breaking a glass jar in his anus :::

This asshole thinks trans women aren’t women. He can suck a fuck.

well trans men are gonna have a hard time using the stand-up-pisser. I guess trans women won't have that issue since women's restrooms offer no convenience-pissing solution for women but still.

I think you're getting a little too pumped up over this

question is how much of this shit is true