UlyssesT [he/him]

@UlyssesT [he/him]@hexbear.net
0 Post – 373 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

The United States health insurance system. It's such a for-profit racket that more taxpayer money goes into it per capita than any other system out there and its outcomes are worse and shittier.

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soypoint-1 no-mouth-must-scream soypoint-2

EDIT: reddit-logo is leaking again; apparently even emojis can get pulled over by the Pedantry Police. 🚔 berdly-actually 🚓

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Lawns, specifically, the western preoccupation with having little plots of land that should not have viable ecosystems or edible food grown on them, just rectangles of chemical-soaked and constantly-mowed fuzzy green conformity. grillman

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Cryptocurrency in general. Even on the surface, as presented, the main appeal to buy in is "to get rich from it" and the main way you're supposed to get rich is "other people buying in, get in early while you can."

Ponzi. Schemes. All of them. unlimited-power

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The more someone is paid, the less actual vital work they tend to do.

Is reddit owned by a malicious entity?

Always has been.

astronaut-2 astronaut-1

As with many things under capitalism, the ongoing mandate is that profits must go up, and must go up at a higher rate no matter what, or investors panic and the price drops steeply which can lead to a collapse. Reddit is just another ravenous profit-seeking vehicle of the same kind and is going into the same "line must go up" death spiral.

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astronaut-2 astronaut-1

Chatbots don't think, they only collect what's fed into them.

If you mix a bunch of beverage ingredients into a big tub then dump shit into it, it doesn't matter what else is in the tub. You now have shit in the tub.

Too bad!

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Ever meet a true fedora-tipping gentlesir that insisted that feeemale orgasms can't exist because there would be no biological purpose to them?

They're out there. expert-shapiro

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These days, a more obscure toxic fandom, but still one with quite a history of Disney-tier "anything the treat maker does is objectively justified and any criticism threatens the flow of additional treats and must be raged at" takes. yea

The idea that we ought to improve society somewhat, even while participating in it. improve-society very-intelligent

"Internet of Everything" ideology. Sticking surveillance technology on shit that doesn't need it to make it both worse and more malicious really fucks things up.

"peak human"

"Peak human" is being a Reddit-tier pretentious snob that expresses passive-aggressive contempt for living human beings if they use pictures to communicate.

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It's funny how small incremental changes over the years felt like nothing big was happening and then at some point we all woke up to a world where the largest advertising firm in the world basically is the internet for the vast majority of people.

In a microcosm of the same kind of creeping normalcy, Bethesda charging a few bucks for horse armor in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was once a reach too far, until it wasn't.

Now we have Star Citizen levels of grifting as well as ActiBlizz "buy a currency to get a currency that is leveraged as currency to get credit toward a currency in a battle pass" layer cake grifting.

EDIT: Typo'd on the sequel count.

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The current internet is completely corralled, controlled and monetized. He was totally right. While they never "flipped the switch" on it they used salami tactics little by little until there was nothing left.

It's death by a thousand cuts, and we're not even at the death, yet. No matter how cut up and enervated the internet already is, the denial is present for those that refuse to see it or just don't remember the time before the cuts. It's even in this thread, basically wearing this face: this-is-fine

What do you have in mind for the 99.99% of people that don't win the tech innovation lottery? honk

What do you have in mind for the 99.99% of people that don't win the tech innovation lottery? big-honk

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A homeless person is without the mental structure to build something lasting

Your cryptofascism is showing. hitler-detector

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To summarize, then, you have nothing but empty hustlegrind slogans.

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audi pardner


They're left leaning and pro-orientalist


They're left leaning and anti-imperialist


I know a lot of tech people in my area and a lot of them are furries.

It's weird how sharply split they are between (potential) comrades comrade-doggo and some extreme chuds, though. last-sight

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Uhhh let me date here obama-spike


Cryptocurrency was already a bad idea overall, but at least it had some function and purpose compared to rent-seeking ledger slots that are associated with ugly cartoons.

Over the years everyone adopted the turtleneck speak in one way or another.

One of the posters in these replies, right now, is like an animated Steve Jobs turtleneck come to life trying to peddle hustlegrinds.

Now it's up to you to take a shot at creating the next exciting thing. Aim high and give all you can to succeed. corporate-art

90% of all techbro "innovation" is one or more of the following:

"Put it on the cloud!"

"Make it a subscription service!"

"Put it on the blockchain!"

"Add more surveillance!"

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Too many didn't seem to drop their own internal Reddit before coming to Lemmy. brainworms

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Quite a language choice there for someone riddled with cryptofascist brainworms brainworms


So, again, more empty hustlegrind slogans.

If you walked out of your bubble and pitched those at a homeless person, you'd be lucky if all you got was spit on.

Think like Bill Gates

Like a child predator and frequent flyer at Little St. James that used "philanthropy" to wreck the United States public school system and broker eugenics experiments in impoverished countries? The one that made sure covid vaccines remained locked down under patent? I refuse.

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I wander around at weird hours with food and drinks on me, offering them to homeless people. A lot of them are initially (understandably) suspicious because they might think I'm trying to grift them into attending some church or exploiting them in some startup scheme, but with some patience and established trust they often get used to you when you come around the next time.

There's lifetimes lived out there and people that will share their stories with you if you brought some pizza.

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For context, Bungiefan_ak has no fewer than 4 alts that I've seen (all on different instances with the same username)

Spending that much money and time stanning for fucking Bungie of all decaying and bloated and corrupt treat companies is really something. pathetic

and has spent his time on !memes@lemmy.ml continuously spamming heavily transphobic, homophobic, and objectifying sexist "memes".

OF FUCKING COURSE. bridget-pride-stay-mad

It's more aggressive car culture bullshit where people feel compelled to keep up with the latest aggressive gesture. frothingfash

reintroduce some of the emotional nuance innate in vocal communication


"Postal" is such a steaming pile of edgelord shit that even Civvie11 doing videos on the franchise doesn't make it any more bearable for me.

Critical support for this developer's message here, that said.

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Counterpoint: Star Citizen.

I'm not being snarky there. If there are no deadlines and unlimited feature creep, you get Star Citizen. Or rather, you never get Star Citizen except as a janky hyper-monetized pre-alpha.

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And they would be correct.

It doesn't come across as a group wanting to make change, but complain.

And what the fuck are you doing here? Besides implying some magical "solarpunk solutions" to a planet being on fire and increasing choked with plastic (that probably don't involve abolishing capitalism because that would be a scary Hexbear thing to do) without specifying what those supposed "solutions" are what are you doing here besides complaining about Hexbear?

Wealth and connections often bring out the worst parts of people. yea