🌘 Umbra Temporis πŸŒ’

@🌘 Umbra Temporis πŸŒ’@lemmy.dbzer0.com
3 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 7 months ago


::: spoiler Distro? I always go crawling back to Arch... :::

In the real world, I love music πŸ—£οΈ:

- Industrial Metal πŸ”©
- Aggrotech 😑 
- Deathcore πŸ’€


  • Long walks or hikes πŸš•
  • Custom keyboards 🫦
  • Writing πŸ₯Ά

Student, studying mechatronics.

Warp lost me at the account requirement. You're telling me I need to sign in to a terminal? Seriously? Like with an internet connection? Nope. What if I'm opening my terminal to configure my network? Warp seems to be fixing a problem that doesn't exist. I don't think anyone has looked at a terminal emulator and gone "Yeah, this could use AI and a cloud account".

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  • Easier to setup
  • More control
  • Easier to maintain
  • Dirt cheap
  • Low power
  • Space efficient
  • Zero downtme

Need I go on? This is clearly the future. Friendship ENDED with Network Hardware now PEG is my best friend.

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Like how they decided they'd hold it by gripping the top of the pyramid, not the base plate like a usual sane person.

I bet if you asked them to hand you a drink, they'd hold it from the top with two fingers dipped into the fluid. Then proceed to be confused as to why you don't want to drink it anymore.

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Proton Drive though 😭. The Windows app is so nice, wish we could get that for Linux.

I've set up an Rclone for the time being, not great but it works well enough for basic bisynchronisation.

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If you're frequently distro-hopping, I recommend using a seperate /home partition. I did that before I settled down, I can't begin to describe how convenient it was (especially if you use Flatpak).

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Microsoft thinks it's uninstalling Edge.

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This screenshot is from the Flathub website. The only good GUI for Flatpaks...

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See, torrent availability is more or less directly correlated to the size of the artist / band in question. So when you get someone who's into some rather niche stuff and has quite a few small bands in their streaming library, torrenting is just not an option.

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Packing games for fellow shipmates.

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Supernatural spirit from an alternate reality hell-bent on destroying video game monopolies.

Just want to mention Floorp, based on FF but with loads of additional options & appearance settings, also lightning-fast.

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So does this mean paying Proton Unlimited users will get access to StandardNotes too? I'd rather not have to dish out another subscription.

Really depends on what you want your system to be, if you want a lightweight system choose a barebones distro like Arch, Gentoo, Void or any server spin such as Fedora Server. Then, during installation you only get what you need. If you are going lightweight you'd probably want something like Sway WM, Hyprland or XFCE.

If you don't care for minimalism, then choosing a distro focused on a graphical interface such as Fedora Workstation will be much better for you, since that distro will be maintained with the idea of users using whatever DE it is, the distro maintainers probably contribute to upstream of the DE too. Support will also be easier since you'll find that these distros, while maybe having smaller communities, those communities ask more questions and get more solutions due to the Linux inexperience.

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You could look into Atomic distros if you value sandboxing, such as Fedora Atomic or Vanilla OS. I don't know much about the debian space as Arch was my first distro so I kinda ran before I crawled.

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I'm a Proton slave, all my eggs are in their basket so I'll go ahead and provide some free marketing for them. ProtonVPN is pretty good since it's ran by a good company that cares about you, getting Port Forwarding setup on Linux is a bit of a chore but I believe they're working on automating it, the Windows app does have it automated already by the way.

I do worry about the long-term practicality of ProtonVPN because of this manual process, since as far as I can tell there's no way to automatically hand your assigned port to the torrent client...

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Pretty sure the 7000 series is known to be not well supported yet since they're new and didn't have massive uptake, so I don't want to be that guy but...

Some research before hand on what GPU to get from AMD wouldn't hurt?

I've got a 6800XT and had absolutely 0 issues since I got it about a year ago. I see from your replies you're on Arch, so I guess just wait for things to improve unfortunately.

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I can't imagine it be too difficult to extract the open URLs, end chrome and launch Edge with the appropriate arguments.

But if it carried over cookies too, that's when I would see the chromium common-ground help out.

Linux is not a prerequisite nor is it a required side effect of digital privacy, sure the two go hand-in-hand thanks to FOSS but you can have one without the other.

Red Star is a Linux distro, but it's the embodiment of the antithesis of privacy.

I use Hetzner exclusively and have just one complaint. You don't get much choice as to where your VPS is hosted country-wise nor the OS it runs. You do get the standard list of options, as you would with any other provider, except that list is quite small on Hetzner. It's good enough, I use Fedora everywhere and they support that so I'm good. Anyway, it's obviously free to create an account so there's no risk in case your setup isn't supported.

Apart from that, they're brilliant. The web console is nice, clean and well-designed, great value (1TB of storage clocks in at a few euros/month), room to scale and a decent company. Can't comment on customer support since I've never needed it.

For the services you've specified, that'll run you maybe 3 - 4 euros a month (that's with automatic backups of your entire server + tax) since you can run all of that under one server.

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I pay for Proton Unlimited so I use Proton VPN. Getting port forwarding to work on Linux is a bit of a hassle but they have steps on their website. It's hardly any slower than my internet connection, but that's because I'm on the paid servers. The free servers are rather slow. They have a graphical client for Windows and Linux.

Proton Unlimited is €12.99/month. The VPN has a good number of features and you get the whole Proton suite with it and 500GB of storage. You can pay for just the VPN which is cheaper if you don't want the rest of Proton.

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The only browser recommended by Microsoft.

Made by Microsoft

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Ok, hold on...

Can it be self-hosted?

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A notification, in the tray and elsewhere across the OS, with a short description like "Updates are crucial to the security of you and your device, they also provide the freshest experience." would get the point across. What would be even better is if there was a one-click NQA button to initiate the update, perhaps even included on the notification.

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Yeah, of course I shoot some support over their way. It's just if I do that it also comes down to the whole ownership thing too, hence the downloading.

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Pretty much that to be honest, so all of your apps are flatpaks. The base system is also kinda sandboxed, it's access is prohibited and instead you employ "layering".

I use Fedora Atomic on my desktop and laptop so I'll explain that one here. Atomic distros function off of Atomic transactions, which are a process form that can only successfully complete. If an Atomic transaction did fail, the entire transaction would be undone and reverted. This practically makes Atomic distros unbreakable. If an update fails, what update? Who said there was an update? No trace.

Obviously you can change the base system, as flatpak isn't suitable for all apps. This is where that layering comes in I mentioned earlier. I use XFCE-Terminal, obviously not a great candidate for a flatpak. So to install a package normally (as if through DNF) you need to use a packge manager that deals in Atomic. Fedora Atomic ships with their tool called rpm-ostree. I don't know quite how it works but I'm pretty sure it creates a branch of the current system (like Git) and installs the package there, then upon next boot you'll use the new branch and the old one discarded. Doing this means that if the package failed to install, your system is unchanged.

Atomic distros are super cool and I can't imagine not using one. They do so much that should've been done a loooong time ago. I highly recommend them. I have an unpublished blog post about my experience using Fedora Atomic that I'm more than happy to post here if you'd like.

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Yeah, my 5800X3D works perfectly; absolutely zero issues. I'm guessing it's making use of the 3DvCache too since I don't notice any performance degredations compared to Windows.

Mine, Fedora Atomic Budgie. Materia GTK Theme. Intended to keep the focus on my windows rather than my desktop or theme.

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I will never see mouse cursors the same. Thanks random internet person!

I tend to go with htop purely out of habit. btop is better but I simply don't think to use it.

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For Atomic users, you can rebase to F40 and it'll run the Beta/Prelease.

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Just checked for this as I was going to go grab the latest for archiving. Anyone got a Linux build they'd be happy to share?

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I can't wait for COSMIC, not so much because I'd use it, I quite like Budgie and so will need to do extensive test-driving to switch, but to just see System76 back onto the stage.

Pop! OS hasn't been updated in a couple years now, making it an absolute relic. As far as I know none of the Pop! OS apps have been either. I get why they're doing what they're doing but it's gotten to the point now where I, and many others I'd assume, are forgetting about them. Pop! OS was huge, now I hardly see it anywhere.

I don't use Pop! OS nor any other System76 products, but the nature of our community means any developments anywhere grow it. I would recommend Pop! OS to my friends as a first-distro, but I can't throw them two years into the past, no small amount of time for Linux, to give them a feel for how it is today. I currently refer them to Fedora, but Fedora is far from perfect for a total newcomer.

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Like other people, whole discographies. Artist URL straight into deemix and let it do it's thing.

For finding new music, I mostly rely on radiostations such as Kerrang! and YouTube subscriptions or recommendations.

MP3 320 is what I go for, I don't have the equipment to benefit from FLAC.

I set and forget too, never delete. You never know when it'll become impossible to get that data back if you want it.

Fair enough, but to hold it in a position good for displaying... The base plate makes a lot more sense.

That's quite good of them to do that, I don't know much about Contabo but most cloud providers, in my experience, have been rather scummy.

Now time for 5x more Piracy!

So do I, but I understand why they're holding off.

The entire Steam Deck user experience is directly correlated to Proton's stability and reliability, so they're probably waiting for almost-complete Wayland support. I'd be pretty pissed if I bought a console and my games didn't launch OOB, even if I know how that console works under-the-hood.

Imagine how someone who doesn't know Linux would feel.

XFCE-Terminal. Small, lightweight, Wayland if you use it and plenty of config without cryptic dotfiles.

Plus popularity due to it being the XFCE default and contributed towards by the XFCE team.

I was using it for around 6 months until recenly hopping to Fedora Onyx. EOS has honestly replaced vanilla Arch for me, it just does so much for you.

Can anyone shed some light as to why this isn't good news? I've only heard of Skiff recently and used Notion all of about once. Is this a red-flag for Skiff? Their service has interested me.

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For now, the integration is a minor gesture, as it’s only a one-way connection from Threads to the Fediverse.

Could someone explain what this means? It it like he can see us but we can't see him? I didn't know the Fediverse / ActivityPub could work like that.

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