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He might as well be walking around with a Hitler mustache claiming ignorance. I could totally see him doing that.

They collected everyone’s medication???!!! Wtf? What could possibly be the reason for that? Also collecting a change of underwear for 2000 people is just ridiculous.

Not having any system in place to keep track of what underwear belongs to any of the participants is just icing on the cake.

Why are you taking people’s medication and underwear and then mixing it altogether? Just to create chaos?

I am so confused by all of this.

It’s the Christian zionists here in the US that support this genocide because they think it will help expedite the end of the world

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The (Seven Mountain Mandate) movement was generally supportive of the presidency of Donald Trump, with member Paula White becoming Trump's spiritual advisor. White claimed that Trump "will play a critical role in Armageddon as the United States stands alongside Israel in the battle against Islam."

Fucking crazy shit, these people are insane and are actively trying to destroy the planet.

Turns out that some random Lemmy poster actually has better answers than both of the major political parties.


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And Dell said “Great, thanks, saved us a ton on severance packages and allowed us to replace our high paid tenured employees with hungry graduates who are prepared to work themselves to death for peanuts”

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If you travel in the same plane all the time, and you own that plane, people will be able to track you. Why not just get a good contract with a private jet company so you can fly anonymously? Even if she wins this case, she will still be trackable until she takes advantage of any of the options she has at her disposal.

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I watched the whole trial. The verdict was definitely just, but her lawyer didn’t do her any favors. At one point, in a moment of frustration, her lawyer exclaimed ‘I’m going to kill myself’, at a trial for a mother of a kid who killed a bunch of kids.

She ‘opened the door’ to a whole bunch of evidence that had previously been ruled inadmissible, including the defendants infidelity and the entire text communications between the defendant and her husband.

She said “I’m sorry” about a thousand times, which I am convinced was an intentional strategy to associate the defense with being sorry.

They weren’t supposed to use the shooters name but she used it three times in her opening statement.

Most of her objections were not valid legal objections, but just argument.

The whole thing was a train wreck, I actually feel bad for her (the attorney not the defendant).

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Edit/update from 9to5google so this post does not spread what is apparently inaccurate information:

I know we are desperate for content here on Lemmy, and I can google hate circle jerk with the best of them, but maybe just delete the post if it is a complete clickbait lie… you could also reword the post as a fact check, ‘no, google isn’t injecting adds into maps.’

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Ok hear me out…

Trump wants to be a dictator, sure. He was a terrible president and it would be a disaster if he was reelected.

Now that you know my position, listen to what he said at the NRA convention. He wasn’t saying ‘hey maybe I’ll serve 3 terms’… what he was saying was ‘if I get elected in 2024 then would that be two terms or three terms? Because we all know I was elected to a second term back in 2020 and so even though Biden is acting president, I am in my second term now, so a win in 2024 is a third term.’

The man is an idiot and rambled incoherently throughout the NRA speech. He reiterated his usual batch of racist xenophobic statements and bragged about his uncle at MIT… he is a one trick pony and there is plenty to poke fun at.

Would he tout the idea of a third term for himself? Sure! Is that what he did in this case, not precisely.

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If he is elected, they won’t keep trying to pretend that they are against these positions.

Why the fuck is it normal in the US to group together unrelated things… ‘the free healthcare for all bill is loosing support because of the mandatory puppy smashing rider’

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Cat gets treats when the dishwasher starts, not sure if I trained him or if he trained me but that is what happens 100% of the time or else he gets loud.

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Shutter island watches completely differently on the second watch, same with Primer, The usual suspects, and Moon (2009).

AI is a really bad term for what we are all talking about. These sophisticated chatbots are just cool tools that make coding easier and faster, and for me, more enjoyable.

What the calculator is to math, LLM’s are to coding, nothing more. Actual sci-fi style AI, like self aware code, would be scary if it was ever demonstrated to even be possible, which it has not.

If you ever have a chance to use these programs to help you speed up writing code, you will see that they absolutely do not live up to the hype attributed to them. People shouting the end is nigh are seemingly exclusively people who don’t understand the technology.

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Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?

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I went online to place an order for pizza recently. Jets pizza. Everything was super overpriced and so one small pizza and 6 piece wings was $50 after tax and fees, not including tip which I usually do $10. So $60 for one person. I scoffed at the price then hit ‘submit’.

I was then hit with the ‘order does not meet minimum for delivery’. They had a $40 minimum which does not include delivery fee, tax, and tip - I was at $38 something.

I almost added some dipping sauce and sent it through but I felt so violated by the $40 minimum which was actually a $60 minimum that I just gave up.

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Wake me up when this piece of shit is dead or in prison.

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My psychiatrist told me I was crazy and I said I want a second opinion. He said okay, you're ugly too.

Boy am I ugly. I’m so ugly that when I was born the doctor slapped my mother.

My mother, she wouldn’t breastfeed me, she said she liked me as a friend.

My mother had morning sickness after I was born.

Then later as I was growing up, when I played in the sandbox the cat kept covering me up.

On Halloween, the parents sent their kids out looking like me.

Boy I was an ugly kid. I had plenty of pimples, one day I fell asleep in the library. When I woke up, a blind man was reading my face.

I met the surgeon general, he gave me a cigarette.

Then I told my dentist my teeth are going yellow. he told me to wear a brown tie.

I told my doctor I want to get a vasectomy. He told me that with a face like mine, I don’t need one.

I told my doctor, “Every day I wake up, I look in the mirror, I want to throw up. What’s wrong with me?” He said, “I don’t know, but your eyesight is perfect.

I tell ya, I know I’m ugly. My proctologist stuck his finger in my mouth.

Nuance has entered the discussion

I get the concern that small landlords will sell to big corpos who can handle the thinner margin, but for those smaller landlords that have paid off their property, or bought 10+ years ago, the margins are already super high, so the 3% cap isn’t going to cause them to sell when they have a $1200 mortgage and are collecting $2800 in rent, or no mortgage at all in many cases so pure profit more or less

One drive is the one that really ruffles my feathers.

It turns itself back on randomly, which wouldn’t be too much of a problem except for that it fucking remaps the desktop.. a file that was previously located at C:\user\desktop\ is now at C:\user\One Drive\desktop…

Note the space in the path, they didn’t even have the decency to use an underscore… \one_drive\… even though it’s one of their own rules in powershell scripting.

For those of us using powershell to automate stuff this remapping is a nightmare and should be illegal.

Too bad I am in the US and will just have to continue to get support calls from time to time when a users desktop gets remapped behind the scenes.

Maybe there is a way using powershell and windows scheduled tasks to check to see if one drive turned itself back on, then auto turn it off and remap the desktop back to normal.

The absurdity of having windows check to see if windows screwed itself up, then if so have it fix itself is just laughable.

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This is the most oniony nottheonion all week, but it is only Tuesday so we will see what happens.

Mostly it’s the Christians that support Israel… they want to bring about the end times and they think that the Jews destroying the Muslims is the only way to make it happen. I really wish I was making this up. They are indeed that stupid.

Ending inflation without starting a recession is probably the most impactful on this list.

A few years ago when Covid shut down the economy and the fed printed trillions to keep the whole system from collapsing, I would have bet anything that a major recession was just around the corner.

The ‘soft landing’ was one of the most significant challenges our country/the world has ever faced.

Obviously not completely attributable to Biden, but his leadership during this time allowed us to come out of Covid stronger than we were before it started. The whole world was at risk of the dollar collapsing and it was a super close call.

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Not wearing helmets has always been the norm for skateboarders… a shame too because even the well experienced are susceptible to the occasional concussion. All it takes is one bad landing and your skateboarding days are over. Wear a helmet people, set a good example for the younger generations.

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I think rottenhouse was charged with 1st degree only and not 2nd degree, which was ridiculous. Trying to prove he had a premeditated intent to kill that night was a bad strategy by the prosecution. They would have gotten a conviction if they charged 2nd degree or even manslaughter, negligence resulting in death, or whatever.

Its hard not to have conspiratorial thoughts when realizing that the only reason rottenhouse got off scott free was because he wasn’t properly charged. They could have charged him with 1st, 2nd, and manslaughter and let the jury decide, but for whatever reason they only charged 1st, even though they couldn’t prove intent.

From the moment that trial started I was so frustrated because I knew they wouldn’t be able to prove intent which was necessary for the charges. I’ll never understand why they didn’t properly charge him.

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Watching Groundhog Day once is already like watching Groundhog Day five times

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The positions that a lot of the trump supporters take up are whatever they all mutually agree are their positions, and/or whatever they are told is their position du jour… in other words, today they may say that they are pro one thing and con a different thing, but their loyalty is to the party, not to the merits of the positions they espouse.

The moment they were told that they no longer feared and hated Russia, they started saying “you know that Putin guy isn’t so bad after all”, as if the Cold War never happened, as if their perceived greatest enemy for the last 50 years wasn’t Russia and communism.

A lot of them hated Jews too until they were told that their side supports Israel.

It’s straight out of 1984… “We were always at war with Eastasia.”

They will easily adopt the project 2025 positions if that’s what their god emperor tells them to do.

Yea totally, we should all vote for the greater evil, that will show those lazy democrats /s

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If you have a whole year’s rent saved up + security and utility deposit then you have a down payment on a mortgage saved up, what would be the point in renting?

Really curious what places require this absurd 1 year up front, I have never heard of that.

But if he never sees any consequences does it even matter? Hard to not be apathetic about this never ending clown show.

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The onion should do a satire version of this article…

#1) BizzBop: a can of soda

#2) shaplopped: sitting down in your chair too hard

#3) smooly-D: having difficulty keeping aim at the urinal.

#4) snorkeling: to have such abundance that you are euphemistically ‘swimming’ in something.

Last night I shaplopped, was snorkeling in bizzbop so hard that my smooly-D was straight killing it.

What else y’all got?

What the fuck is up with this thumbnail

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If you are a 90s kid you have this freckle on your arm boobs

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Really sounds like it starts with an N and not an M so I don’t buy the mispronunciation story.

Also there is the fact that neither immigrants nor migrants ends in ‘gger’

He prolly had a bet with a friend that he would slip in an N word.

The worst part of retail/food service is the inescapable feeling of dread when you stare down the endless abyss of being stuck in that job day in and day out, forever, until you die. Only by resigning yourself to that fate does one gain the perspective needed to truly sympathize with the working class.

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When Covid hit and lockdowns started, it was reasonable to think that the world as we know it might be ending. I was scared for sure and had started making contingency plans to flee to the mountains in a U-Haul full of canned foods and water.

Things are manageable now despite people still dying from Covid. Big corporate has been milking us since, as if their profits today are the last dollars they will ever make, and so it goes that they squeeze and squeeze and squeeze.

It takes a special kind of ignorance to ignore the impacts of Covid which were made worse by the inaction of trump, the fucking idiot, and say something as blitheringly stupid as ‘well I had more money when trump was president ahardy har har’

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