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Joined 10 months ago is 'active' though pretty sure it's just automatically mirroring reddit.

thank mr skeltal

Well, at least they aren't getting more expensive yet, it'd be werid explaining to my grandkids how I grew up in the 'age of cheap semi-conductors'.

2 more...

The thing is if you do that the other guy will just make a super-hero film in 4-9 years, collecting all the hard work you spent making the genre scarce again.

People kept making westerns for as long as they just barely made any money, I’m sure the same will happen with ‘capeshit’

The news of KSP 2's death has got me playing KSP [1] for the first time in years. It's still abyssmally optimised, but nonetheless fun as ever!

I mean, any network is just a set of regional connections. Sure maybe no one takes NYC - LA line, but if people are taking the NYC to Chicago and LA to Dallas and Dallas To Chicago there's no reason not to join them up.

I mean, at that point just use soy beans.

So far the XCOM series has been pretty good at that. Each game typically has 1 big pack which feels worth the money and 1 or 2 chea[ stinkers there's no need/push to buy

I mean honestly, if any government can fuck up a large-scale infrastructure project it's absolutely the US federal government.

"It's got a sacrafice of angels mod" literally all you need to know before buying

Ok, but you can't actually isolate 'knowledge of addictive behaviour' into a regulatable thing without an absurd amount of government oversight i.e. examing every employees work to check they aren't using that pesky psyschology degree.

Whilst quite sweet, she should know that this is not a very secure password.

it pokes through like a space marines pony tail

oh shit you're right

Ok, but what would be the legal precendent there? We regulate tabacco precisely because of it's psychological and medical effects, not because it's bad for your wallet. This lawsuit depends upon a claim of addiction because you can't just regulate something for annoying you.