
8 Post – 359 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

How do you use it? I'd like to try it out as well.

"Mom said it's my turn on the world altering maybe not evil artificial intelligence"

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goes hard should be on the right, seems more intuitive.

my experience so far is agony. All 1st world problems, but dang they stack.

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This gives me "what are tits? I'm a visual learner btw" vibes.

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how much ram does he eat?

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I'm sorry bout your situation, but may I ask what country are you talking about? (So that I may never set a foot in it.)

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While this is very cool, and a nice idea. I have to vote aginst it. AI art is just so uncanny and soulless.

In my opinion it'd be way better to have human-drawn art as the banner. For starters AI generated "art" can't really even be called art. "Art" implies that it has some meaning, value, message, or a memory even. AI can make art tho, when you mastered it and use it the same as painter uses a brush. I don't think a daily random gen in compatible with putting care into what you create. If we switch the banner every day with another auto generated picture, it'll be just that; a cool picture. But if we maybe switch it up every year (for it to not be stale) with an art competition it'll have love in it at least, with possibilty for all kind of valuables, such as refrences or a unique style.

You could get around this issue with an avatar. A mascot (of the community) if you will. After having the mascot fed to an AI it can generate it in any position doing anything with any background, allowing us to not waste the idea of another commenter (haui), who suggested that it should be dynamic, that it should change depending on what happened the previous day. It could be refreshed daily, it could be made dynamic, and it'll have soul.

I can't draw. But I think I speak for others when I say that I wouldn't mind drawing a character for a community that I can thank thousands of dollars to.

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I use Arch btw

can't you pirate it? (make it your own and become independent from your providers?) Even if sacrificing a couple of features.

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when the internet was fun :/

he will, he literally said so, on the internet. Who'd lie here?

Gaben taught you well

based souce giver

I don't know about lemmy, probably woudn't be good. But the Idea that there is an exclusive school social media that's reddit-like, maybe with a few tweaks so that "admin"(teacher) posts don't get spammed out, sounds wonderful. Kids can shitpost, gossip and make connections much faster and easier. Not mentioning the fact that some introverts won't even make new friends any other way, thinking about the "clinically-online" types.

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a funny thing that I'd like to add, is that pirate streaming sites don't have this limitation. You just open a website, write in a name, and play in on any platform, with good enough quality, free from all streaming services. Piracy is just too good to be true.

lol, math is literally the only subject that has rules set in stone. This example is specifically made to cause confusion. Division has the same priority as multiplication. You go from left to right. problem here is the fact that you see divison in fraction form way more commonly. A fraction could be writen up as (x)/(y) not x/y (assuming x and y are multiple steps). Plain and simple.

The fact that some calculator get it wrong means that the calculator is wrongly configured. The fact that some people argue that you do () first and then do what's outside it means that said people are dumb.

They managed to get me once too, by everyone spreading missinformation so confidently. Don't even trust me, look up the facts for yourself. And realise that your comment is just as incorrect as everyone who said the answer is 1. (uhm well they don't agree on 0^0, but that's kind of a paradox)

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double double is in c/piracy(this)'s megathread, so there's that.

I can't understand this chart

If I do it and spent amount of time optimizing it, I can save time? like what?

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make these 3 comments a large thread on some JellyFin forum and start coding lol.

I can't answer your question. But I'd like to know what these funny words mean. Can someone explain to me what is html5 canvas data and all the 3 letter words are?

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would watch

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they're so pure, this is real child protection

I adore ULTRAKILL dev(s).

bug, but it's fun -> feature

community wants "sex update" -> get's vibrator support

the first good modder got hired

it was made by ONE man until launch IIRC as it's so hard to believe.


tell me, which USB hurt you?

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it could display more info, but it doesn't need to. And as far as projects go, if you don't want a full diag, or have an ARM cpu (as someone else said), I'd argue it's done. You don't need to change a finished program.

this link puts c/piracy's megalist to shame, it's also a shame that it's only movies. I'm guessing from the url that it's not tho.

edit: oh hell yeah, there's a homepage! How well is it moderated?

private all the way, only public Torrent that I seed is the Arch ISO.

imo it offers better security, anonimity, and possibly acts as a dummy filter, as uploads get checked. I also like my rank that I get when I'm actively seeding a bunch c:

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I love this lil' story, thanks for sharing

I made this mistake, some friend talked me on to them. I wouldn't say worst mistake, caz I have a nice keyboard now, but dang it was expensive and not even close as good as how much it was hyped.

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Do we have 3 assemblies now?

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nice one, Bot!

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Do it. I switched a couple of months ago. I hated it at first, then cought on to what's different. Long story short; I never want to go back to windows.

what does "()/)/)/()" mean?

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I love this anology so much. It's something everyone can relate to. It's something so incredibly low and despised that you can't understand why it exists, but it's also so very common.

Why is a black guy hired to stay in one spot and hold up a sing? OP is a racist mf. I can't with these people

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the captains!


imo get to know somebody who's in to invite you, and you will become that somebody that ppl would want to meet.

1492? what happened in 1776?

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