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Joined 1 years ago

/r/MadeMeSmile portrayed toxic positivity which felt out of touch with reality.

"I made my bed today. First time in 14 years 🙂"

  • 45 thousand likes and 2 thousand comments.
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Ladders. Most serious workplace accidents in a lot of trades can be linked back to falling from a hight. Don't be cocky when up a ladder, even little ones.

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Living in apartments.

In a lot of cities and towns living in apartments is seen as something that young adults who are renting short term do, and definitely not families or older couples.

Living in an apartment is considerably cheaper for my situation. I drive so much less, I pay for less power, and I have all this parkland around me.

I'm a car guy and I don't have a garage, that's annoying, but I commute by escooter now and drive on the weekends. It's much better.

Teachers should be paid 50% more. If you want good teachers to stay, you have to walk the walk, otherwise you'll get a perpetual cycle of overwhelmed grads being bossed around by rusted-on bottom teer heads.

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They're minors. In the UK and most of the developed world, you cannot give life without parole to a minor.

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Same for me. When RIF stopped working I went into Lemmy and haven't went on Reddit since. The FOMO I thought I'd get isn't there because I'm active and welcome here. I have people to connect with, and that's what I really only wanted out of a social site like this.

It's so strange how people do some mental gymnastics to think that Israel is completely justified in all of their prior and current crimes against humanity.

Heck, the freakin hostages and Israelies in hospital in Israel have publically ridiculed the government and the army, hence Netanyahu is bunkered down hasn't visited anyone.

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Both apparently showed no sympathy during the trial. Denying they did it and accusing the other.

I hope the police and everyone who ignored her pleas are reminded of her death everyday of the week. Name names.

I'm a primary school teacher, not related to computers, but every year kids are getting measurably worse with coins and money. I can give quite a few 9 year olds a few coins, and they would have a seriously hard time quantifying the amount. It's funny the parents come to me saying their kid needs to be extended, but I'm just here saying "bro, your kid can't even buy himself an ice-cream."

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If your country is being invaded, you don't have a choice. War is a savage and cruel phenoma. It turns people into animals. What an invading side can do to civilians under occupation is beyond comprehension. The Nanking Massacre comes to mind in modern memory.

You may regard yourself as a pacifist and in the moral high ground, the women and children who get systematically raped and mutilated through no fault other than being a trophy for monsters to use, would think of you in another view.

I know I'm being brutal with my words, but the real fucking crime is the fucking invasion. Zelensky has to do everything to defend it's existence.

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In Australia we believe in equality, so I'll piss off all the states.

Victoria : "afDanistan", wokeville. Small latte drinkers who don't have a driver's licence. Labourers and Stop/Go people on $200,000.

New South Wales: dumb boomers on $3m property. Driving at 80kmh on their Learner drivers plates. Shit at rugby. Sydney nightlife ends at 9pm.

South Australia: "oh yeah I have an auntie there I think." Nothing to do. Their water tastes funny. Churches everywhere. Weird 1.5hr timezone.

Western Australia: If you want to know why there's a wait time for Toyota's, it's bloody WA buying them all. Full of cashed up bogans in lifted land cruisers. Have to watch footy at lunch time because they are 3 timezones away. If you are anti social and don't mind a 6hr drive to anywhere live there.

Tasmania: 10 people live there with a mild sense of imbreeding. Looks kinda nice, but why would you go to Tassy if you can go to New Zealand for the same price.

Northern Territory: biggest employers, the mines and Pine Gap (the CIA base). Otherwise it's Australia's poverty lane.

Australian Capital Territory: Australia's Uni campus. A concrete jungle, a tiny town where we keep the big wigs who are driven everywhere in black BMWs or Camry's.

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Do they like, want the protests to continue on our something? They can't be that stupid.

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I like how he's burning bridge after bridge with everyone. No one would want to associate with him, and everything he touches turns to shit. Sure he can enjoy his money, but to an extent he's kinda screwed his venture start-up goodwill for life.

I miss r/Cricket with the massive community of Indian Redditors, they are so funny and quick witted, so it was a quiet one this week in the small Cricket sub (or whatever you call it). But glad to get the ball rolling with Lemmy.

"Hi, uh good morning, is this the place where I say my thoughts out loud and potentially put myself and my family in danger?"

"Yes it is."

"Oh thanks. Well can you write 'I can't wait for all the Palestinians (including women and children) are shot or starved to death so we can bulldoze their homes and communities to build some luxury condos for my billionaire buddies.' "

"...naire buddies. All done sir, was their anything else?"

"Not at the moment thank you madam."

Years ago on twitter some random disabled guy called Dutton a "rape apologist", and got sued to oblivion and utterly destroyed his life and family.

This guy is a monster.

Luckily he thinks he can become prime minister without the "woke left city dwellers" (most Australians live in cities), and is pushing a ludicrous nuclear energy agenda that is devoid of financial or environmental logic. So I'm fairly confident Albo will get re-elected.

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I've ended a relationship because the girl drove like an impatient bafoon. If you have a superiority complex about a speed limit in residential areas, I'll sit in the passenger seat railing about how you're such a shit driver. Just drive the speed limit and gently.

In my country (Australia), they should increase the number of seats in government.

It hasn't been done since the early 80s when the population was half of what it is now. Your member therefore can be more active, a smaller electorate means less emails and letters to sift through, less stress from staff, and more representative of a progressive voting base.

But this gets so easily dismissed as increasing bureaucracy and big government.

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I think your you got your righty tighty lefty loosely muddled up.

If people think porn is too "accessible", look up New York Time's Square in the 70s and early 80s. The whole town was practically porn central.

If you're under 30, full-time job, no looming debts, no kids, then the 6 months can really be 3 months or around $10,000. If you have a partner, you are even more secure. Remember this is a figure derived from very conservative financial commentators who assume you have a linear college and job progression (which is rarely the case). Even a 1 month savings buffer will save you for 90% of the unexpected expenses.

If you're in your late 50s, finding a new job will be tough, especially if you are laid off during a recession. In that case a generous buffer beyond 6 months would be good.

Either way, having savings is a good thing. Yes you will miss out on those "epic Bitcoin gains", but once you have made an emergency savings buffer, then you can really knuckle down on contributions to retirement.

I eventually signed up to Reddit in 2011 when it started to become less of the "wild west." I mean anything could pop up on the front page. 2015 I really got sick of US politics in everything, and I think after the 2016 election, I found out just how many subreddits were controlled and modded by like 4 people. Reddit had a plethora of issues well before most current users even arrived.

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I am envious of my stepdad who can turn off his hearing aids without anyone looking at family dinners. Family members can be throwing the Trump this and Clinton that, and he's just 😐

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Yep very misleading. There's recognition, and then there's the advisory board question. The Yes campaign did a shoking job and alienated everyone by calling people racist who asked questions about the Voice.

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Bhp put their support behind the yes campaign. And Albo voted down the need for truth in advertising

"So Mr President what has your government done for young families and in particular childcare and parental leave on your 4 years that will rally up the democratic base come 2024?"

"Taxes? Isn't this the line for Metallica?"

Don't count your hens I remember when all the consoles had backwards compatibility, until they didn't.

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Outside the US it's uncommon to require insurance on the property.

That or Saudi Riyal. People are going to vote for this guy?

It's about as annoying as young people abandoning any and all punctuation entirely the amount of people that will write an entire paragraph and not use a single period is obscene if you can't bother to organize your thoughts in the most minimal way I'm going to assume you have nothing of worth to say and just won't read it and frankly, if what you're saying is so boiler plate you don't need punctuation then you really don't have anything to add so probably just shouldn't

I got banned from r/sports for talking about Australian Rules Football, I also got banned from r/Australia for showing a Simpson's meme about taxes. So I left Reddit, 'tis a silly place

Australia has some of the worst built houses in the western world, especially houses built in the 20th century. I think the average was 0.5 stars out of 10. Thankfully we have the most amount of solar of any country so we are offsetting the crappyness.

As a primary (elementary) teacher I once had a grade 2 kid with scolded fingers from her mum. My principal ordered me to go home and paid for a taxi that day. Fortunately I have never crossed paths with that mother again.

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Nsfw images can't be monitised with ads.

Tasmania election, the Labor leader immediately conceded defeat and didn't want to entertain the idea of forming a coalition with anyone, especially the Greens. I mean like, what a loser, by her own choosing.

Yeah English police are much more welcoming than the US police.

COWS. "Can you here me?" "Open your eyes." "What's your name?" "Squeeze my hands."

The Bible is where I get my BDSM kicks.