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Joined 1 years ago

Specifically, we chose Lemmy as the software that we would use to launch our endeavor to attempt a safe space for marginalized persons online.

As a relatively non-marginalized person, I think it's important to focus on this. Beehaw has grown beyond the marginalized group. If Beehaw were to leave Lemmy, the non-marginalized would be fine and can switch to different instances. The marginalized would follow Beehaw for that safe space.

It comes down to the purpose of a safe space. There's the group of people that want to avoid bigots, and there's the group that want to be a light unto the world, to effect change.

An example of a little bit of positive Beehaw has had outside of their community would be the influence it has had on me. I've read posts from the LGBT+ community that enlightened me to things I've never thought about. But I'm also not a bigot, just naive.

The negative is what has prompted these discussions: the bigoted trolls. It's just not sustainable for the small Beehaw team to moderate everything.

My view is that it's of utmost importance to maintain the safe space for the marginalized. Of those marginalized who want to connect outside the safe space, they are free to engage in Lemmy/Reddit and spread their light.

What would I do? I would find a new instance and continue to be receptive to LBGT+ discussions that come up on Lemmy. I don't feel right asking Beehaw to stay on Lemmy at the cost of keeping marginalized people safe from bigots. They deserve to be able to talk about things without having bigots come at them; to be able to laugh and cry and vent and have others understand—especially with the US Right becoming more brazen in their persecution of this community.

Just my 2 cents.

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Age limits, please. Retire already..

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My area is stuck with the illusion of choice between Comcast cable and AT&T DSL.

That’s wonderful news for Bountiful. Quite a $48m middle finger to these monopolies.

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Might I add that this month CDC issued a letter that leprosy may be endemic to Florida now.

And back in June there were cases of locally acquired Malaria. FYI, U.S. malaria cases are typically acquired from international travel.

I don't have much hope with respect to Florida's Public Health, with DeSantis appointing the state surgeon general Joseph Ladapo who has cherry picked science research to push an agenda, wholly ignoring what the research actually concluded.

Is his website in pure HTML? It’s got that 90s nostalgia.

The blog post talks about choosing a side, but the average user doesn’t have the know how or desire to move away from the default enshittifying web. The generation growing up with smartphones are fed targeted advertisements as a steady diet. To be fair, I see the kids just flipping through the obvious ads. But it’s harder to ignore when their favorite influencers are advertising stuff as part of a bit.

And for that reason I think we’re moving rapidly towards that dystopia we see in sci-fi movies and shows, like Wall-E.

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Utah and LDS

Pam: they're the same picture

efforts to slash $5.5 billion in costs

Oh, pass it on to the consumer. Pay no attention to the millions they’re paying each C suite exec.

I was considering switching from Netflix to Hulu, but never mind. When wages don’t increase along with inflation…

Life, uh, finds a way.

“Our less fortunate students are the ones that suffer the most; primarily because many of them live in situations that are reading desserts. They don’t have access to the reading materials. They don’t have a choice in the reading materials that they are given to read,” said Newsum.

Reading desserts, yum.

I wonder what reasons they’ll come up with for this move… probably frame it as being better for the kids.

Back in the 90s, I’d say the STAR program worked nicely, anecdotally anyways. Add in the Pizza Hut personal pan pizza rewards. I was zooming through books once I found what I liked. Texas: let’s take things away from the kids.

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I think it helps when guys can grow comfortable and vulnerable enough to be real with each other. Do you think you’re there yet? If not, it could come off as holier than thou. Take it at an easy pace. If you might remember from your Christian roots, certain—if not all—denominations have a one-on-one discipleship/mentorship thing where you walk through life together. This goes beyond your work relationship, so I don’t know how appropriate it is at work. If anything, it doesn’t even need to be as deep. I experienced some of it in college, both in Christian and non-Christian settings. One of the things I currently respect most about people is the ability to own up for one’s mistakes. And I see you’ve done that in your own life. If you make any mistakes in front of him, I believe it takes strength and humility to acknowledge it, and to correct yourself (whether immediately or later).

Not only model the correct behavior, but also the root of that behavior. What drives you to be that strong, kind person? Why treat and respect others as equals? Why be kind?

Sorry I don’t have any concrete advice. Just things to think about.

I appreciate you, how you’ve changed, and your desire to make a better life and world for those around you.

The same Chris Christie who allegedly laughed when he was told about the traffic havoc of closing down 2 lanes on the George Washington Bridge?

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The news has been so terrible, and I read so many sad stories, it’s good to hear something positive. Very happy for you.

Side topic, any plans to watch the Eras tour? It’s filling up my TikTok feed and looks like such a blast.

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Kim Jong Un is actually singing Katy Perry’s “Firework” in his head

Today in a restaurant's restrooms, there was a Winnie the Pooh decoration with a bee and pot of honey. It said, "Bee happy. Bee you." And my mind added, "Bee-hawesome."

Volunteered for two years with a college student-run clinic that provided weekly services and advocacy for the homeless. Worked with social workers, laywers and law students, doctors and med students, chiropractors, secured food and drink donations from local places like bagel shops, clothing drives, etc. Interacted with teenagers (often kids who got kicked out of their families due to LGBTQ+) to the elderly. We had a program called “A Day in the Life” in which one homeless person who was close with the clinic let a student shadow him. We ran a 0.5 credit class with the university discussing topics around homelessness and making efforts to effect change, but also a little self defense and de-escalation tactics.

Experience was overwhelmingly positive, with some bumps-in-the-road that were opportunities for growth. It opened my eyes from the bubble of suburban life that I grew up with. There’s no easy solution to homelessness. It’s complex af.

I was planning to use rideshare to a place with possibly difficult parking, but the one way cost was $30-some. So that's about $60 round trip. I decided to drive, with all-day parking costing $16...

I personally like Mullvad, their practices, and their straightforward price of 5€/month. They’re not going to try to lure you in with discounts by subscribing for multiple months or years. Now if Mullvad has gone downhill, someone chime in.

I’m short cayenne to complete the Cajun spice mix. Top of my grocery list now.

goes on twitch to watch someone watch it

Softest scrambled eggs I’ve ever made or eaten!

Thanks, you put into clear words a lot of my jumbled thoughts and expanded on it. It's a tough choice for the Beehaw admins with pros and cons either way; a tug-of-war on whether the community is strong enough / has what they need to handle this far from perfect world. It would be a loss from the wider Lemmy community, but based on a few outspoken comments we can see there are also people with a "good riddance" stance.

I think Beehaw needs to do what's best for them first, as an administrative team and for their core community. When they're stronger, I'm sure we'll feel and see their presence on the wider stage. After all, time is intrinsic to progress.

Trying to finish FF7R and Intergrade in time for BG3.

Going on a tangent here, but I love how detailed that recipe is. Very instructive for newbie cooks like me.

Thanks for the link, I’m going to try making soft scrambled eggs tomorrow.

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There’s gotta be, it’s too epic not to be filmed for a documentary!

HOUSTON – Houston Independent School District will be eliminating librarian positions at 28 schools this upcoming year and utilizing some of the libraries as ‘Team Centers” where kids with behavioral issues will be sent, the district announced.

This comes as part of the new superintendent Mike Miles reform program, New Education System (NES). Currently, there are a total of 85 schools that have joined Miles’ program, and of those, 28 campuses will lose their librarians. The district said they will have the opportunity to transition to other roles within the district.

The remaining 57 NES schools’ librarians will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, according to the district.

Retired HISD Teacher in Charge of Library, Lisa Robinson, believes the library is full of some of the greatest stories ever told.

“It was such a joy to help them find the perfect book,” said Robinson.

She said those stories are now ripped to shreds.

“My heart is just broken for these children that are in the NES schools that are losing their librarians,” said Robinson.

Librarian positions have been an ongoing debate in HISD. Robinson said the former superintendent, Millard House II, made efforts to keep library staff.

“The mandate for librarians had been put back in place. With one swipe of a pen that has been destroyed,” said Robinson.

Superintendent Mike Miles said students are behind on reading levels, especially in 4th grade.

Former HISD Librarian and Manager of Library Services, Janice Newsum believes eliminating librarian positions could hurt reading performance even more.

“When students engage in reading as an activity of choice, they are not only building that reading muscle, but they are also developing their vocabulary they are understanding a bit about the world that exists outside their block radius,” said Newsum.

Mayor Sylvester Turner believes the move is unacceptable.

“You don’t close libraries in some of the schools in your most underserved communities, and you’re keeping libraries open in other schools,” said Turner.

“Our less fortunate students are the ones that suffer the most; primarily because many of them live in situations that are reading deserts. They don’t have access to the reading materials. They don’t have a choice in the reading materials that they are given to read,” said Newsum.

The district said the libraries will not be closed, just used for different purposes.

Some of the library spaces will now be turned into “Team Center,” designed for students to work individually or in teams throughout the school day. Students with behavioral issues will also be placed in the Team Center where they will be able to join their class virtually.

The libraries will now be available to students who are dropped off at school before classes begin or after school before they go home.

KPRC2 reached out to the superintendent’s office for comment about why eliminating librarian positions are necessary. District officials said Superintendent Miles will be taking questions during his family event at Sugar Groove Middle School on Thursday at 6 p.m. He will have another family event Saturday, July 29 at West Briar Middle School at 9 a.m.

rock guitar starts


Honestly, I’m kind of scared. How does roughly half the US garner so much hatred for the “other,” those different from them? It’s always been there, but it’s way more widespread than I thought. These so-called Christians can go to hell if they profess to go against their Jesus’ teachings.

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Vietnamese-American, born in US. I was shocked to find out my hometown in Orange County, California, heavily favored Trump in the last election. I couldn’t understand why they would side with the anti-immigration and white nationalist party.

This article explains it well: https://www.ocregister.com/2021/03/07/why-did-vietnamese-voters-in-orange-county-swing-toward-trump-in-2020/amp/

Ubuntu 9.04. Jaunty Jackelope in 2009. Started by dual booting my Windows laptop. XP mainstream support ended that year, and I didn't want to upgrade to Vista, nor could my laptop handle 7.

I miss eating spicy food. I've cut out a lot of it because of the acid reflux it gives me.

In my early 20s I lifted a TV with my back because I didn't know better. The back pains seem to come back more frequently these days.

I used to play so much tennis. Any injuries now seem to take forever to heal.

I would try it! Made me think of Taiwanese xiao long bao and buns that can be made as entrees (meats and veggies) or as desserts (taro, chocolate, red bean, etc).

My hair!

Yeah, don't bind yourself to a formal university education in which you have to fulfill requirements and place undue stress on yourself.

Keep your job, and take whatever classes that interest you.

If you're in the US: I've enjoyed community college classes more than D1 university classes because the professors have different goals. At community colleges the professors enjoy teaching. At D1 universities many professors are doing research and are required to teach on the side.

Toggle VPN off, tied to my Work focus. One time I logged into work email while connected to a VPN. Freaked out my IT.

I know, it’s pathetic. AT&T holding a steady $40-45/mo while Comcast increases every year.

Started playing Lost Judgment, interspersed with Baldur's Gate 3 whenever I can play with my friend.

I've got eggs, I've got pesto,

Maybe add some sun-dried tomatoes

Spongebob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated. Wanted to play something silly and and stress-relieving. This fit the bill.