
1 Post – 80 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I feel like it's more important to know why these defederations happened than how many there are. Well beehaw just screams their reason with their number but that's a separate thing.

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My best friend has an iPhone. I'm a Samsung girl. Any time her phone doesn't let her do something I poke fun at the iPhone, but in reality they are just different versions of the same thing. The only real reason I have to complain is the price tag. I'm not paying double for an item that does the same thing as the cheaper version. That's just stupid financially. It's not a better product because it costs more. I can live without whatever it offers that android doesn't.

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This is what happens when you grow up with boomers in your ear, yelling at you to get a job and make a family. They insist that's what life is about. But it's not. Life is about being happy. When it boils down to it, that's all we really want. Even terrible people do what they do because it makes them happy.

I'm only just taking my baby steps out of this mindset. I learned I can do things no one else around me can. Some may not be marketable skills, but that's not always necessary.

I don't work. Thanks to autistic burnout, I'm a shell of my former self. But in that time, I have saved 11 kitten lives and given 3 very short lives happiness they never would have seen otherwise. I've brought kittens from the brink of death by starvation to stocky, healthy kittens who now have loving homes. It takes time and effort to do that. One was so sick from starvation he barely moved, and I got him strong enough to get up and play.

It's not worth any money to have this talent. Not to me anyway. They are all attached to a shelter that makes the money. They make me happy.

It's not about "pacing up" as you say, or making a mark in history. We need those people, but you don't need to be one of them. If everyone made breakthroughs, they wouldn't be as important. The bar would just get set even higher. You make a difference to the people around you. I don't value my life, but I learned to appreciate that other people do value my life, and that's good enough.

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It's never a good idea to go near any animal that has just given birth. Since they were vulnerable for a time, they likely kick it up a notch, plus babies to protect. It's even a crapshoot if the bonded person can come close.

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I mostly fit that description. While I understand what you're saying, we all have other interests on top of this. That's what makes it diverse.

Personally, I feel like a more mature audience is needed. I have never liked the feel of places like Facebook, tiktok, etc. Let me have one place where I can pretend the world isn't overrun with stupidity. There is actual conversation on topics to be had, and people aren't jerks to others for no reason.

The fediverse is somewhat complicated to understand. Maybe like usenet or other such places.

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It's good to see people are still willing to fight any kind of bs in droves like this. I was worried that would fade when the stress of the pandemic did. But it hasn't. We need people to fight to make the changes happen that we've known needed to happen years ago.

My guess would be that with the huge amount of American males (it is a big country after all) people just assume. And women are known to care about animals more, whether that is true or not.

I've been called a guy before and my name doesn't exactly strike people as male. I am female. I've been on the internet long enough not to care.

Back when I had this issue, it was because I had a stressful job, and all I want to do is go home but you get people on these winding ass country roads who don't know them so they go 20 under!!

Now I just get mad if someone is stupid and almost hits me.

Oh so you've been a bowl of petunias I see

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I would say no. Lots of the super smart people become eccentric. I suspect any smarter and they'd just end up flat crazy. Dealing with being the only one in the room who understands what you're saying can be lonely.

I'm working with a group of people, some 10 years younger than me, who don't really understand technology. It feels weird.

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Or you could just become a member of their channel. I look at it this way though. If a youtuber I'm watching has lots of subscribers, one more member in that community probably isn't going to make a difference. If a youtuber I'm watching doesn't have the subscriber numbers they deserve, I will become a member. I always choose the highest tiers for them too. And join their patreon and do the same there. If I do that, I will actually listen/watch on patreon then put both YouTube versions in my watch list for when I need background noise and just upvote both videos.

That way they get all the things I can possibly do for them without giving youtube as much as I give the creators. This is my understanding of how that works though. With premium, if they actually give any of that money to the creators (my heart says no, corporations suck), it would be way less than the channel membership would give them. I don't actually know how much premium costs though.

Please do correct me if I'm wrong. At the moment I don't have very many people on my memberships. And I know most people these days probably can't afford to do that, but even a $1 or $2 membership to one or a couple of them can make a difference to the ones you really support and who probably need it more than they'd get from premium.

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I didn't say comparable features. I said same thing, which is a more generalized term. For things I would use, samsung is cheaper. I also don't have an S23+ because the phone I have is fine.

My wants and needs are not yours, so we would not require the same item. But if you have no reason to need an iPhone, why pay the price for it? That is what I'm really asking here. Communication is difficult for me and asking direct questions is apparently rude, so I end up saying the wrong things. Apologies.

I can't with this...

I was getting ready to reply and it literally timed out on me! Lol

Also, Futurama!

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It might also be an autism thing. I don't have ADHD and I do this. I have to make my appointments as early as possible or my whole day is gone to freaking out about having to go out, whatever the appointment is about, etc.

That was it. Of course I have viewed my own posts. Geez. Good job, me!

That and pain. I didn't realize I was in pain my whole life until I had surgery for something else and they prescribed me Darvocet. Not only did I wake up feeling refreshed for the first time in my life, I found out just how much pain I've always been in. To the point where the surgery pain was nonexistent and I didn't have to take more than 2 of the pills through the entire recovery period and the second time was just to test my theory from the first.

I've had parts removed since and didn't bother with the pain meds after. It didn't hurt any more than the rest of me did. I'm not sure if I should be scared, worried, or proud of that.

I do need those I'm terribly near sighted.

Toss up between Zapp gets canceled and children of a lesser bog.

I'm curious if they will have anything related to the next generation of planet express crew or skip it since it's only 1 season.

I forgot how much I missed that feature.

How young is it? I suppose I could look that up.

Look I just wanted to comment on your name okay? <3 Shin Chan!

I was on that sub too.

The unicorn outside Momsanto of course. And the one that sticks to the castle wall in Benders Game.

Ha I knew the news but somehow missed the trailer. Love it

Sorry that's not exciting enough.

And digital games being the same price as the physical copy. I remember when they were trying to say the uptick in price was due to the box and stuff inside, then digital came along and it was the same price, proving they lied and are simply greedy. Even if it was only $10 less I could justify the ridiculous price. Games should cost more. A lot of work went into them. But not $70. That's over a days worth of work for those poor folk who make minimum wage.

I think it was added for the DVD and now that's the only version played.

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This is how my children turned out more well adjusted than me.

Guys generally wear skirts or kilts in protest. We had a guy at work (US) wear his kilt a lot in the summer, as intended btw, as a protest for allowing shorts in a workplace that doesn't face customers. He got reprimanded exactly once. He is Scottish in ancestry and the kilt was real, although he also had one that looked like cargo pants too with pockets all over it.

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That's true. I've been around both. None were particularly aggressive to me but I was a kid when our dog had puppies but I know she was mean to mom. It was well known she didn't like my mom though.

The whole reason I'm subscribed here is because so many of my ASD things are also ADHD related even though I don't have that particular disorder. I would never get a diagnosis of ADHD because I don't have enough of the required symptoms. There are only 2 criteria I don't meet out of the ASD list.

I feel like people are looking for a quick pill to take that will make them all better. So when they don't get it, they become jerks.

Futurama is my comfort show so it's always on my TV. I prefer to watch full shows that are over, but I would never say no to more Futurama. I feel like shows are slowly moving toward a finite number of episodes now as the old format no longer holds. I'd bet that a lot of our favorite canceled shows would not have been canceled if they were slated for say 25 or 30 episodes, instead of open ended "seasons" which aren't even a thing anymore since the huge writers strike back in the day.

Thanks! I'm glad it makes sense.

The US! Oppressing everything else in the world since...the beginning!

This makes sense. I was a late adopter of cell phones, mainly because I'm asocial and the thought of someone being able to contact me wherever I was is a terrifying thing. I didn't even really get into it until smartphones, because that's what made it worth it. Anything I want to know, right now? Yes please.

I never used it to send things to others until reddit got crazy popular and even I heard about it.

That's exactly what it was!

Sigh. I got a vape to help me quit then realized all the reasons I wanted to quit were now gone. So there's basically no chance I'm quitting now. Awesome.

I have made 1 post, yesterday. It doesn't show in my profile and it's not in the community I posted it in. Yet it got a comment. So I know it's there. I can't see my own posts lol

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Wow that worked. I wonder why it wasn't there before.

Target robot 1X and fire!

Who's robot 1X? Firing!