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Joined 1 years ago

Yes but not for long.

As (generally climate denying) people love to point out, wind and solar is erratic power generation. For this reason you need triple capacity Vs requirements.

This means that for a huge amount of time you'll have excess energy, once we start to be predominantly renewables, battery storage is expensive. One of the solutions is to create hydrogen, also pumped hydrogen, etc.

What would they do for the hours after school finished normally or if work on weekends?

Sounds like a work / life balance problem. Companies will have to be made to change their working practices, allow more remote, flexible working hours and reduced time.

UK is, very, slowly starting to move to a 4 day week for work (reduced hours, not cramming in 4 days x 10 hours). The productivity increases along with recruitment make it worthwhile. My company isn't there but 35 hours + 50 days holiday so not far.

That would solve the 4 day school day. Also allow for parents to educate their kids for 1/2 a day if needed.

She was protesting about the physical and sexual abuse of children by the church. The criticism helped to continue the protection of pedophiles, which continued for decades and still happens.

Joe Pesci (a study in short man syndrome) said on TV he wanted to slap her for ripping up a photo and the audience applauded him for it.

1 more...

60 is useful because it’s easily divided by lots of small numbers, 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, other factors include 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, and 60. This is why we can split our day so much.

The Babylonians popularised base 60. The origins of which were possibly derived from 2 separate groups in Mesopotamia, that started trade but one used base 12 and one base 5, multiply together to get 60.

You can count to 5 and 12 on one hand easily (12 by using thumb to count each section of your 4 finger). Using both hands you get to 60.


China also has counting to 10 on one hand, theory being you can indicate quantities with one hand full at a market.

There are a few reasons. Firstly it’s in their own interests to protect their people from huge climate change. Secondly renewables are cheaper than coal, without the same variability of supply (Australia had political falling out before and Russia may not be the very stable genius we think).

Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits different treatment of insured persons on the basis of their sex in connection with pension funds. This was a supreme court ruling, so kind of linked but not quite.


Interestingly, in UK and EU it became illegal to discriminate by sex for car insurance from about 2012, without very careful use of data - which doesn't happen. It is allowed to be linked on things like jobs though.

They do train LLMs on others. A fairly successful new tact has been to train them not on the output but on how the LLM got to the output. So teaching how to answer questions rather than answers by rote.

When the Soviet Union imploded, they had 30,000 nuclear warheads dotted about in various states. People were predicting that they would be used then as well.

If commuting, I take public transport so charge on last bit of journey before (or after work) if needed or a heavy phone day.

At home/weekends - whenever it drops and I have time.


BBC correspondent saying his claims of having 25k troops is misleading as most in Africa (down from 50k), may have 10k which is a huge thorn.

More an attempt to take over military than Putin it seems.

Edit: live feed 🍿:


Wouldn't count hydrogen out yet as it's not just for cars.

The UK and Europe (particularly Germany) are also investing in hydrogen but less so for cars, London has a few hydrogen busses though and cheaper production could mean more popularity.

There is a demand for Natural Gas replacement, as heating and cooking is very common in some places (78% of UK homes and 50% German use it for heat).

Replacing Natural Gas network with hydrogen is cheaper and quicker than conversion to heat pumps (it'll likely be a mix). UK gas network and storage has been converted to deal with hydrogen and has had successful trials, this winter UK could start blending upto 20% hydrogen into the gas supply. 100% hydrogen trials to start in couple years.

Green hydrogen is a great store for renewables as well. Solar and wind are built above required capacity (due to variability), this means the vast amount of times there is excess energy. Pink hydrogen (nuclear) is a potential biproduct from SMRs.

Lithium has been found to be in grannet and deep groundwater in UK, so it's not just mines. Australia is a huge producer of lithium as well, far more than China. But being energy independent is a huge boon.

Thought that was quick response but this was kept secret for a week and not a result of Russian coup problems. Extra encouraging.

I switched off reddit during the blackout and haven't really missed it (uninstalled from phone but not tablet yet), does appear in some searches. I heard the CeO interview on NPR over the weekend, so looking to delete my comments from most subs (some ask not to so will respect that) before deleting accounts.

World news and a finance subs I liked to contribute to but enjoying the break. Coding and Crafts I browse for ideas but sure something will appear eventually or not.

I can talk from a UK perspective.

Whilst investigating someone, the police should not normally release the name of the person because it could endanger their life or lead to disorder.

The media are free to name suspects BUT get it right or have the ever loving shit sued out of them. This is even as far as naming a small group of people.

Once charged, then police release the names, it becomes public knowledge. Where it's serious cases like rape or child abuse then it's often proactively released. This is because it helps gather evidence or get others to come forward.

We didn't go far enough. Only supplied non lethal aid the roos and the ostriches after the wild camel cull. The drop bears were trained but I fear we'll pay when they turn against us all.