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The return system uses weight. There is a scam ppl have done where you order something then switch it with the same weight in rocks or sand. Then send as a return to get your money back. So I assume a empty box wouldn't have the needed weight and would be flagged.

You could use Torbox.app. Its like debrid, but also seeds so you can use it for private trackers.

Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. From the sound of it if you haven't already watched them you would really like them. Sci fi and definitely has the group/team evolving aspect.

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I think signal servers may be using aws hosting.

This is what made me finally completely switch my email and docs to proton. I'm so close to being able to delete my google account now.

Well this and the docs live collaboration feature they recently added.

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You should check out Nixos. You make a config file that you can just copy over to as many machines as you want.

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My favorite TV show Stargate. I've only been able to convince one person to watch it, and they loved it too. Everyone else says its to long since sg1+Atlantis+universe is 17 seasons total. Plus 3 Movies.

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The downside of NixOS is bad documentation. Which makes it take quite a while to get your config setup the way you want. Its so worth it though. I used arch for 5+ years and have been on NixOS for about 6 weeks now. I'm definitely never going back. My conifg is done, I barely have to change anything now. Its all saved in a git repo so I never have to make it again. I've already switched all of my machines over. And even a few of my friends. Which has been super easy to do cause I just give them my config then remove everything they don't need. I've only been using it for a little while but it feels so reliable and Unbreakable even though I'm running unstable packages. Because if anything breaks you just go back to the last generation that worked. Which made me willing to just try anything when I was setting it up.

Also you could run Nix package manager on arch for this, but the nix package repo is amazing. It has everything i've needed or even thought about installing. And in my opinion its way better than using AUR packages. Most of the time you just DL them and don't have to build them. Its just so much faster and more reliable then using Paru or Yay. Plus there is a NUR( nix user repo) but tbh I've never even looked at it.

The other con I know of is issues running binaries and app images. But there are was work arounds for them. I use a few app-images by just running 'appimage-run '. And so far its worked perfectly. As for a binaries you can use steam-run or I think using distrobox would work. But I haven't had to do anything like that yet.

I found this YouTube channel quite useful when I was setting mine up. Vimjoyer

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"Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race."

  • H.G. Wells

If you allow background processing of shaders, and leave steam running while your doing other stuff a bit. You won't even notice them. At least I don't.

Anarchy means no rulers. No hierarchy. There would still be rules/laws.

Dang, was hoping vertical tabs would be in it when I seen the nice round 130. I have been trying out Zen browser which seems to be a fancy Firefox skin that has virt tabs and they seem awesome.

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Doesn't normal Fedora silverblue already have flatpak? Why did you have to rebase to ublue for flatpak?

I use . it is cloudflare. But they are 3rd party audited that they don't log anything.

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Check out torbox. Its like a seedbox/debrid but the pro plan also comes with Usenet. I just started using it but seems really promising.

They have been having a lot off issues lately because they don't have enough servers yet. They are supposed to get new servers setup this week.

I don't care about the photos. But glad to hear they are taking photos and music out of the main app and making it less bloated.

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The documentary Dominion that is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix.

I had to stop about 16 minutes in. I did come back and finish it the next day.

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Why? Passkeys are great. Though X can probably screw them up somehow.

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I'm new to NixOS. Do I have to do anything extra to update NixOS? Or do I just update my flake and run nixos-rebuild switch --flake like I normally do to update packages?

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I started using nixos three weeks ago. I use it every day on desktop now, and also switched my homelab serve to it. These videos on Vimjoyer's channel where a great starting point. I recommend trying to go straight to using a flake to update your system instead of channels. Its confusing to get setup, but makes so much sense once you do.

That's not a good reason though. There are plenty without aluminum. Toms and Native are two I know of without searching. Also it easy and cheap to make homemade with coconut oil.

Can't say if its "normal" or not but I'm exactly the same. It sucks sometimes cause I want to work on multiple things. Developing a project, learning a instrument, learning a new language, training cardio. But I seem to only have time for one at a time. Because I'll put soo much time into that one. Whichever one is most interesting at the time.

At the same time though I kind of think its a good thing cause when I'm interested in something I can have a lot of fun and make a lot of progress fast.

But yeah if I find a new TV show or game I have to completely finish it before I can get back to being productive.

To be fair, nobody should have to work once Communism is achieved. During socialism sure. Socialism (worker ownership of MoP) incentives automation. Eventually there would be no necessary labor nor resource scarcity. Which is the only way I see communism being fully achieved. FALSC( Fully automated luxury space communism).

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Not trying to be mean, and I realize this is piracy community. But if you are at the point where your adding mods to a indie game. Probably time to consider buying it. Clearly it would be worth it.(assuming you can afford it ofc)

As a new dev who is still working on a "full-stack web dev" course. I would definitely take it as a compliment.

This was exactly my experience when I switched from XFCE4 to Hyprland. Now I much rather do everything in the terminal. Except for partitioning drives and auto mounting them. I switch to gnome to do that in GUI.

Using nixos I can just rebuild with gnome instead of hyprland. Do what I need. Then rebuild back to hyprland. And gnome is not installed anymore. So I get to use GUI without the bloat of having a GUI installed all the time.

About a year ago I finally took the time to learn it. Just make sure you know which finger should hit which keys. And then do a bunch of practice. My favorite way to to practice is Monkey type. Its all about the muscle memory. Doesn't take as long as you'd think ether. About 20 hrs of practice and I was just as fast as I was before. Then you will start getting really fast if you keep it up.

If you stick with it you'll eventually start to understand what all the jargon means.

  • sudo is kind of like "run as admin" in windows. It runs whatever command as root(admin) instead of as your user. To use it you just add sudo in front of the command. Ex. "apt-get update" becomes "sudo apt-get update"

  • apt-get is the command that controls your Ubuntu Repository. "apt-get update" basically checks for updates for everything on your computer. Then "apt-get upgrade" downloads and installs all those updates. And "apt-get install " is how you install apps that are in your distros Repository.

  • A Repository is basically an app store for your distribution. Each Linux distribution usually has their own. And they have different software(apps) available in them. If a app you want is not in your repo there are different options to install it. That was probably the hardest part for me to understand when I started. But now days the easiest option is to use snap or flatpak to install something that's not in your distros Repository.

  • As far as I understand, a package is just another way of saying app or software program. There might be a technical difference. But when you download a package you're basically just downloading the program/software/app.

  • There are also package dependencies which is the other software that is required to run the software you're trying to install. When you run "sudo apt-get install ". You will see a list of packages that will be installed. This includes all the dependency packages. Which are the packages that are needed to run the one that you're trying to install.

Some linux distribution try to give you a GUI for everything. But its definitely worth learning how to do stuff in the terminal. Once you learn it you'll realize why it is so much better than a GUI.

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The ad filled clones are definitely a thing. Just search for newpipe in the Play Store and you will see them. A lot of people don't know about the fdroid store so when they hear about newpipe they search on Play Store and end up downloading a fake one full of ads.

Can someone explain why so many comments saying this is bad and want their instances to block threads? Seems like it would be a good thing to make the fediverse bigger and more accessible.

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Unless it was a recent change factorio doesn't "require" a account. When I host my server I disable verification and my friends who still haven't bought it are able to join no problems. If server has verification on then they can't.

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Depends on use case. If your trying to remoting to a friends PC to help them do something. Rustdesk.

If your remoting to your own PC. Say connecting to a windows machine at home from your work computer. RDP.

Also as others have mentioned. Best to use RDP through something like tailscale or zerotier. So you don't have to open a port for it.

I'm not sure if they are the best, but two good ones I know of.



And if some reason your using windows. Just use RDP.

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The only one I ever looked for was Sam Harris's podcast. All I did was search "making sense with Sam Harris RSS", and one of the top results was the official RSS feed lol. I was looking for a pirate feed but found the official. Which if you can't afford it you can email and get for free so I don't think he really cares if its that easy to find.

TLDR: try searching podcast name + RSS and maybe you'll get lucky.

I was looking into rust desk. It looked like the perfect solution for remotly helping my family members. The problem is I have them running silverblue. I don't think rust desk supports Wayland. There is a experimental way I was going to try, but I'm not sure how to install it since its not in Fedora repo or flatpak.

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I was a Arch Linux fan for at least 5 years. Tried all the main ones except gentoo. Kept coming back to Arch. But now I'm one week into using NixOS. I don't think I'm ever going back. It has completely blown my mind, and fixes every minor thing I didn't like about arch. Mainly how package dependencies work. I'm sure there will be a downside somewhere, but so far the only issue I've had is just trying to learn how to config everything.

TLDR: NixOS. I don't know how I didn't know about it till recently. Seems like it would be a lot more popular than it is.

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As long as the mutable options stay around I don't see how that's a problem. For normal users the restrictions are worth the extra reliability. It's not a true restriction if you can just go install the unrestricted version anytime.

I always use the app image if they are available. As for being slow I never noticed.

No app desktop entry is one on the reasons I like them. If its one I use a lot I make a hotkey to open it. But there are ways to add them. There is even a tool that makes its easy to do.

No updates. I'm not sure how exactly, but everyone I use auto updates when I open them. I originally had a issue of it breaking my hotkey cause the file name would change because of the version number going up. Which I fixed by using a *.

Nextcloud or a samba server are good options. But if storage is not a issue I'd recommend checking out syncthing. I run it on my server and sync some directories to my phone and other directories to my desktop. And one directory between phone and desktop(obsidian notes). I don't think you can run sycthing on iphones though.

Only one I ever tried is whatbox.ca . Been using them for 7+ years. They are great.

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