1 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I mean, yeah?? I just put the soap wherever it needs to go??

The soap isn't dirty folks. Half of the time all I'm showering off is sweat and dead skin cells anyways. And if any bugger dares reply to this with some clever comment about taint smears, I'll inform you beforehand I do not speak with bidet-less miscreants.

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Obligatory "get a bidet" answer

It seems crazy that Twitter is actively taking steps to become a worse social media company. Back when I was a kid, companies were supposed to be these well thought out, highly methodical entities that would only make the most optimal moves. I suppose it's 2023 now though.

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I recognize that format from, migrants or bots from reddit may be bringing it over. Basically, the "rule" of that sub was that if you visited it you had to post a meme before you left, so a lot of posts on the sub couldn't think of a creative title, so the title was just "rule"

It then became a trend to just put "rule" at the end of whatever the title was, even if you could think of a title.

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kind of obvious to say ig but correlation =/= causation. for ex: fiber, (the plant material in our diets that is undigestable by us, but is digestible by the healthy bacteria in our intestines) both leads to a healthy "gut microbiome" while having the side effect of making your poops bigger and softer, such that it is easier for your intestines to push it through your digestive system.

Still, in case anyone was wondering, you are supposed to be pooping, aka "having bowel movements" once every day 2-3 times every day. If you aren't that regular, you may need to eat more beans & grains and less processed foods & meats

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Pre-Med student here. Just ya average non-average queer neurodivergent zoomer. I'm not from a tech background, but I do use Linux, which basically makes me a programmer 😎

Reddit has gone to the crapper. It's not just banning 3rd party apps, it's not just ditching awards, all of these wildly unpopular decisions have left a permanent scar on the user base and it shows. Now, all of the top posts on r/popular are garbage nonsense like "unpopular opinion: the far left and far right are both just as bad as each other" or "im a horse girl rate me". Sad times.

2 small theories as to why this could be:

  1. Down vote count is shown. On reddit, a down vote, unless it put total karma from a comment into the negative, was imperceptible. I felt less bad about abusing the functionality and downvoting opinions I disagreed with

  2. Lemmy is a lot smaller than Reddit. Whereas on Reddit I might see a low-effort post and go "get this garbage off my feed" on Lemmy I'm like "YEAH! Way to populate my feed!"

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what does built "from scratch" mean? Just a more emphatic way of saying "built?" Or that it wasn't repurposed out of some already built building?

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Not really a "hack," but literally just prioritize the things you care about.

I feel like there's so much pressure when you're young to be excelling in literally every field. You're expected to be getting great grades while also having the time of your life at parties while also doing extracurriculars, and so on.

If you only care about resume building, just focus on grades (and extracurriculars if you're in high school). It's okay to not have friends and get terrible sleep, school is only temporary anyways!

If you only care about appreciating life, that's valid too! Functionally there's often no difference between a 70% and a 100% as long as you make "the cut" to get into college/a job/whatever.

Objectively, the only thing you should not be neglecting is your health. To be perfectly honest, sometimes you will just need to pull all-nighters to get your priorities done. Don't make a habit of it.

Also, one last controversial opinion: Office hours are useless if you already know the material, you shouldn't just be attending office hours by default.

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Hate to be that guy, but I think the sign is actually meant for the daughter, not the father. The rhetoric isn't "hey, maybe don't have sex with your kid?" it's "yo girlie, those things your father did to you were totally not okay, even though he was drunk/apologized afterwards/whatever."

I get that that still sounds painfully obvious, but trust me to people for whom "abuse" is their "normal," messages like this handing out really obvious messages are still useful

As a linux noob, I can't give some in depth explanation, but I can empathize over troubles troubleshooting 😭

I mean, to first acknowledge the base difficulties of just getting used to a new operating system that doesn't want to hold your hand, all the troubleshooting advice being splintered across multiple distros and updates, and most software just not being designed to be compatible with Linux, it's impressive there are distros that manage to be beginner-friendly-ish in the first place.

For instance, when I was setting up Ubuntu, the following didn't work out of the box:

  • The general need to reinstall every program you use
  • The microphone
  • Switching between Windows and Ubuntu led to a weird time difference on Window's part (it still does)
  • My fingerprint sensor stopped working (I don't even think this is fixable)
  • My brightness hotkeys stopped working (they still don't)
  • touchpad scrolling was really fast (I honestly just got used to this rather than fixing it)
  • Increased the icon size of a lot of things
  • Set up night light settings

But more than that, I'd say one of the hardest things about Linux is that it is so customizable it inspires me to find a solution to issues I would've just ignored on Windows. For example:

  • I moved the time bar from the top of the screen to the bottom
  • Set up my own searx instance (though I hardly use it, if anyone knows how to run a set of code on computer startup please lmk)
  • Installed wine, Lutris, and software to support Linux gaming
  • Set my wallpaper to rotate between a bunch of landscape photos

But ig that's just my 2 cents. Really I wrote this to feel proud of myself for all the troubleshooting I've done 😭

Edit: I frfr love all yall who responded to this with genuine advice, what a great community

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I liked Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019).

I thought it was a fun movie and I liked Rey as a character

Cardio is awesome, the runners high is real, but you have to be well conditioned so it's tough for beginners.

Sometimes, I also like to do workouts because it makes me feel productive while not being as mentally taxing as my 'job' of being a full time college student :/

Though trans people being fairly uncommon is certainly an issue on this front as other people have pointed out, it's quite nice to know that people have become more accepting by very nature of just knowing me

This sort of thing is great motivation for me to continue being out of the closet to the general public :)

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Chad Green Lover ^^^

It's not gay if you say "no homo" after softly caressing the homies

To be able to stockpile time up to 24 hours. For example, if I'm running late on a project, I can dip into a time stockpile for 8 hours to get it done. At a later time I can then lose 8 hours from my time

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It has the potential to be dehumanizing if used as a noun, because it's usually a scientific word reserved for non-human animals.

Moreover, it's use is often considered sexist because people will write messages such as "men and females" showcasing a double standard in which male people are deserving of enough respect and humanity to stray away from the scientific "males" whereas female people are not.

Generally, accepted usage of "female" includes the following

  • as an adjective (ex: my female supervisor)
  • if you also use "male" as a noun
  • non-human animals
  • military settings & forms

✋ I'm not from the south and I pronounce it pee-can along with everyone I know

I'd argue as well that all the past dumb decisions, (Twitter Blue, anybody being able to name themselves anything they want, bugs everywhere, not being able to see anything without an account), all of that was just stuff you only had to passively bear. Now, it's a brand change that will at least have you typing something different into Google to reach "X," but it is still an active change you have to make.

If I had a Twitter account that was connected to my business, already had a whole bunch of followers, and was somewhat addicted to Twitter, I could understand having a hard time leaving. At the very least inertia would be a good enough reason for people to stay. But switching the brand recognition?

  • First off, you've disrupted the Twitter addictions of everyone on the site, because you'd have to know that blue bird logo is associated with a lot of people's dopamine responses
  • Second off, now that people are already being forced to make a change, there's less opportunity cost to jump ship to elsewhere

So, the negative effects of stress don't come from stress itself, but from the fight-or-flight response it elicits. Could you not just switch to having a different response to stress?

For instance, from "The Upside of Stress" by Kelly McGonigal, it says there can be more stress responses than fight-or-flight. Would this then indicate as long as you don't show symptoms of the fight-or-flight response (poor immune system, digestive system, etc), your stress doesn't necessarily have to be harmful to you? :)

edit: Found a cool TedTalk from Kelly McGonigal as well

I've been on Ubuntu ever since I switched to Linux 7 months ago, tbh I don't understand distro-hopping. I'm not any tech wizard, and Ubuntu fulfills all my criteria: worked out of the box, worked faster than Windows, hasn't broken yet 👍

All I do is run Firefox and Steam on my laptop anyways :/

You can? Everyday I'm learning something new :)


I take more college classes a semester so I take on less debt overall

Yeah, I'm assuming that's the implications. Just more of "unplug chargers you aren't using" and other now useless advice from 10 years ago before regulations were introduced/new evidence was found

In case anyone's wondering, unplugging chargers apparently only saves 0.5% of household energy use. And on this page about saving electricity on computer use, "turning on dark mode" doesn't even make the list of recommendations. Basically the main thing recommended was "put your computer to sleep when you're not using it."

CORRECTION: Ideal pooping frequency is actually 2-3 times a day, not 1 time a day, I was originally wrong

Normal frequency is between 3 per day to 3 per week, but normal doesn't necessarily mean healthy. Populations eating high enough fiber diets to reach that 2-3 times a day number have 1/50th the rate of heart disease, gallstones, and appendicitis, 1/25th the rate of diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and hiatal hernia, and 1/10th the rate of colon cancer

This power would be super useful. Imagine if using mirrors you could just lift all the dirt & grime off your skin, pick up all the dust on the floor, lift up a small camera and fly it through the air, or eat without utensils

Ubuntu because it's Linux Easy-Mode

I would only recommend it to Windows users looking to start using Linux. The average Linux user is a lot more tech-literate than me and can use the more difficult but more customizable and streamlined distros, and the average Windows user has no chance on Linux, not even Ubuntu which was already a lot of work for me to switch to

That's nice to hear :)

I feel as if live what is stereotypically considered a "high stress life" (cPTSD + multi minority), but I've always worked hard for my health and thus have low blood pressure and am fairly fit. Because of that, it's always kind of sucked to see clickbait articles claiming that not only did I suffer through the trauma, but I will also die 20 years earlier due to circumstances completely out of my control.

I imagine these sorts of messages get attention because they can be very validating, but personally I've always found platitudes of "mitigate your stress!" annoying because it usually ends with the implication that I am automatically unhealthy because 1) I challenge myself, 2) am a minority, and/or 3) had some bad stuff happen to me a while ago.

Being stressed in healthy doses every once in a while is not bad for your health.

This reminds me of a good book I once read "The Upside of Stress" by Kelly McGonigal, about how if people viewed their stress positively, such as framing it as "excitement" instead of "distress," they had better health outcomes and were more successful in their given fields. I may have to reread that book sometime :)

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I know almost nothing about nuclear power other than it's the most efficient, so you must be right lol 👍