
4 Post – 98 Comments
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And his followers won’t give a shit. That is the state of the GOP. As long as he is a Republican, that’s all that matters.

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They should be considered for expulsion from the college, not simply suspended from the swim team. Hopefully that is currently being discussed. This is bullying, assault, and a hate crime. Also given that the victim didn’t want to formally press charges, you can probably throw in intimidation as well.

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No need to. Biden can have the 6 corrupt justices killed. He has the immunity and he can pick new justices. If members of the senate refuse to put the new justices on the bench, have them killed too. No rules anymore.

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While I understand people’s initial reaction to think this is a positive thing, I don’t believe it is. The less free speech and media the Russian people have access to, the more control Putins propaganda machine has.

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It is time to develop a way to remove nations who clearly don’t have the EU’s best interest at heart. Hungary is long overdue to be bounced from the EU.

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She did respond and said she wanted to wait until after her tour so her fans were safe. She is definitely alluding to an endorsement as well.

Here is the quote:

"Let me be very clear: I am not going to speak about something publicly if I think doing so might provoke those who would want to harm the fans who come to my shows," Swift wrote. "In cases like this one, 'silence' is actually showing restraint, and waiting to express yourself at a time when it’s right to.”


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It passed 91-3. Our representatives are ignorant dinosaurs who don’t understand the internet or how it works. I already contacted both my senators. I plan to contact my house members before they make this abomination into a law. I encourage everyone to do the same.

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Is everyone here talking about Steven Van de Velde the child rapist and peadophile? I heard he only served 13 months for repeated raping a child who he encouraged to get the morning after pill. She self harms herself now due to the guilt. Is it that Steven Van de Velde, the child rapist you are talking about?

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If Biden reschedules (or even better legalizes — I know this is a larger challenge legally) cannabis and takes a harder stance against Israel, I think he would win most of the key states he needs to win the election. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, Arizona, and to a lesser degree Georgia will determine this election. The rest of the states are locked in. A 1% swing can mean the difference to prevent a dictatorship.

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Heliophysicst here. This is not true. The flare that hit Earth on December 14th was an X-2.6 flare. While this is a large flare and the largest of the current solar maximum, it is nowhere near the largest ever recorded. The largest was on November 4th, 2003 (referred to as part of the Halloween storms), which was so strong it actually saturated the detectors. It was measured at an X-28, which is more than two orders of magnitude larger than Thursdays, but was estimated to be much larger than that.

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“And I’m just scared”.

Maybe it’s time to increase Georgia’s police basic training up from ten weeks to maybe eleven or even twelve! Source: https://www.trainingreform.org/state-police-training-requirements

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Project 2025 information needs to be plastered on billboards in every swing state in America. I wonder how much interest there would be to crowdfund something like this.

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Luckily, the fossil fuel companies told us it isn’t anthropogenic and not to worry about this so we will be okay. /s

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The fact that the President, who maybe some time in distant memory, didn’t choose judges based along political lines, chooses the Supreme Court judges seems crazy to me.

Why aren’t the best judges and lawyers getting together and electing them? I’m a scientist by trade, so I’m more use to a peer reviewed system. Nonetheless, I find it maddening that our election cycle realistically choses the highest court in America rather than those most equipped to make that decision. Who gives a fuck what the president thinks should be the next Supreme Court justice? I’d rather hear from the experts of the field choose who it is.

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“It doesn’t join NATO, it doesn’t join some of these sort of allied institutions,” Mr. Vance said. “I think that’s ultimately what this looks like.”

Elbridge Colby, one of Trumps simps from the Pentagon had this to add:

“Senator Vance is being realistic and putting out forthrightly a realistic basis for ending the conflict,” he said, “while other people are engaged in a kind of irresponsible fantasy.”

Imagine being asked to give up a significant piece of your nations territory, while being refused any security guarantees in the future. This is after your children have been raped and stolen and your land destroyed. This is what peace looks like? Fuck off both of you. If you let nations like Russia to steal land and get away with it, they won’t stop. Of course, we know Trump and Vance are puppets of Putin so no real surprises here. After all, we know how much dictators love trump.

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This is insanity. Voting sites should be under the control of the federal government and run by nonpartisan commissions. States and especially not some county courthouse should have no control over whether or not a polling site exists. Polling sites should be based on population density regardless of voter turnout and Election Day should be a national holiday where everyone has the opportunity and ability to vote locally. All of this should be written into the constitution. This is pure voter suppression and anyone attempting this should be charged.

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I think that is a fair point. One possible option would be to withhold any financial assistance to Hungary. As of 2021, they cost the EU 4.2 billion euros (https://www.statista.com/chart/18794/net-contributors-to-eu-budget/).

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Senate Republicans voted against it.

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I’m a scientist who is contracted through NASA and work at one of the NASA facilities. As an early career scientist, working here is a dream job. I get the opportunity to work with absolute world class scientists everyday. That said, the funding situation is dire at all NASA facilities due to funding cuts. The current saying is “flat is the new up” in terms of funding. That means if NASA maintains its funding, it’s a win. As a result, NASA would rather maintain science and engineering with the limited budget, but at the expense of the facilities themselves. I can attest that it is a stark difference between someplace like the Applied Physics Lab at Hopkins (lots of military contracts) vs Goddard Space Flight Center in terms of the quality of the facilities.

The problem is Congress looks for funding cuts in discretionary funding. Mandatory funding consists of social security, healthcare, and veteran programs. Discretionary funding is everything else, which makes up only roughly 25% of the rest of the budget. Military takes half of the discretionary budget. Democrats nor Republicans dare to touch the military budget despite the fact they fail their audit every single year. This leaves 900 billion for everything else. NASA gets about 4% of that.

Since the tax code is totally fucked up in this country, the richest people pay the least percentage through loopholes and corporations barely pay anything (9% of the total revenue), it’s up to the working class to make up the difference. Since understandably no one wants their taxes raised, in order to reduce spending they look to the “everything else” part of the discretionary budget. And NASA is part of this and is considered expendable. It’s sad to see such an important institution for the U.S. slowly dying. I want to believe the outlook is promising, but I just can’t see the future looking any brighter.

This. The article reads like Millennials are choosing unhealthy lifestyles. In reality, they work two jobs at a desk resulting in no sleep and a lack of exercise. Then after they pay the boomers social security checks that they will never see themselves, are forced to eat shit food because it costs twice as much to eat healthy. And of course the last sentence, that suggests that maybe the mountain of microplastics and other pollutants may have something to do with the rising rates. Yea, no shit.

While I’m not specifically a climate scientist, I have degrees in atmospheric science, which include a PhD so I understand climate change better than most. The most frustrating part of informing people about this very real threat is how well the propaganda from the fossil fuel companies worked. We have known for 100 years about this and have solid evidence since the satellite era (1979-present). I can explain not only that climate change is real but also it is human caused and I can prove it mathematically on a white board in about 15 minutes to a laymen person (it isn’t hard). But despite the fact they believe in math (I ask them in the beginning just to be sure), they are skeptical of mathematical results. They know more than me, the scientist, because they watched a YouTube video this one time saying that it isn’t real. I’m honestly glad I don’t work in climate science because I can’t imagine how aggravating it can be.

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Feel free to email them and ask them to justify voting to destroy internet freedom.

Nathan.simington@fcc.gov Brendan.carr@fcc.gov

This needs to be on billboards in every swing state in the country.

Trump says the civilian award is “better” because everyone [who] gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they’re soldiers. “They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead.”

“She [Adelson] gets it, and she’s a healthy, beautiful woman, and they’re rated equal, but she got the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and she got it for — and that’s through committees and everything else.”

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"We don't want to punish users of alternative OSes, but there's really no other option at the moment," Wilden added before his blunt conclusion. "Play Integrity has absolutely no way to guess whether a given custom OS completely subverts the Android security model."

Then don’t. Allow the user to choose what to do with their device and shut the fuck up and get out of the way. You are punishing users for using alternative OSes. That is exactly what you are doing.

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Don’t bother with this “user”. Look at their comment history. The person showed up today to defend this obvious act against democracy. My guess is a Russian/Chinese misinformation promoter.

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GTFO with this title. The KOSA bill sucks through and through. It’s an online censorship bill that will hold websites accountable for content that is being hosted. Horrible bill if the house passes it in any form.

I agree. It was certainly more common for child marriages but not that extreme. That guy was definitely a pedo. If you are buying your wife a doll for her wedding present you need to rethink your life choices.

Right, the old “to save the children” argument.

Some good advice I heard once is that you can’t change what happens to you but you can change how you react to it. Bad things will happen but how you react to those things makes such an impact. Reacting positively to negative things happening affects not only your mood, but also how you deal with those things. It takes time to shift to this style of thinking but it will definitely improve your way of life.

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Fun fact: NASA employees are unable to even talk with congressional representatives about proposed scientific missions because it is considered a “conflict of interest”. Let that sink in. Meanwhile…

I work in the middle atmosphere and several things in this article I disagree with. First off, the polar vortex is a stratospheric and mesospheric jet stream that exists in the winter time. There is no polar vortex in the stratosphere during the summer. Let me repeat that. There is no polar vortex in the northern hemisphere right now! So how are you using it for predictions? Second, the media stole the term “polar vortex” for the Arctic jet stream that exists in the troposphere. Moreover, while correlations have been made (see Baldwin et al., 2021) on the stratospheric impact on the tropospheric weather, the physics aren’t well understood. Assuming you can make predictions on the northern hemisphere winter based on the polar vortex in the stratosphere (which again, doesn’t exist yet because it is summer) months out is unlikely.

Edit: I edited out the argument that the OP may not reputable since they are a meteorologist in Canada.

Edit2: I’ve edited my original post slightly after discussing this concept with the OP.

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Contact your House of Representatives in your state. This bill is horrible and will help destroy freedom of speech on the internet.

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Doki Doki literature club. The first play through when you visit Sayori at home. If you know you know.

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I bought a 97 Ford Taurus off a friend for $800 back in 2008. Her dad thought it was on its last legs at 155k miles so he wanted to sell it. I drove it for four years. It was running fine until someone blasted it out in front of my girlfriend’s house and drove off. At the time it had 206k miles. 50k miles for $800 was certainly one of my best purchases.

Are you guys talking about Trump’s Project 2025? I’ve heard a lot of bad things about Trump’s 2025 project.

Unfortunately, not just voter apathy but voter suppression. Texas is a lot closer to blue than they want to admit, but have done an excellent job with disenfranchisement.

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Any minute now something will be done to show Thomas’s actions have consequences! Any minute now…. any minute….

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I don’t think a grassroots revolution will be taking place anytime soon, but this is aimed at the young people of Russia who are against the war. The old people there love Putin but I suspect they also aren’t watching YouTube.

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