
1 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

A valid reason for a start.

Wouldn't this benefit everyone? Presumably the implications are far wider and more important than who makes the most profit from it.

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Thanks for the reply! Basically, I don't want us to have our own libraries. I have tons of family images which Immich face-recognises and I can merge them accordingly and set up albums etc. However, when I create another user, this user can only see the photos through the Sharing page and cannot see the Faces/People tagged by the recognition, it's just a gallery of dated pictures. Presumably I will have the same experience for pictures they share.

What I want is for all users to be able to all the People (tagged by the facial recognition). With the way that sharing appears to work this wouldn't be possible if my family members were individual users so I am wondering if the only way around this is to have just one generic user login which everyone uses, that way we all get to see the People through the Explore page and can see the map for all pictures that everyone uploads.

"There was climate change when the Vikings were around so it's not as clear cut as people make out."

In my country we've had the opposite of a heat wave, the worst summer I can remember with rain almost every day and temperatures barely making it above 20 degrees. He says that this shows the planet isn't heating up and jokes that we need more carbon.

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Love a bit of kit

This will be amazing if it works, I've been frustrated with mtp for so many years. Thanks for posting about it.

Edit: Windows only FFS. Guess I'll look at using adb itself as someone else mentioned here.

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Her being a narcissist.

Infinity by a long way. It's very early though, not really a fair comparison.

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What are the replies like? Some have a lot so it doesn't appear they're struggling at all.

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You mention gender role stereotypes but then fall prey to one when you clearly think you should be served first because of your gender. If you don't believe in equality and would rather stick to ancient and out of date traditions that's fine but perhaps he is a bit more progressive and you are not well suited to each other.

It's ok for a woman to pay, it's ok for a woman to suggest a second venue, it's ok for a woman to make the first move. It's not 1950 any more.

Regardless, like others have mentioned, having this much to question after one date isn't a good sign.

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What's controversial about who goes to heaven, isn't that stated in the religious text?

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Sounds like textbook NPD, particularly his backstory.

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Arch Linux. Been using Linux exclusively for about 10 years now, in various flavours, and will never go back at this point.

I miss the data analysis subs

Thanks! That is what I've been playing with but it's not really what I need. When you go to Sharing, you can see the user and can click on their icon and see a timeline of their pictures but you don't get the map or the People features from the shared pictures, it's just an untagged timeline. It's great as it is, don't get me wrong, but for my use case it's not ideal at all where I have the bulk of the family photo archives and I want everyone to be able to click on each other's People icon and add pictures to the archive.

When you look at support for things such as physical/emotional/financial abuse against men then it's painfully lacking which can be devastating. This alone is a lot more widespread than you may think. Whether this warrants a minister is another question but there are areas which desperately need attention and it's unfair to say just because women get the shitty end of the stick in general that men are not in need to support too.


Pretty sure the original did so this should to

My housemate is like that, came up with some nonsense about how he saw a video the other day about how there was climate change happen when the Vikings were around or something so it's not as clear cut as people think. And today, with it barely breaking 20 degrees in July, said half jokingly that we need more carbon. The shit summer here this year is fuel for his fire. Complete moron.

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It's crazy that you have to explain this in such a basic way but it's still ignored/denied/misunderstood.

Spend some money on decent grooming products, get some decent shower gel, a facial cleanser, moisturiser. I didn't touch fragrances/colognes until I was in my 40s and couldn't believe the confidence it gave when I found one I liked.

You sound the coolest if you say you use Arch btw (this is a meme now).

AV Linux is pretty damn good.

I would say Arch because the AUR is amazing and Arch all around is so good but you'll need to be making a lot of decisions during install that you know nothing about. If you want to learn then I think it's the best overall.

Same for all daws for me. I tried to get along with foss ones but they pale in comparison. Ardour crashed a lot for me, especially when the project got large with many plugins so I moved to reaper and had no such issues. On bitwig now and I can't really think of anything even comparable that's foss, let alone easier/better.

Mpd and Cantata. Deadbeef for playing from a directory or for conversation. I haven't found anything as good as cantata but I have to admit that I miss the monolithic and do everything of musicbee.

I don't understand why people do this. Surely if you lose your phone or it is stolen then you are without your phone, ID and bank card?

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Linux programs tend not to be monolithic. The power is there but is often split across a few tools rather than being bundled into one. Beets is incredibly good for library management and there are a bunch of good players around, my favourite being mod + cantata. Cantata is not bad for browsing and managing as well, and it lets you set up custom actions so you can open an album in something like puddletag if you don't want to deal with beets.

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If you can't/won't install with debtap then deb files can be extracted.

Yeah I think this might be the best and easiest solution. I'm really impressed with it too, I started with photoprism and the moved to nextcloud but there always seems to be something missing from the overall experience. Immich seems to fill all the gaps though.

That's fair enough, I didn't mean to imply there is anything wrong with it, just that it seems alien to me and my cheapskate ways. I can understand it though, I prefer to use a computer and only really use my phone for browsing but I tend to forget that for some people it's much more like what I would use a computer for.

It's pretty common to bond over dislikes. Besides, disliking something isn't negative, and there's nothing wrong with being negative even if it were.

He didn't and this is the whole point of open source.

Last time I looked there were not enough plugins available for it to be good for a beginner wanting to use it for audio.

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I'm trying notally for notes right now, seems to be good enough for what I need (mainly checklists for shopping and very occasional notes) and has a widget. No idea how the widget compares to SN though

You should try some dark ambient instead of noise. Some is more distracting than others but a lot of it is perfect for what you describe. Try Kammarheit.

I've settled on gonemad, it's one of the only ones which has what I need - an audodj feature to queue random albums after the current one has finished and the ability to play random albums (like a button to play a random one). Unfortunately none of the open source ones I've tried have both of these, usually the autodj feature

What is?

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I think we had a week or two didn't we? Never seemed to get much past spring.
