
0 Post – 9 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Great read, thank you!

I grabbed an HP 3055 that my work was throwing out almost 10 years ago, along with two spare laser cartridges.

We don't print much, but I'm still on the initial cartridge it came with.

It also has been set up in an often dusty, sometimes smokey garage, and hasn't had an issue yet.

They both look high.

I started doing this and it works. Even better when I string them together incoherently and then they all get even madder.

8 more...

"Man who covers up the rape of children by his peers asks the public to have more children."

Everyone sees how crazy this is, right? Right??


China lays claim to that whole area outlined in red? What exactly are they smoking and where do I buy it?

Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues

Another happy connect user!