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Joined 1 months ago

I assume your project wasn't based on ChatGPT? It feels like a lot of the AI hate is directed at ChatGPT and its current hype wave.

Yeah the beginning is a bit rough because apparently the alien is specifically programmed to not leave you alone in the first level or two that it appears. My initial experience was similar but after the first level it got a lot better.

To me the game either works great and you get a legit scary experience or the alien pops out at the wrong time and you have to briskly walk through the rest of the level or die instantly.

Last time I checked (and it's been a few months), GOG hadn't updated their version of FO4 with the "next-gen" update that came out early this year. That may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your perspective because supposedly the update breaks a lot of mods but also is supposed to increase performance.

Have you updated recently? A few weeks ago there were some changes to YouTube that basically shut down newpipe and other similar clients, but an update should have fixed that.

Do you use cloud sync with heroic? It sounded somewhat beta/experimental so I use heroic for other storefronts but still use the gog galaxy since it's sync works great and is built in.

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Same here. At some point I'll have to try it out with a game that I don't mind losing progress on. It sounded like you have to manually specify one or more save directories to get sync to work which sounds pretty flimsy to me.

Definitely just download heroic. Lutris can be weird - for the epic store on Linux it literally just runs the epic store exe in wine and installs/launches games through it instead of directly in the lutris client.

But it is Linux and so naturally one or the other store will not always work right so it helps to have both.

Gog has cloud saves too if you use gog galaxy.

I've recently noticed the same thing with cloudflare and Google captchas while using a VPN. I just use Bing instead while on the VPN because I never get past the Google captchas, or at least I give up after 2 or 3.

It also seems like the resolution of the browser has some impact with cloudflare. If I open a browser window in the corner of the screen, I'm basically guaranteed to get more cloudflare captchas, but if I open it full screen I only get one, maybe two.