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I bet they got a lot of grants and other funding. They aren't disclosing their costs so you can assume it's less that you imagine.

Right? It was ALWAYS going to be someone like this because it was always going to be a Republican. This is what voting for Republican's means. You get whacko assholes in charge.

It is a Republican majority, it was never NOT going to be that. This is the person that that they are, even marginally reasonable humans are VASTLY in the minority of the GOP.

YouTube is perfectly happy if people who block ads go away. Do you really think your traffic is beneficial to them if you don't watch ads?

I mean, I hate it too, but it's obviously not a bad business decision.

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This one shooter is likely to nearly match the TOTAL homicide rate for Maine last year (30). I think that when a state is looking at HALF THIER TOTAL MURDERS being from a mass shooting event, its time to stop treating them as an insignificant aberration and as a legitimate contributor to overall violence.

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Especially since they aren't even light any more. Compare a Ford Ranger from the 1990s or early 2000s to the current generation and it looks like a toy. The current generation of light trucks and SUVs are bigger than full sized trucks and SUVs from 20 years ago.

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It is funny to me that they gave up on the Windows phone right when it was starting to actually kinda work and gain some market traction.

Hasn't Israel been killing them since LONG before they took hostages? Why would release them suddenly make it stop?

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Super weird that he just totally forgot to pay it and they totally forgot to collect it. Wonder why that never happens with any of my loans?

The key point is that he was also recently institutionalized after making threats and SHOULD have had his guns seized, even under existing law.

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You realize that this is the EXACT outcome they would have expected right? You think Hamas expected Israel to surrender to paragliders? This was what they WANTED to happen. Now the whole world is watching Israel losing their shit on civilians and their international support is crumbling all around them. Hamas doesn't give a shit about the palestinian people, but they do care about getting Israel into a position to be openly attacked by its Arab neighbors without the US and Europe coming in to fight on their behalf. It looks like that plan is actually going pretty well.

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So the choice given to a dying old man faced with watching his "retirement" and healthcare costs drain whatever meager remains of the estate he might leave behind is faced with this choice:

A) Spend six figures on the various hoops needed to legally kill yourself. B) Spend 40 cents on a really good 9mm cartridge.

Medically assisted suicide doesn't work in places without public healthcare. You can NEVER be certain that the decision isn't driven by financial concerns, and like ALL HEALTHCARE IN THE US, its really only available to at least marginally wealthy people in the first place.

Especially with the built in biases that the companies that use it build in. Try searching for anything that can even tangentially be defined as a product for sale and that is ALL your results are going to show.

I doubt they are farming the cats so much as collecting them from the streets and everywhere else.

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That is insane. The "brake lights" are effectively just the regular tail lights turning OFF and being replaced with smaller less bright lights. That is stupid.

Except don't actually do that because he hasn't read it either, just just does whatever the fuck he wants and ignores everything that doesn't agree with what he wanted it to say.

Are you seriously suggesting that a company (tesla) that does 50 billion in sales is NOT worth three times the value a company that does 250 billion (toyota)?

The Tesla valuation is such a fucking joke. They are a "bigger" company that Toyota, Honda, or Ford despite not even doing a fraction of their outright sales, and likely making less on every single one of those sales. Their only advantage is that they were making electric cars before it made economic sense to make them. Now that everyone else is jumping in they are going to die on the vine because people can get a real EV that costs half of a Tesla and actually works.

Tesla DID have a chance of leveraging their early market presence by either introducing a higher quality or cheaper vehicle that could compete with their new competitors. Their existing presence could have captured enough of the market to stand against them if they had a product that was in the same league. Instead they made the fucking Cybertruck.

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Not very many people have argued that people who have actually made violent threats and been institutionalized should be buying guns.

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They also actively fight against ACCURATE translations because they have already built so many false arguments based on the least accurate and most out of date translations available. Even if the book WAS originally in English an original text from the 1600s would be a challenge.

Kind of amazing the sort of lifestyle these justices live, given that their actual PAY is in the senior-coder range (mid 200K).

Its almost like they have all manner of other sources of income.

They could fine him a trillion dollars for all he cares, he won't pay one cent because its not like they are going to put him in jail or they would have done that already.

This guy is exactly the kind of person that the GOP considers a "good guy with a gun". He is a mentally ill veteran firearms instructor. Sounds like a boilerplate Trump supporter. Exactly who they want to have more guns.

I can do every single one of those things in my pixel (or just about any Android phone) if these things actually mattered you would have switched ages ago.

Don't worry, your grandpa does.

Also some speculation that the cats might have been stolen

Almost has to be the case. There is a reason no one farms cats as meat, they are obligate carnivores that will eat more meat than they ever produce. It isn't economical to produce cats for meat if you have to actually feed them. It only makes sense to "harvest" them wild on the streets or from kitten mills, shelters, vets, wherever you find spare cats in China.

Framing animals for meat only really makes sense if those animals eat lower on the food chain. Turning grass / grains into meat makes sense. Turning meat into meat doesn't, especially since the cats would pretty much have to be eating more desirable meat that they produce. Imagine feeding pork, fish, and chicken to cats in order to make cat meat.

Plus its honestly getting kind of hard to NOT buy an SUV or a large car. The smallest car at an American Honda dealership is an SUV (HRV) now and its fucking massive compared to their smallest car from just a few years ago (Honda Fit). If you wanted an actual compact car you aren't getting one there. That is the same story at a lot of dealers. EVERYTHING is big. Hell, even historic compacts like the Civic and Corolla are massive next to their previous generations. I have a 2000 civic that looks like a toy next to a 2023 civic.

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Being against blowing up innocent people in their homes is about as far from "pro hamas" as you can be.

He found a club that is genuinely evil and got elected by other evil people to be in charge of it.

It was Steve Bannon himself engaged in a proof of concept that gamers were a ripe plumb of dissatisfied idle white men just ready to be radicalized by the right wing.

He learned this from his background and how he got rich in the first place: building World of Warcraft gold farms (seriously).

The United States of America.

Someone else did a good job of demonstrating that these numbers aren't exaggerated:


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It looks like something RIGHT out of Robocop, which is funny because the stupid fucking cars was actually a point of satire in that movie.

This guy isn't planning past his own lifetime. Those kids will be someone eases problem. He just wants to make sure that he gets every penny he is due and that means they need more wage slaves.

Homer Simpson at least had the intent of making a car that would meet the needs of his imagined consumer. I don't know who the hell this truck was designed for.

The light truck category is incredibly broad (everything from zero to 14,000 lbs. My point is that the current crop of light trucks are verging closer to the top of that category than they historically had been even within that category apart from its increasing presence in the mix of consumer cars.


It is fascinating to me that no one is asking what outcome Hamas was looking for after these attacks. Is no one concerned that Israel is doing EXACTLY what Hamas must have expected them to do? They almost certainly had a plan and doing exactly what the other side expects means your going along with that plan. Hamas had to have known this is what would happen, so this happening is giving them what they wanted: An Israel that is rapidly losing its international mandate while committing atrocities against civilians on center stage in front of the whole world.

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Most of these laws, and most of the historic gun control in the US, is really intended to be used to keep guns from the "wrong sort" of people, and that means leftists and brown people generally. Crazy white guys were never the target of any prior firearms legislation or enforcement mechanism. That's really the core of the problem here.

The "insurrection caucus" represents the majority of the GOP. This is what they are.

Make them leave and never come back, that's what most victims want from their abusers.

They WOULD allow a paranoid schizophrenia to hold office if they voted correctly and hated the right people.

I'm not even sure its legal in the US. The mixed brake lights are one thing, but even in the US they cannot be the ONLY form of brake light. And the idea of a "center light" being the normal tail light turning OFF and being replaced with a smaller light doesn't seem like it would meet even the relatively lax US DOT requirements.