
2 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Straws are necessary to some people with mobility issues. It's important to rember that not everyone can do what you can do.

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Magic Johnson

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If you figure it out, let us know. My kids keep asking me the same thing. I dont know how to do that now because things have changed so much since I was young and meeting people.

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You can use Beeper to replace all your communication apps. That way you only have to install one app, and you don't have to have Meta installed.

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I built a yard that can suck CO2 out of the atmosphere.

Are you saying that people have preconceived stereotypical notions of groups of people they aren't part of? I won't hear any of this nonsense!

Evernote is still around? I stopped using that years ago because it pales in comparison to so many other apps.

I think op means why should they, as an individual with no ability whatsoever to have any affect on the situation, care about it.

I think that question should be asked about everything. There are people who have anxiety, depression, addiction, and other life altering results of stressing over things that they ultimately have no control over.

The conflict has been going on for longer than anyone alive today has been around. Many people who did have the power to affect it haven't been able to, so why should any individual with no power at all need to care about it?

I have strong feelings about it and I think it's probably the last, or next to last straw that causes WWIII, but I don't really think about it much. I don't read the stories. I don't argue about it. I don't wring my hands, because I accept that there is nothing I can do about it.

Does this only apply to companies with physical operations in the UK? If it applies to all internet entities, then how do they enforce it on a company from another country? If it's only UK based businesses, then what's the point? Kids can go to a site hosted in another country.

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It takes a lot of work by outside forces to turn a potato into vodka. It doesn't just do it on its own.

Chances are, most people wouldn't know about anything outside of their small circle if it weren't for articles. The article is just a beginning. The article brings your attention to something. Then it's your responsibility to research what it says and determine how true it is. I prefer to think of an article as a hypothesis. Usually there are several facts that lead to a hypothesis. The job is then to determine the validity of the facts and see if the hypothesis holds up to further scutiny.

My balls?

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I got scammed by Columbia House when I was a teenager.

It used to be like that. The last 25 years have changed this country drastically, and not for the better. It's been really sad to watch this great nation crumble from the inside out.

The link goes straight to a download with no link to a description. What exactly is this app? Is it like Nikogram?

I install straight from GitHub. You can see exactly what has been updated.

Johnathan Haidt has laid out all of his teams data and research on the subject. It is very compelling and conclusive.

DDG email is AMAZING! I only wish it would have been around before my email got exposed.

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It's under my bed. You'll have to pay me $10,000 to get it back.


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It was actually a baby. Hawkeye just remembered it as a chicken.

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Why does it even matter if there are books that aren't in the school library? It's not like there's no way a student could read a certain book just because it's not inside the school. This is as pointless as arguing about which restrooms people can use. People on both sides get all worked up and upset, but at the end of the day a student can read a book even if it's not in the school and anyone can use any restroom. My mom used to go in the men's room all the time and nobody ever took any issue with it. I've read tons of books that weren't in my school library. In fact, almost every book I've ever read wasn't in my school library.

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I live here too, but I've never seen you before.

Thanks for your comment. I searched a name. I'm not going to post the name but it's not a famous name. It's a family member. The pics were of severely underage kids. I would love to tell authorities, but idk how you do that without looking guilty of something. I'm just totally shocked that it's so easy to find those things, even when you're not looking for them.

That is the worst misrepresentation of Net Neutrality I've ever seen. This "article" makes it sound like the government is protecting you. It makes me want to vomit. They get away with this because nobody reads the actual bills. They just take what the media writes and accepts it as truth.

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I thought there was nobody I'd like to fight, but I was wrong. I totally agree with you. Fuck Woodrow Wilson. I actually have a shirt that says that.

I assume this app is like Native Alpha, Hermit, and Vivaldi web apps?

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I couldn't agree more. I'm part of a hobby community keeping an old OS going and I see people come in and complain as if this were a new OS that they just paid money for, and almost demanding that something they want be done immediately. It frustrates me, and I'm not even one of the people maintaining it. I'm just an enthusiast supporting the project.

They were also blind.

Superman doesn't exist??!!! Next you're going to tell me Santa doesn't exist. I'm not listening to you 🙉

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Odysee is a FOSS video hosting site built like YouTube.

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Wow, I could actually hear George talking as I read that. Damn, I miss him.

And chatbots?

I wish I would have read your comment before wasting time reading that article to find out how much it was going to cost.

I mainly use Searx, MetaGer, and DDG. Most of the people I know are not fans of Google. I'm a little more privacy conscious than most of my friends, though. Most of them have FB and IG accounts. I don't post anything on social media unless it's as anonymous as it can be.

Do the votes actually matter? They mattered on Reddit because of karma, although I never did understand the point of karma. What is the point on Lemmy? I rarely even notice the up/down votes on a comment/post.

Do people still use Google search? Maybe I don't get out much, but idk anyone that uses Google search.

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I'm so sick of you "east on top" people. I'll never conform!

Me too! We must be soul mates.

I want you and your recurrent income.