
3 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I wipe sitting. I think most people probably do. Standing up will push your arse cheeks together, so the poo inside the crack will just smear everywhere.

As for bidets, I don't use them. They're very rare in my country. I just wipe with toilet paper. I try to get my arse as clean as possible with the toilet paper, so I wipe multiple times.

Thank you for reading my post about my pooing habits.

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Turn it into an NSFW subreddit, as others are doing, because then Reddit can't run ads on the subreddit.

Also, their whole spiel about subreddits being for users, who you are letting down, is obviously a crock of shit. They care about one thing only - money. They care about being able to continue financing their BMWs, because God forbid they have to ride the bus.

Maybe they had early warning signs that something was wrong with the sub. Maybe it imploded later. Dunno.

Is there actually a particular rule against turning SFW subs into NSFW subs?

Or is Reddit just desperately trying to interpret their rules in whatever way they desire because they're panicking at losing revenue?

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Meta is a capitalist social media company and they seem to be doing okay. Facebook might be uncool with the kids these days but it's still massive. And Instagram and WhatsApp are still very popular.

I think the difference between Meta and Reddit is that I bet Meta would issue some sort of apology and carefully crafted PR if they found themselves in Reddit's current situation. But Reddit doesn't even seem to care about angering its users, which just feeds the anger more.

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Reddit: "we will make up whatever rules we want, whenever we want, so that we can keep funding the payments on our BMWs"

Normally, companies try and implement changes in their product in a diplomatic way, but I guess Reddit never got that memo.

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Here's a link to the same post on Teddit, an alternative front-end to Reddit, to read the same post:


Viewing it this way means you're not giving Reddit traffic.

No user of Reddit is powerless. Every single user of Reddit has the power to fuck with Reddit in whatever legal way they want, and they also they have the power to quit using Reddit.

It's just manipulation of course. They're trying to guilt-trip mods into doing what Reddit wants. Reddit's concern here is obviously not for the poor innocent users being deprived their access to these subreddits. Reddit's concern is maximising the amount of cash that flows into their pockets.

If Reddit actually cared about the users then they would respect the subreddits where users have voted to keep the subreddit private or change the subreddit to NSFW content. But Reddit is not respecting these votes from users, because they only care about the cash flowing into their pockets.

This is similar to me. I used Reddit's official app, so initially I wasn't bothered by 3rd party apps going away. But seeing Reddit's response, which is basically "users will bow down and do what we want, they will generate revenue for us and not complain, and we will never listen to them", is what made me not want to use Reddit again. So now I'm not using it.

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They might keep those users more engaged with this new app though. The Twitter format might be more successful for facilitating outrage and arguments than the Facebook format is.

And more engagement means more adverts shown and thus more revenue.

What does this have to do with brain implants...

He'll be remembered for breaking rules yes, but he won't be remembered "as an innovator".

Schrödinger's Redditor

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Reddit's response to everything over the last week or however long it has been:

"Fuck you, we don't care about you, we want to line our pockets, we literally think of users as dirt, we expect you to bow down and kiss our shoes"

Apparently Reddit is now switching these new NSFW subs back to being SFW.

My current view of Reddit is that I hope they crash and burn.

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Well, going outside is a good thing.

But if you still want online conversations then Kbin/Lemmy/Fediverse seems to be a viable ecosystem for that. Apparently Lemmy now has 370,000 users and Kbin has 43,000 users.

People use these systems as public spaces in which they can build communities

What really amused me is when Reddit sent messages to moderators saying things like "your subreddits are public spaces which users depend on, so you should open them".

When obviously what they mean is "your decision to close your subreddit is hurting our revenues, and if I don't keep up the payments on my BMW then I'll be forced to drive an old Honda, so either open the subreddit or we will forcibly do it ourselves".

This is completely dystopian.

As others have said, Elon should test this on himself before he tests it on others, if he's really so confident in it.

It is inevitable that this will have negative health effects, and when that happens, Elon will just wipe his hands and say "not my problem".

Reddit: "we care about empathy"

Also Reddit: "we don't give a single fuck about our users' opinions and see them only as cattle to be milked for every advertising penny we can get"

He's right that Reddit's "aggressive posture" is what's annoyed a lot of users. When I first heard of them adding API costs, I didn't care, because I didn't use 3rd party apps. But their attitude since then is why I don't want to use Reddit now.

They could have apologised for the inconvenience caused by their changes. They could have said something like "we recognise there are users who are not happy with these changes, and we apologise for the inconvenience, but we are in a position where we have to cover our server costs, or else Reddit may not survive into the future". If they had put it like THAT then I bet most people would have understood where they're coming from.

But instead they say things like "oh it's only a small amount of users who are unhappy" and "this will blow over like all of these controversies do". Basically saying "we don't need to listen to you, fuck you, fuck your opinions, we assume you'll use Reddit anyway". AND didn't they say they would respect mods protesting by shutting their subreddits? And then they're like "no fuck you we'll just force them open".

So the impression they give off is not that they're doing these API changes out of a financial necessity to ensure Reddit can survive into the future - instead, like many users have said, it seems like they are literally just trying to milk as many profits as possible in the short-term, so they can cash in as much as possible on the IPO, and then they can quit Reddit and retire to the Caribbean.

This is the same as me. When I first read about this issue I thought "fair enough if Reddit wants to charge for their API, they have server costs to pay". And I didn't use 3rd party apps.

But their behaviour since then is what makes me not want to use Reddit anymore. They clearly have no intention to treat users or mods with respect. When users are voting to close their subreddits, Reddit is forcing those subreddits open, because Reddit only cares about lining their pockets. They're ignoring democracy when it suits them, despite the CEO saying he thinks Reddit should be more democratic (because he thought users would vote out the mods - the outcome he wants). He clearly never cared about democracy at all.

I mean sure, every business ultimately cares about money, but most businesses are smart enough to not treat their users like crap. Most businesses recognise that you have to respect your users to at least some degree if you want them to keep using your services. Reddit seems to have completely forgotten that.

People are greedy for money and power. Like the Reddit CEO.

I bet this will be very expensive though. It will probably be years before it costs the same, or less than, regular meat.

The bots have started.

I think it depends on the subreddit. Some subreddits I used were civil.

But now I don't want to use Reddit because of their hatred of their users. So I'm not using it for the moment.

Every country should do this. It's just a shame we have to wait until 2027 to see these phones.

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Well if only official Apple batteries will work, then that means Apple will jack up the price to something ridiculous, because they'll be the only option for a battery.

So hopefully third party batteries would work as well. I think third party batteries work in iPhones at the moment. So if we're able to install them much more easily then that would be very good.

I think it's Terminator 2 right? Unless there's a similar scene in the first Terminator.

I like it. But you'll have to do this manually for every post right?

I read someone saying that they tried to use automated tools to delete their posts (Shreddit I think) but Reddit was undoing the deletions, or something. So that's annoying if you have to change/delete every post manually.

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Kbin's /m/soccer seems to have some activity: https://kbin.social/m/soccer

You should be able to read/write to it from Lemmy. Since you're on Lemmy.ml, this link should work: https://lemmy.ml/c/soccer@kbin.social

I remember when Apple was better. MacBooks were designed so that users could easily replace the battery, storage, and memory. But now, these parts are not designed to be replaced by users. The storage and memory is soldered, and the batteries are glued in.

Yes I think it's very good that the EU is pushing smartphone makers to have replaceable batteries. I hope these companies don't find a way around that.

There is of course Fairphone which has a replaceable battery, but Fairphones are a bit expensive. But I think there is a demand for this sort of thing. Look at how Framework laptops have got a lot of attention.

The US government hasn't shut down the KKK though. Unless I'm wrong, I don't think it's possible to shut down political groups in the US, due to the first amendment.

So I think that would be a big difference between the US and Russia. Russia bans organisations it considers "extremist", but I don't think the US does.

Also, Russia is arresting people for expressing opposition to the invasion of Ukraine, even in private conversations. I don't think the US arrested people who expressed opposition to the Iraq War - a war which Russia-supporters seem to love comparing the invasion of Ukraine to.

Also, why on Earth would Ukraine blow up their own infrastructure and cause flooding that has severely harmed their own people.

Meanwhile, Russia has a proven history of clandestine operations which they publicly deny. E.g. poisoning Sergei Skripal in 2018. The evidence that Russia did this is overwhelming, yet they deny it.

I was going to suggest that maybe a large group of mods could stop moderating until changes are made. Because Reddit would have a hard time replacing all those mods quickly, I would've thought.

But then, are changes from Reddit desirable at this point? They've shown just how determined they are to make themselves richer at users' expense. The best thing is for Reddit to fail at this point, I think.

There are these:

The most popular of those seems to be the one on lemmy.world (accessible from Kbin at https://kbin.social/m/football@lemmy.world)

Apparently his new charges include "creating an extremist organisation". His Anti-Corruption Foundation was declared "extremist" and shut down.

I think in the US, even extreme organisations can still exist? E.g. the KKK. Many people disagree with the KKK, but they're still allowed to exist, I assume due to the first amendment.

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Maybe they plan to park cars there.

Or maybe they just don't like cutting the grass. Can't blame them. I hate having to cut the grass all the time.

The real Donald Trump would probably stop supplying aid to Ukraine though, and thus force Ukraine to accept the loss of some of their territory. He's said publicly that he would get the war ended as soon as possible if he was president again, and I'm sure this is the sort of end he means.

Another problem with Trump is that he implied in an interview with Tucker Carlson that the US blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. I doubt this is true. I think Russia did it. Also, Trump didn't even believe his own intelligence agencies who said that Russia interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.

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