
0 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you’re in the UK and had been affected by posts being restored, I’d recommend contacting the ICO. It takes less than 5 minutes

Link it or put the email address in your post if you want people to actually do it

Alright https://lemmy.zip it is!

Edit: No way someone already did it

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Also the temperature at the bottom showing how cold it was on the way back. It explains why everyone died in the river.

Across the whole town? Open a paper mill, those things stink to high hell.

In my experience it's women who squirt that are more likely not to know what an orgasm is supposed to feel like. They'll definitely feel good, like edging, then get to a point where it feels like they've overstimulated themselves to the point of peeing the bed and stop. Not realizing there's a "getting over the hill" moment to an orgasm.

It's reminding me a lot of when I first joined Reddit (nearly 15 years ago). Not too much is happening day-to-day so I'm checking in every couple of days or so.

I think this is a much healthier relationship than checking a site compulsively every couple of hours. I'm liking it so far, also a crazy repercussion is that I'm using the internet like the early days again. I think of a topic and I do a deep dive on my own, researching into it and going down weird rabbit holes.

I feel like Reddit discouraged this behavior by having a non-stop flow of communities that "mostly" interested me enough to not go "browsing the web"

Yep, that's why these things are sold

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EME for the rest of the internet, not just video. Basically doing what hulu does to stop screen recording/as blocking but across every webpage

It contains the fallout of site-wide issues to some extent. Mods and user-on-user will still be issues. If one federation owner goes on a power trip everyone can just leave that server while continuing to use other Lemmy instances.

Essentially you'd only lose access to some subreddits instead of all of reddit in that situation.

You also would have 3rd party apps that would continue to work. Unlike now where apps like Sync are just down for a few months until they finish development for Lemmy.

But don't worry, reddit had a run of like 6-10 years there where mods weren't an issue so we have some time before that all starts.

The point is to trash the site so new users don't join, if they replace the number they lost they can say "hey look, we recovered in only 6 months"

Because you only get a bonus once a year. You say your compensation is "$xxx with a $xx bonus".

It's the same as hosting your own email server. Yes it's "best practice" to host your own, but there's updates, bug workarounds, certificates, etc etc that makes it easier to use someone else's server. In the end it's a personal choice.

Cowboy Bebop: Space noire, get to Jupiter Jazz part 1&2 before forming an opinion

Berserk (The 1997 version): A long burn, twist for the last two episodes

One-punch man: Comedy, overpowered main character but it's handled very well. Kinda a criticism of other animes.


Two guilty pleasures: Code Geass (mechs), and Future Diary (Battle Royal/Hunger Games)

Reach ego death and that feeling will go away forever.

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Why's there an AI image attached to this question?

Running shoes last 300-500 miles, and can last even longer if you're just walking in them.

Brooks' Gost 15 are my current pair and hold up more than a year.

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I can sign in with a web browser, but this broke Jerboa for me

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So I've found there's two different 'pleasure' experiences:

One is during the workout where you disassociate and just feel your muscles working. In running this is usually called a "runner's high", and in weightlifting it's typically refered to "lifting heavy thing make me happy" / "Big rock make sad voices go away"

Then there's the after-workout where you just feel your muscle exhausted as you relax and it's extremely satisfying. You know you're getting stronger and the workout will be easier next time.

Both of these feelings take a few weeks to start, you'll have to get results from your workout and then your mind and body will start rewarding you with dopamine for doing a good job. (Although some days working out still sucks ass though and is both tiring and a chore, that part doesn't go away it's just easier to ignore).

Nintendo StreetPass? Used to be super popular in big cities.

Hey, we did stop acid rain and the hole in the ozone. So there were some wins.

I mean even ignoring the philanthropic take, it's just straight up worth my time to pay for the services. It'd be stupid not to.

An hour of my work time in a month pays for Max, Spotify, Hulu (with ads), Netflix, and YouTube. I'd be spending more time than an hour to go through other methods.

And to put it in perspective I'm only in the top 20% of US households. Tens of millions of Americans are making this call even easier than I am. There's definitely a wage gap forming and it's interesting to see streaming be at the forefront of it.

For my frontpage the change is small but still noticeable:

/r/pcm was always holding on by a thread, it looks like all the quality posters and moderation have left/given up.

/r/chess is down about 10-20% of its normal upvotes

/r/ProgrammerHumor is down about 50%

/r/Sysadmin is surprisingly normal-ish for upvotes, but the posts aren't great. Although that sub has been mostly off topic rants for a while now... not sure I want to purely attribute that to the API change.

Yep, most games run fine. But I do still have to check if the anti-cheat supports Linux.

I'm also extremely confused, but happy to be here. 👍

Nah it was a Tuesday and Wednesday iirc, it wasn't even a high volume day.

Why use many word when few do trick?

Logitech K400

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It's absolutely fantastic, there are posts when I open Jerboa that are from yesterday, I haven't seen that since when I first joined reddit ~2010.

If Lemmy doesn't grow at all I'll be perfectly happy, and even if it does I can just hop to another server that has the amount of users I want.


Where you look, what you look at, how long you look, and where you click tap.

On the other hand, I prefer the beeps over the jingles every appliance has now.

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That's when Cyberpunk 2077 decided to encourage people to take screenshots of fully nude models in the character creator and start posting them in the sub.

Super quick and low effort way to stay on topic and stay NSFW.

If only the FTC didn't sit on its ass for the last 40 years

That's more on the money than you think. Microsoft mostly won because the FTC didn't clamp down on Sony being anticompetitive which "forced" Microsoft to make these acquisitions. This situation is bad, but the alternative with Sony exclusivity deals all over the place was worse.

The convenience of not replacing the battery.

I'm in a good financial position and swapping the battery isn't rocket surgery, but it's a bit of a risk I'm not willing to take. Plus Pixel phones go on a decently deep discount in September before the next model is released.

And I wait until the battery is bloated so it's kinda a safety thing too.

In a certain way of thinking the past still exists as light waves traveling away from earth. You just need an impossibly large telescope to see anything of detail.

What really helps is the power users and moderators moved over too this time. Hopefully with this type of userbase Lemmy will be able to self-moderate and won't end up like Voat.

Windows licensing doesn't have enforcement. If there weren't police plenty of people would drive without a license.


Checks comments

User posted in Piracy 30 minutes ago


Parking, cart, entry, items, pay, receipt check, leave parking. You can't simple stop by for an item, its impossible..

Do you just fucking materialize in your local Aldi or something?

"Lack of moderation/failure to moderate". The admins have banned plenty of subs for it in the past, replacing the mods is actually a measured approach for them.