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I call bullshit. He sold them fucking internet as a fucking contract with the damn Pentagon. What else would they be used for. If you wanted to use that excuse then you should’ve never made the contract. This was planned from the start. He sold the contract to have greater control over their military operations. This is just the first of a long line of items to come


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It would be so ironic if the plane crash was entirely an accident and not planned in any way, but no one believes it because of Putins history. And if they kill him for something he wasn’t actually involved in because of his past crimes ruining his credibility it would be oh-so-sweet

I’ve seen this kind of cheesy thing as party favors for company Christmas parties. It’s a thing, but it’s almost never the ONLY thing. It’s more likely someone in management saw it on Pinterest and had to incorporate somehow to seem like the fun boss. The. Did some other lousy stuff to make it not seem so bad.

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As an American I can say that the overwhelming majority of people don’t have an interest in this specific event. Yes, there are those that support one side or the other. Yes there are some protests. But most people simply don’t care.

What most people want is for the US to stay out of the Middle East. It feels like we just left. It was one of the first things to happen during the Biden administration. It’s been less than 4 years. Now we’re sending troops back over. Sure, it’s just medical support, for now. But it just feels like we’re getting back into the war we just left.

It’s not the same war. It’s an entirely different war on every aspect. But with our coverage and everything it feels like it’s a continuation of the same conflict. Americans don’t want involved. And with ties to Israel the easiest way to keep out of it is to broker peace between both countries.

Unfortunately Americans rarely get what they want

The Washington ones are funny because they’re all named after George Washington because “he traveled near that location” but half of them are like “nah he really didn’t do that”

I haven’t seen anything specifically as a “trend” but I’ve had a growing amount of paranoia that our entire economy in the US is on the verge of collapse. We keep pushing bigger profits and infinite growth so shareholders who contribute absolutely nothing to society can make more money but that money comes from somewhere. We can’t just magically make more money (we could but there’s multiple reasons we don’t. It doesn’t work out). It comes from the working class. And that working class isn’t getting raises but prices keep rising. I feel like it’s a giant bubble and when it explodes things are going to get really bad. I think people will actually die because we are on an economically unsustainable path and no one cares because everyone wants money now and doesn’t want anything else.

I’m pretty terrified of whats to come.

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This is why I buy my grandmother her electronics. I can set it up so she has it ready when she gets it and doesn’t need to do anything.

Of course it’s also super easy to get her phone. Just tell her I need to do updates and then take it to another room to transfer everything.

My mom bought her an iPad 2 years ago. “I got a good deal. It was only $200” made me gag. Ya, my grandma uses apple cause it’s easiest but buying the cheapest apple product will not be a good time. She likes the iPad but it’s a 16g base iPad and the keyboard case she bought her is not a good fit. It requires a key combination to pair EVERY time since it doesn’t maintain a list of paired devices. And my grandma can only have 3 apps on her tablet before it’s full. So this year I’m getting her a new iPad with a decent chunk of storage which should last her a decade since she only emails and plays card games.

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Apple has very explicitly stated in very clear terms that the health app does not share data with other apps or devices unless you give permission. And as someone who has given that permission (twice, once to give a meal tracker write permission and once to link to my doctors office’s application for read and write) it’s for every application. It’s not a “hey you need to let everyone have access or no one”. You can get fairly granular.

There’s always the possibility of lying but usually when a company goes that hard on saying the same thing is so many different ways it’s legit. They don’t commit like that unless they know they won’t get in trouble. Those kinds of statements could open them to false advertising claims if it got out they were taking your health data.

Here’s a link to their privacy document which reviewed a good bit of info: https://www.apple.com/privacy/docs/Health\_Privacy\_White\_Paper\_May\_2023.pdf

The asymmetrical aspect of cable will be here to stay. Fiber can do it because it was build on a different foundation.

Copper cable transmits data using electric signals in various frequencies. There are a batch of frequencies reserved for phone and TV. ALL of the tv programming is constantly streamed to your lines whether you have TV or not and whether you pay for it or not. It’s encrypted and is only decrypted by your cable boxes when your provider says they can decrypt it. The phone frequencies are reserved so you can make phone calls and still max out your download.

So what about the rest of the bandwidth? Well, way back in the early days of cable it was pretty much everyone for themselves. Every company did things its own way. That’s where DOCSIS came in. It’s a platform that allows modem manufacturers to make modems that will work on any cable network that supports Docsis. And the key part is that DOCSIS is always backwards compatible. The network upgrade to 3.1 did not break the old d2 devices.

When it was developed the download was extremely more necessary than the upload. You’d be sending small single line commands on upload and receiving entire files in download. So more frequencies went to download than upload. In a lab setting 1.0 could reach 40mbps down and 10 up. That’s not what was sold because real life isn’t a lab and there’s loss over large distances. Realistically most people got 10 mb down and upload wasn’t even listed.

Whats changed? Well today those same download and upload frequencies are still used. We’ve added more around them to deliver higher speeds. But we’ve also kept the same principles that people need more download than upload. Docsis 3.1 was released in 2013. We really didn’t start stressing over upload until Covid and work from home had us on zoom calls all day.

Docsis 4.0 is technically released but requires quite a bit of overhaul to work with existing networks. We pretty much need to do away with cable tv. That’s why many ISP’s are pushing IPTv. It removes the need for all that bandwidth devoted to just TV. If everyone in a region drops traditional cable for IPTv they can easily switch to d4. D4 does increase upload but does not make it symmetrical.

Your cable company does not decide their highest tier realistically. It’s the most that medium will offer. It’s gonna be a while too for d4 to be available everywhere. Everyone would need to drop traditional cable (which is honestly a nice move regardless) and people don’t upgrade plans very often. When I worked in tech support I would frequently deal with customers complaining about slow speeds while on plans from 2002.

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Radioactive decay has always confused me. If it’s a principle rule of the universe that matter cannot be created or destroyed, then where’s the other half of the material go?it has to go somewhere or else it would be ignoring a fundamental law

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On one side I have seen where he’s continued negotiations with them to help them resolve issues without a strike which is pretty beneficial.

On the other hand, if that’s not as good as it looks, then this could show that he realized he fucked up not letting the rail workers strike. If he’s going this hard on other strikes and supporting unions it may be to garner support for re-election. Even if it’s only for his own gain, being heavily pro union is a win for the people.

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Seattle Sounders. It’s a USL team for soccer. If you know, you know. If you don’t, just understand that it should be changed and move on

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We’re talking seconds of difference, a minute at most. Who cares? Put your phone down during the game and watch the actual fucking game and it won’t matter. Don’t worry about who’s tweeting the last play. Just watch the damn game.

Hell, I record the games I want to watch and start them an hour late so I can fast forward through commercials and still end the game close to the normal time. So most of the game I don’t watch anyways.

That all being said, fuck YouTube and the Sunday ticket bullshit. Too damn expensive.

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All the more reason to convict him as an accomplice. He knew what was coming and still did nothing to stop it.

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It should be noted that attempts may have failed due to poor definitions in the paper which make it more difficult to replicate on the first try. It means more testing will need to be done to truly know if it can be replicated.

But also, just today someone claimed to have replicated it at a Chinese university. Now, I’m not a physicist so I have no idea if the video is legit or not but it has a lot of professionals in the field talking so I think it carries some weight. It isn’t something to get excited about yet, but also don’t brush it off as a hoax either:


It’s too fucking expensive to be reasonable. $20k a year for fucking childcare. That’s almost $10/hr wage. Tons of jobs around here don’t even make that much. Realistically you need to make even more because there’s taxes coming out of the $10/hr. Anything less and you’re better off just not working at all. Then you need to calculate your bills. If you need to pay rent, utilities, gas, car payment, etc you need to be making $25-$30/hr to get by. Realistically a single mother isn’t making it on her own and it’s disgusting.

Not to mention that $20k doesn’t get you jack shit. We still need to supply food, diapers, drinks, and even a fucking pack and play for her to nap in as well as a fucking high chair. All that $20k gets you is a couple people sitting in a room with 20 other kids letting them all do their own thing.

Fuck childcare

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This guy spams his stupid site and they always have garbage like that in them. I would ignore anything posted by this moron

To protect us from scams they made it easier than ever to set up a scam!

Just plug your victims photo into this website and get every other photo they’ve ever posted!

Smoking is bad regardless of what it is. You’re putting shit in your lungs that you shouldn’t. And then if your near others your putting it in their lungs too. If you want to get high do edibles or some shit that only affects you. But never tell me smoking weed is perfectly safe. Micro particles are damaging for you and others regardless what they’re made of.

Personally I think smoking cigarettes needs more restrictions and then smoking weed needs to fall in line with those. I’m all for legalization to the point where people can do what they want. But the second it messes with someone else’s choice it’s not your right anymore.

I’m getting pushed to try weed for more shit than ever now that it’s legal here and I can’t stand it. I don’t want to smoke. That’s my choice. Leave me choose it. “Oh but it will chill you out” ya well I’m allergic to THC. My throat swells shut. “Nah you just gotta get acclimated to it. Just trust me and try it”.

We push cigarettes out of so many places because of people with asthma, and rightfully so. But we need to do it with smoking ANYTHING. And I’m tired of hearing all of these “it might be a miracle cure for every disease ever”. I don’t care. It needs to be legalized on the grounds that people can do with their bodies what they want as long as those choice have no impact on others. It doesn’t need to be a miracle cure to be legal. It just needs to be legal. And once it’s legal then actual medical studies can be conducted in the United States to determine how medicinal it really is.

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Actually SSN’s ARE supposed to be used that way now. It wasn’t intended when the system started because it was difficult to get everyone one. But once the system was established they started pushing federal agencies to use them. Then in the ‘60’s when the digital revolution began it just made sense to use them. But the law has been changed since 1943. The new cards don’t even have that line on them anymore.


18 months when he clearly did it, then bragged about it showing he had no regrets. Multiple quotes showing he advocates violence against people in power.

I hope he at least lost his BAR over this…

Is there anything we can do with lithium to return it to its unused state? Can it be chemically refined back to its original state or does the electrical usage permanently alter it?

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Feels like PlayStations version of the Wii U not the switch

I think having Lenny and a kbin account is reasonable. If one goes down you can use the other.

The overwhelming majority of people who work on a computer are stuck with windows.

Another mass majority of people will buy a computer and use whatever is on it. They aren’t tech savvy enough to switch OS’s and they know how to use it because they use it for work.

You want more people on Linux? Get more companies to switch to Linux and get more box stores like Walmart and Best Buy to stock Linux OS’s on PC’s at sale.

Linux growth right now will be slow. It will still happen, but it’s not going to be fast. Steam released the steam deck which runs Linux and the OS saw a MAJOR spike in users. That’s because a device is being sold with Linux stock on it. Now do the same with laptops. Some will say desktops, but desktops aren’t as popular as laptops. It won’t hurt to package with desktops but laptops are key to that.

I always tell people the greenest solution when it comes to cars is to just not buy a new one. Use whatever you have until it can’t be used. Then buy a EV, preferably used but sometimes you need new due to availability or mileage.

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The conversation would be entirely different if they had attacked military targets and not civilians. A
Military base or political building and then suddenly they’re resistance fighters with a lot more backing.

But they attacked civilians at a festival and kidnaps multinational civilians who have no impact on the regions politics. That turned just about everyone against them.

I’ve yet to hear anyone defend hamas. I’ve heard people defending Palestine, which is where I am. But it’s more defending the innocents that aren’t involved than Hamas. I’ve heard people be anti Israel, but many of them don’t support Hamas either. And those who are ok with killing civilians because of their government are already pretty lost. I’ve also seen anti US since we’re involved and while I wish we just weren’t involved at all, or at least trying to negotiate a ceasefire, most of those people are just “USA bad, disagree without thinking” types. Overall though there has really been no defense of Hamas at all

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Your electric bill absolutely will not go up by as much as your saving on gas. It’s tough to figure out how much because it depends on your electric rate and how much you drive as well as your charging habits.

I charge my car to full every night and live in western PA, but not sure of what the rates are for electric. My bill is under $150/month though. Gas is almost $4/gallon. Before our first EV in 2018 we spent about $200 a week on gas and gas has only gotten more expensive. We spend less on Electric per month for the entire house (not just the car) than we did on a week in gas.

As for long trips, that’s an area seriously lacking. I use ABRP which is a mapping software that uses your specific model, battery charge, distance, elevation, traffic, and weather to figure out when to charge and for how long. You can also link up a OBDII sensor to get live data for more accurate route adjustments. I’d recommend giving that a look and mess with different cars to see what cars fit the routes you drive the best.

I drove to Kentucky from western PA and only had to stop three times for about 2 hours of charge total in a Kia Niro 2022 EV. But we then didn’t stop to eat at other times we would have because we stopped in places with restaurants so it wasn’t 2 hours lost.

We also did a trip to Washington DC to see the pandas before they left and made it the whole way with no charge. We only had to charge on the way home.

My last raise was less than $2k/year. Our CEO got a raise of $50k… inflation has turned my “raise” into a loss. They’re throwing Pennies at everyone hoping they think they’re getting millions. Don’t fall for it.

The bolt is discontinued because it was taking sales away from more expensive vehicles. People don’t massive SUV’s but automakers can make more money on them so they limit options otherwise.

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This is complicated.

In one hand, law enforcement has to break the law at times to enforce it. A cop will need to speed to pull over another speeder. There needs to be barriers. There needs to be lines even law enforcement cannot cross. But sometimes law enforcement needs to break the law.

In this case, what if they’re impersonating a child to catch a predator? What if they’re undercover and need a fake account to pass as legit. There’s acceptable cases for fake profiles too.

Again, there needs to be boundaries and limits. But some is acceptable.

Also, who’s getting prosecuted for having a fake account? I think as long as your not scamming people your fine and not going to get in trouble with the feds.

Except you can’t. People can deactivate this for each contact in their address book really easily. You can even create your own for each person and have that override theirs on your own phone.

Not necessarily. You can get an ID from the DMV that doesn’t grant you a drivers license, but the drivers license servers exactly the same purpose and allows you to drive, something 90% of the population want. So drivers license obviously is extremely more popular but you can get a plastic ID card similar to it from the DMV.


When my wife was in labor they gave her an epidural. She kept complaining of pain and they insisted it was just pressure which that wouldn’t help with. After delivery they sat her forward to remove it. Turns out when they say her back after inserting it, it fell out. She delivered naturally with no pain relief because no one cared to listen to her.

Stars can appear red or blue depending on the direction they are traveling. It has to do with the frequency of light they put out. As they move away the frequency gets lower, which we interpret as red. As they get closer the frequency gets faster which we interpret as blue.

I am not an astronomer or even a casual stargazer. I took a single class in Astronomy in college and this was a neat fact I picked up. I remember next to nothing else from the class other than the fact that you can fit every planet between the earth and moon.

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Not vegan, but excited because of the environmental impact it could have

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Idk where your coming from but as someone who had $12k in an HSA and employer medical that’s bs.

I went to the eye doctor and needed glasses. Tried using my HSA. Nope. Not an approved medical expense. Tried paying a copay at the er. Nope not an approved medical expense. Wife got a kidney stone removed via surgery. Wanted to pay coinsurance. Nope not an approved medical expense. I needed a cpap for my sleep apnea. Nope not an approved medical expense. Year rolled over and all that money disappeared. I asked where it went and was told I either used it or lost it. So I got rid of it. Fucking garbage.

As for the employer coverage, we had a zero dollar deductible plan. My wife gave birth last year. Ambulance ride from her work? Nope, not necessary. All the gyno visits? Nope, not necessary. The ER visit when she slipped and fell at 6 months? Nope, not necessary. The 2 week hospital stay when she went preeclamptic? Nope, not necessary. The delivery? Nope, not necessary. The NICU stay for our premature daughter? Nope, not necessary.

I payed $1700 per PAY for my health insurance and they didn’t cover a cent from our entire family last year. We racked up over $70k in medical debt. Our MOOP was $5k/$10k and they said none of it applied.

Hospital sent it to collections because we couldn’t fit their minimum payment of $9k/mth (fuck duke lifepoint but this is an insurance rant). We complained to the pa board of health insurance and were advised to get a lawyer but no lawyer would take it. They said it would be years to get anything back, let alone the full amount.

We ended up proving that my employer doesn’t offer comprehensive insurance. The main component is covering pre and post natal care which they claim to, but they deny every time. So now we have insurance through penni for $60/mth with government help. Oh and we went through bankruptcy to get rid of the collections debt.

Fuck Cigna, fuck duke lifepoint, fuck insurance, fuck for profit healthcare, fuck the American healthcare system.

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I work from home and only have a couple meetings where cameras aren’t necessary. Usually explaining how reports are calculated and such.

I wear pj’s 90% of the time unless I need to leave my house.

He did it because teenage girls wouldn’t send him nudes… disgusting

Kbin isn’t federating them is what I meant. Sorry