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Yes, but it's difficult to access. You need to want to get the care and actively campaign to be referred.

And that's the "easy" things like anxiety or garden variety depression.

As soon as it gets complicated it's a whole other story.

If she never tried to seek it out, then it doesn't even matter as it appears she didn't give off any "I murder babies" vibes to the extent that the investigation was delayed beyond a reasonable length of time because she was not suspected of such a thing.

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Companies pay when people make mistakes.

Why the fuck would you fire someone when you just paid for a lesson that prevents further mistakes?

The sentiment is different now though around becoming unwell with one of these diseases. They'll argue they caught it from vaccine shedding rather than naturally so it will just make them even more psychotic on the antivax soapbox.

Andrew Wakefield has a lot to answer for by rocket powering our regression in modern medicine.

My old boss gave me a load of shit for writing down tasks that I had to do. He just couldn't comprehend that it wouldn't stick if it wasn't written down.

He took my book from me, and then asked me to do a bunch of complicated stuff each with its own deadline.

He then got annoyed when I didn't do the stuff because I hadn't written it down because he took my book.

He got sacked, I got promoted.

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I joined a " we are family" company and got shouted at by the founder because I wasn't a mind reader and didn't do something I had no idea needed done.

Sounds exactly like family, except I was hired into the position of toddler.

Fuck that noise.

I'm 37 and already broken.

My back is killing me, the sciatica makes sitting down hard. My ankle is fucked from too many injuries doing shit like tough mudder because when you're young you're invincible. Top that off with an immune disorder and asthma and it'll be a miracle if I make it to 50 with a good quality of life.

That's a really cool study.

People are very quick to discard unconscious biases because they think they're above it, but they're not.

You can understand your biases and try to account for it, but unless you really delve into them you won't know.

I probably do the same if not more work at home as I did in the office, but only "work" about 2/3 of the time.

I don't have a boss lecture me on blockchain for an hour because they were near my desk, I don't need to listen to Carla's story about her flat tyre, I don't need to get constantly distracted when I'm deep in an analysis hole because someone on maternity leave has walked in with their new baby.

The time spent caught up in boring distractions is used to put on some washing, set the roomba going, or put a pot roast in the oven freeing up more time to just chill out later on and I still get everything done.

Never mind the 2 hours a day of commuting time I get back.

There was a guy joined my last organisation who would not shut the fuck up about Blockchain.

It was a retail org that sold branded mass produced stuff. There was no need for Blockchain but it was like, the only thing he knew about and his USP at interview stage.

He got fired. It was a good day.

Sounds like the one I quit in 2021

In Europe over 60,000 people died in 2022 due to heatwaves.

People are blind to these deaths because they're not being taken out by a single devastating event, but rather a series of small events the people brush off as "they were going to die anyway".

It's one of the reasons I've not, and will not have children. This is getting exponentially worse and I couldn't image the horror that our future will face.

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It's not this specific case that suggests why killing prisoners is wrong, but others where it's not so cut and dry..

A man was recently pardoned after years in prison for a crime he did not commit - he was on a whole life sentence.

If killing someone for their crimes becomes legal, this man may have been killed for a crime he didn't commit and would never have seen a free day again.

By maintaing the system currently in place where we don't kill prisoners, there is the opportunities for miscarriages of justice to be somewhat rectified.

Can't bring a man back from the dead, but we can give him a million pounds for the false imprisonment and his freedom for the rest of his days.

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Source plz

Absolutely. Menstrual blood is its own beast altogether. I often found that the mucus heavy days was a real blocker to actual absorbsion and often there would be a still dry but slimy tampon removed at some points.

May 2017 in Manchester, UK.

They have been buying reviews.

Some of them hadn't even changed the platform name to Reddit in their oh-so-general reviews.

You can get as good as that as standard in the UK.

I get 36 days PTO, the legal minimum is 28 days. 25% bonus. Pension contribution, I pay 4%, company pays 8%. Health insurance included, but the NHS will cover most stuff.

This isn't even a senior level position, it's bottom level. Seniors get way more.

When you have 17 planners with 8 pages written in and constant sense of panic over a workload that is never done it's def beyond the "lol I can't pay attention sometimes too" crowd. Some people just don't know what it's actually like to be neurospicy.

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Do I feel so bad I want to just lie down? I'll call in sick.

Am I at risk of yarfing or shitting my pants? I'll work from home.

Otherwise, I go to work.

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My old place was a cold, stone cottage and was a nightmare to keep heated.

The kitchen at one point was measuring 6°C and that was with the heating on in the winter.

We got out of there in December 2019 and I'm so glad we did, because with COVID, Brexit and the war, house prices went bananas, energy bills went through the roof and interest rates have increased massively.

We could never have afforded this place today. I really feel for young folks today, we bought our first home at 33 years old after years of saving and that was in the time of almost no interest - it would be impossible now.

As the owner of 3 insured pets, 2 of which need ongoing complicated care, it's easy to see that vets are overworked and underappreciated.

My local practice was recently taken over by a UK chain and it's obvious. I asked (before) if supplements were worthwhile, and was told that there was no clinical evidence for them and lifestyle changes were more impactful. After the buy out, I was led to the front where an enormous stand of supplements sat and was urged to consider the very expensive options after a consult that showed the lifestyle choices were having a great impact on quality of life.

It's a real shame. I got a call later in the evening yesterday with results for my currently unwell cat and I know that vet had been there for 12 hours at that point.

I'll never grudge the money I spend on them because I'd sell my car before seeing them suffer but I can see how many would become disenfranchised after working in the reality of modern veterinary medicine.

The problem comes when you're so used to having an immaculate arse then need to use a public toilet and then need to walk around feeling unclean.

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You may have had a different experience than I had, but in my local authority area, access beyond your GP is very difficult. The list is so long they try to avoid referrals, and if you're unwell the ability to advocate for yourself is diminished.

Some would rather chuck a Prozac at you and hope that'll fix it.

Absolutely.. someone at work was like, grab a coffee, see you in 5. Dude, it takes at least 15 minutes to make a coffee in this house.

My biggest fear is that you are aware of everything and can feel the pain when under, but forget it all - men in black style - to leave a relatively ok experience if not a little sick feeling.

I've got a £1000 espresso machine and that the cheap one. We also have all the pour over shite - scales, grinder, gooseneck kettle, Hario... It adds up quickly.

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We let our cats in the garden supervised if they want but they're indoor cats otherwise. One will go out for a short time and come back in if we go in, and the other one has absolutely no interest in going out and would rather cosey up on my pillow.

They're both elderly but have been that way since they were kittens/rescued.

We got them harnesses so we could take them out and see stuff but they weren't all that into it.

We have puzzle games and plenty of toys for them. The oldest loves a puzzle and can out maneuver our dog at them, but the younger one has a single braincell and is as dumb as a box of rocks. She's happy just to sit to your lap and get pets.

It's always fun to answer the door to JW when you're a goth. They're already in a state of panic before you've opened your mouth.

18°C in the winter, and off completely in the summer.

Thanks! I'm now working in a new role where there is no more ridiculous pressure or wild expectations and have been able to commit to working on a degree (because I fucked up the first one).

Work shouldn't leave you panicking on a monday morning or crying into your lunch.

It's not just about the p-value being more than 95%, the power also needs to be above 80% and we need to have run for at least a business cycle.


Heard it frequently 20 years ago and now it's dropped off the face of the planet as casual homophobia has become a bit less prevelant.

A bogus gasman, here to ransack yer hoose.

This is true, they try to hide this type of activity, and if you fight it they'll take you down too. Source: personal experience.

This is me too. I'm in my late 30's, working a full time job in a bank while completing a full time degree, trying to maintain my top-of-my-class-grade while also trying to keep the rest of my life from falling apart, and genuinely thinking - I'm going to do my masters at the top university in my country because fuck it, why not.

2 of the rentals I've lived in had bathroom carpet.


Student accommodation..

They were probably 40% vomit, 25% filth, 25% jizz and 10% actual carpet.

That makes so much sense.

My pre pandemic job was amazing because of the people I worked with. They were great fun and we would also go out together at the weekend.

After lockdown load sof people moved on to higher paid roles as did I.

My last 2 jobs have been friendless, even the hybrid one because even if you're in the office, others are out so you're still not forming relationships.

It would have worked better if it was an "everybody works from home Monday and Friday" but that removes all the flex..

Today in my remote job I have no work friends, but I also got a dog, spend loads of time with my new friends (neighbours who also have dogs), am completing a full time degree while working full time bacuse I have no commute and generally I'm significantly happier.

My house is actually tidy too because my 5 min breaks are tidy up breaks rather than piss about distracting someone else breaks.

If you don't have much of a maternal instinct, crying babies are pretty annoying.

But for the majority of us who don't like kids, we just ignore it or if in charge of said infant, try to settle them rather than murder them.

Even better if you keep schtoom about it and automate your work from home job allowing you to just chill for most of the day.

It's treating animals in a way that you wouldn't treat humans because it's wrong/illegal.

Keeping them as pets, breeding them, caging them (slavery)

Eating them, or using their products (cannibalism)

Wearing their skins (is there even a name for that?)

I came across it when I was young as a family member worked in animal activism and was horrified that I had a pet.