very smart Idiot

@very smart
0 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Leave me alone. And for gods sake, don’t ban me!

( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°) This cat is in trouble.

Revenge of the birds…

*clears throat *inhales

It is what it is.

The first time I heard about this guy was when this stuff with Thunberg happened.

I just don’t understand what actually happened there. Why would Someone with a ton of money and a successful scam running (getting payed by stupid young men looking for advice) start participating in human trafficking?

And why in Europe? Everything about this guy is weird and doesn’t make sense. Whenever this guy talks, I don’t know if he is serious or a comedian. Whenever he talks he mixes up reasonable stuff with the most brain-dead ideas.

He is like a hybrid of Trump and Biden. Mixed together and raised by Tuco Salamanca and Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad.

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Damn. Just recently I got banned in some community for playing the devils advocate… (Again)…

Reason: Flamebait and Agenda.


No agenda, I am just enjoying discussions. And If I don’t manage to convince you, this means that I have reinforced your own opinions. And isn’t that a good thing from the other sides perspective?

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Steal wherever you can.

Amateur. With the power of the Seifensäckchen, I manage to shower within 2-3 minutes.

You are missing the point. People will return there to partake. r/place was immensely popular.

Most people expected a 5 year wait. So for most people this becomes a refreshing surprise. And for the duration of the event, many people on Lemmy will return to Reddit. They will partake in organising pixelart and thereby getting pulled back into Reddit communities.

Ok. Valid argument.

But while Germany quit nuclear power, the rest reinforced their standpoint.

Thousands of scientists from different countries all agreed upon nuclear power to be a reasonable source of energy. Even a Japan is still going forward with nuclear power. It is only Germany, which made an emotional choice, Merkel wanted to please the masses. And here we are now. Burning coal, as if we were thrown back into the industrial time, forced to use primitive methods to produce energy.

( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°) It looks like torture.

Some sick idea of a deranged kid. It has the same feeling as tying cans to a cats tail, as seen in some movie I cannot remember. Imagine someone tying helium balloons on a mice and letting it go. …

Anyway …

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ I like it!


Yes nuclear power plants are very expensive. But the energy density is phenomenal.

Energetic armortisation is far quicker on a nuclear plant than on solar panels.

And the argument of subsidies is usually a fake one, since governments also pour millions into renewable energies.

Broken down to lifetime cost to the cost of comparable technologies, nuclear is still on the same level as solar and wind.

Since I am from Germany, and German sources might not be ideal to share, let me explain it this way: People are not stupid. They will never choose the financially unwise option, if the other one would seriously be the better one.

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This is a German source that incorporates many studies and presents their results. Some agree with my statement, some with yours. But fact is, that the financial difference is very small.

Page 23 for example suggests my statement.

On page 32 you can see the development that suggests that you are right.

But considering the costs for the expansion of the energy grid, battery storage systems, and the rising production costs of everything, I believe Nuclear to be the cheaper option and the far more reliable one.

Real victim is the person who has to clean up the mess. Do you have any idea how disgusting it smells even after a few hours?

I know people that had this happen to them. They got lucky.

Some people are disgusting.

Exactly. And now the question is, if the contract was broken or not. To my knowledge Musk didn’t fire twitters legal team. So letting some employees go, should have been looked I to by said legal team.

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ I can live with that.

Alright. That’s a Standpoint I can respect.

I guess the future will show.

You are stating the most patriotic and naive shit here. I get the impression that you are impersonating US military personnel to paint them in a bad light.

And now this useless statement that I should visit some Kings Bay, but I’d probably not be let in - I do not understand what you are trying to tell me here? Here in Germany you wouldn’t get into some classes at university. Let alone the building. It’s usual practice that in some organisations, entry is restricted.

We will see the outcome. No need to further discuss.

Financial? Perhaps. Demographically, however, I believe Russia and Europe have entered a terminal demographic decline, only accelerated in Russia's case by the war.

Due to immense migration, demographic change is a thing of the past now. France, Germany and other western European countries no longer face this problem. On the other side it comes with new problems, as failed integration has become a huge problem.

And considering Russia, the country has one big ass infantry. And in the Ukraine war, Russia has yet to call for total mobilisation. And the west, even with the help of the US did not yet manage to deliver enough ammunition and weaponry to push back the Russian forces. For me that’s an indicator that Russia is more capable of actual war than the West.

Especially the US had many military missions in the past decades and most of them failed. Afghanistan is just one of the many failed attempts of military control. The US military has shown not to be capable to win wars, but only maintain them.

America, on the other hand, has not lost any soldiers or any significant resources and has increased the industrial capacity of the military-industrial complex.

Well and so did the Russians. The west has more specialised and modern weapons, it these have now proven to be too complicate to be produced in sufficient masses. Russia using old tech with easier produced weaponry has shown to be much more resilient than expected. Making use of the oldschool Propeller for bombs instead of high tech laser measured ignition timers, has proven to be just as effective. The US military has been scammed in many ways by weapon manufacturers into buying over complicated tech for simple applications.

Strategically, from a cold, hard, pragmatic point of view, that counts as a win for my superiors, in the long term.

If your superiors were involved in the last decades military operations of the US, then their word shouldn’t be taken too serious. Afghanistan is just the latest failure of along series of failures. And currently it seems, like the US will fail in Ukraine as well, even before sending troops.

Financial ups and downs are temporary and manageable.

Financial ups and downs can cripple a country’s economy so immensely, that they change a country’s direction for years later.

There is no military without tax payers. And in a broken economy, there are not many willing tax payers.

Demographic collapses are not.

It can be corrected with migration, even though migration poses its own new problems.

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Sister's in the marine corps and so is her husband. They can take care of themselves.

Against Russian agents with Nowitschock or North Koreans using poison as well? I doubt that.

I'll take your advice into consideration. Still, you have again reminded me why I don't feel the burden of my duty too much. The existence of such organizations only hardens my resolve to flip the switch when the time comes.

You are a troll. Cannot take you and your persona serious anymore. There is not a single soldier this irrational on this world.

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The US strategy has always been the same and it always failed in history.

What makes you believe that anything would change and that current analysis would be any more correct than the ones of the past?

Thanks for sharing the paper.

In Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam and Iraq, we crippled ourselves trying to protect civilians and establish a local government while fighting an "insurgency".

What the hell are you talking about? Protecting civilians? Is this some joke? The US never much cared for protecting civilians.  Let’s think about Vietnam and the massacring of thousands. Or let’s remember some “accidental” strikes against “terrorists” that turned out to be civilians.

With Russia, per instruction, we will emphatically not be doing so. A war with Russia will be a concerted effort to fundamentally destroy and erase the current power structure and completely demilitarize the country, as we did in WWII. With thermonuclear weapons, if necessary. The unclassified nuclear doctrine is available for your perusal online.

Yea. Extremely plausible that the US manages to destroy the Russian power structures. Structures that have rivalled the US structures and military for decades in many foreign conflicts. You cannot rly act in a stalemate situation. And that is rly what that is. Just look how Russia can play war in Ukraine and the US and other western countries are only willing the send weapons. This just screams of powerlessness. And it indeed makes sense with the past failures of the US Military. And all that restraint, when Russia is conquering the Worlds Granary. If they succeed, then all of Africa will be under their control. Especially with climate change and less African soil being fertile.

Africa is so gaddamn important, that the Chinese already attempt in multiple African states to take control.

If China and Russia take control over Africa, than they take control over Resources that the US depends on.

And even the idea to demilitarise Russia is ponderous. Maybe if worked with Germany after WW2, because many Germans understand English and German is rather similar to English. So taking influence on the Germans was not too hard. Russian on the other hand is a goddamn nightmare for Roman languages. And the country is so damn big, that influence and control is a matter of unfeasibility.

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Wow, how much time did you waste on this one?

Too much.


You successfully stole a few minutes of my life. Time I could have spent on studying and working further to my ultimate goal: becoming the next German dictator.

(••) ( ••)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)

Keep going, maybe I'll actually read the next one.

First I need some unrealistic opinions to react to.

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Some more of your beliefs will do just fine.

Don’t be envious.

It’s not our fault that Marx and Lenin are already dead.

Yes. That’s a good thing. We will see who’s right and who’s wrong.

In the last link it literally says: “These comparatively low wages can make it very difficult to recruit managers from investor-owned firm”

These concepts only work in relatively small companies. And first off all, this company might be ranked relatively high in Spain, but it still is just Spain.

Further, to my understanding, the group could be actually described as multiple smaller companies housed under a big one. So that explains that party.

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Kevin might be doing something else ┌(◉ ͜ʖ◉)つ┣▇▇▇═──

And for the record, best of luck in your studies. I hold no personal animosity, and a great deal of professional respect, for my counterparts in other militaries.

I do not hold any grudge towards you as well.

We all have a job to do. If that means one of us has to shoot torpedoes at the other, we'll cross that bridge when the time comes. I do think, however, that you should never underestimate the willingness of the US to go to great lengths to do what it thinks is necessary.

Wars are fought in many levels. And the Ukraine war has already been lost. A financial Desaster to the west. No military power will change that.

Current surveys indicate republicans to be in power next year. And in Europe we also see a shifting in opinion in Schweden, France and Germany towards parties that roan further right and are against weapon deliveries into Ukraine. Quite contrary, they are pro Russia in many ways.

And I don’t judge. But if this development further continues, then all the money wasted on military support is gone. And Russia wins. In a world filled with intercontinental missiles, a war is won politically and economically.

So no matter how wiling and ready the US is, military power cannot rival with economical and political strategies.

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I personally know people that endured the UDSSR. And those stories are not pleasant.

And seeing the anti capitalistic movement being accepting of radical ideas and the idea of using violence and the belief that the vote of the masses (who are in favour of Capitalism) is unimportant, just makes me believe that anti capitalistic movements all strive for what we saw in the UDSSR and today in China.

I only accept political ideas that have been viable for years in other countries without the occurrence of dictatorship. If you are a US citizen, then the wishful view to Western Europe is the only one I’d accept as reasonable.

And as a Western European myself, I can say that even though we currently face massive problems with immigration, life here is still more enjoyable than in the rest do the world.

I'm just fascinated with how brains like yours work. Assuming any of this is in good faith, that is.

I am a connoisseur of discussion. A man who enjoys discourse. But indeed what I stated are my firm beliefs. And those beliefs have not yet failed me.

It's like you just refuse to accept new information that may change how you view things.

It always depends on the information. Some information just has less weight to it.

You're so resistant to admitting (to yourself, it seems) that you might be wrong, that your brain has "mechanisms" for making sure you never even have to consider the possibility.

Now I feel like I've been put on the spot. This might apply on some of my standpoints. But none so far in our discussion here.

Every single point anyone makes, you are able to come up with some "counter" that, in your mind, confirms that you've always been right (it doesn't),

Oh, just because the Information I have given, does not convince you or support your standpoint, doesn’t make it invalid. I’d like to pull up the Infinite Monkey Theorem at this point. A few false informations can also lead to the correct outcome. But now I have lost the thread.

and everyone who's arguing with you is just trying to trick you into admitting you were wrong, or that you learned something.

And are you not trying to prove me wrong? Is it not, that you claim my standpoints to be somewhat flawed, and yours must be the ultimate ratio?

It can never just be, "hey I didn't know that about my country, that's interesting. Maybe I should reconsider..."

I do reconsider when it’s to my benefit. But as said before, my standpoints have yet to fail me.

Because, you know, Germany has been the most financially successful EU nation basically since he inception of the Union, so your counter that worker stake in companies doesn't work is not based in reality. They're fucking thriving.

Average wealth per person in Germany is lower than in Italy or Greece. some german article to back up my claims Germany are not thriving. The German government is thriving.

You (allegedly) live there, my guy. Learn about why your own country is so successful.

Because it has the highest and second highest taxes in many sectors. And the government uses this money to influence other countries to their benefit. My people are not thriving. I wished for a concept similar to Switzerland. Still high taxes, but the money stays in the country without attempts to control European politics.

The lengths you will go to avoid learning something new or admitting you might have been wrong about something... Like it's protecting itself from new information. It's fascinating.

From my standpoint of course, this is the opposite standpoint.

I know that some people claim that. But in their mind they would rather stop airlines and flight overall.

And since this is unreasonable, compensation should be the second best step in your mind?

Because I don’t care. But from your standpoint it should be better than no compensation, right?

It’s still something that I wouldn’t tell people on the internet.

Especially if you have family. The Chinese, the Russians, the Israelis,… you just elevated the chances that they know about you. And now they also know that you are the sharing kind. A little bit bragging.

Don’t make yourself a target. Not the smartest thing to do.

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The rich would just leave the country and some other country would profit from their taxes.

This is an oft-repeated talking point but usually contradicted by data. Sounds smart but isn't smart.

Yes and No. it leads depends on the country and where it is still tolerable and where it is not. In Germany and France we already see people leave. link to a german article. you will need a translator.

Rich people are people and most people don't just up and leave behind places they've built their lives in unless under extreme pressure. A few billionaires might relocate to the Bahamas but they're not going to be able to take their mansions and penthouses with them - and they lose out on the markets, infrastructure, and other benefits of their home countries. That's a major incentive to just pay the taxes.

As I said, it depends on the country and the relative situation to other countries.

If you believe to know which ones are overvalued, then you should try to go buy short positions in them. Maybe you become rich then?

Who says I haven't done that already?

I do. Because you are still here. Arguing on the internet, a cesspool of morons, you and I included.

The stock market is relatively precise, it also projects potential into the future.

The stock market is not precise. I have data and papers discussing this - but there's no need for them. I'll instead leave you with a simple question: if the stock market is so precise, why is there a major crash every decade?

Because events, such as Corona and the ausraube war temporarily lower the estimated gains. Losses are expected. So the value weds to be corrected according to those losses.

Due to that many stocks to combat climate change have risen in popularity and a lot of money has been brought to said companies by purely capitalistic driven motives.

Sure, purely capitalistic motives, which is why a lot of these are impractical venture capital BS and outright scams. It is currently more profitable to greenwash than it is to actually solve the problem.

Companies such as Linde plc are no scam. They existed far longer than the climate drama. Their value just increased because demand in their products increased as well. Greenwashing is only done in media. Company winnings and numbers don’t lie. (Except if they do. Fuck wirecard)

You don't have to take my word for it:

I will look later into that article.

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Quickly testing if I go banned because some of my comments were deleted.

Edit: nope. Not banned.

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ This is a community of well mannered people and good conversations.

The stuff about energy costs is also nothing to do with taxes but rather Germany's energy policy missteps.

Nah. To my knowledge we have the second highest tax on energy worldwide. Has always been this way. It’s a tax thing.

Also the author randomly referring to "Genderforschern" und "Gleichstellungsbeauftragten" at the end damages the credibility of the article a lot - seems very culture-war motivated.

The article is written by a left leaning press. So if you allow yourself to suggest non-neutrality, then they should be in favour of your argument.

I agree that the way in which the taxes are implemented and how the bureaucracy works has a major impact though. But this doesn't mean taxing the rich is imppssible, just needs to be done right, like all policy.

The rich have yachts and housing all around the world. No tax policy can stop them from running and getting citizenship from a country that take skews taxes.

I do. Because you are still here. Arguing on the internet, a cesspool of morons, you and I included.

Rich people waste time arguing with morons on the internet all the time! Have you seen Musk's Twitter feed lately?

That dude is actively trying to shape the opinion of people for his own interest. I am confident that this is work to him. He already did this with crypto or with the Tesla stock price. It’s marketing and marketing is work as well. All the political left are already supporting the idea of electric vehicles. Now it’s time for the conservatives. And musk is luring them towards his company.

In fact the only reason I am doing this is because I have time to kill; and that's only possible thanks to the fact that I am wealthy enough to take days off work pretty much whenever I want, without fearing starvation. Unlike ~90% of people globally who live paycheck to paycheck.

So I guess you are not building something yourself? You just work a well paying job? I can’t rly believe that.

The idea that rich people are always busy being productive is simply wrong. I know enough of them personally to know that most of their 'working' hours aren't very strenuous to say the least.

It what kin of rich are you talking about? Is it the super rich, that people claim need to pay higher tax rates? Or is it the “rich” pharmacist or doctor living next door?

Because events, such as Corona and the ausraube war temporarily lower the estimated gains. Losses are expected. So the value weds to be corrected according to those losses.

Have you heard of the 2008 crash? Dot com bubble? SVB, FTX and other crypto crap, etc? Markets crash regularly regardless of Corona or wars.

Yes I heard about them. But these bubbles exploding because of miso reduction into the future. Prediction that was more plausible in earlier stages. And the stock market is in fact trying to project the future. One cannot invest into the past.

Also the fact that markets fail to consider wars and pandemics, whereas experts were warning about these for years before they happened, is further evidence that we can do better than relying on markets for everything.

Nah, the markets acted according to warnings. Especially he Ukraine war. The values dropped, when Russia collected its soldiers at the border, and when US experts warned of the impending attack, publicly, the value dropped even further.

There must be some way to develop a system of knowledge aggregation, decisionmaking, and resource allocation that isn't prone to ignoring very obvious risks.

An ideal system does not exist. The one we have is fairly reactive.

Greenwashing is only done in media. Company winnings and numbers don’t lie. (Except if they do. Fuck wirecard)

Company winnings and numbers lie all the time.

Yes, fraud is still a thing. But usually it can be spotted in the data. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later.

There are countless cases of companies making shit up and markets and investors falling for it.

Yea. Such as Theranos? I knew that it was fake back then. I was wrong though with Wirecard. But there is no system resilient against fraud.

But the earth has seen higher levels of carbon already. It has seen higher temperatures and lower temperatures. And we humans inhabit many climate zones already.

This is like the "They can just sell their house and move" thing Ben Shapiro said about what people who live on climate change affected coasts will do. Who will they sell their house to, Ben??

My family fled several times in the past. During WW2 they fled from Ukraine to Poland, and when the Russians came, then they fled back to Germany. And then years later from east Germany to west Germany. Leaving everything behind each time. Every time was a goddamn reset. So what. It’s all about survival. Rebuilding has always been possible.

Humans can inhabit many climate zones, but several of them will become uninhabitable. The ones that contain the most people. And those people have to go somewhere. And all of the food that used to be produced in that place is gone. All of the ecosystems in those areas die, etc. etc.

So the problem is and always has been overpopulation. Another screw we should have adjusted in the past but refused to do so.

This is the "war and famine" part of climate change that people don't often talk about. Most of the death and chaos isn't going to be from people literally immediately burning up to death, it's from the secondary effects of rising temperatures, drought, killing entire ecosystems, and forcing billions of people to leave their homes or die. And the migrant crises that come with all of that. If you thought Syria was bad...

I know about this part. And it is the only part that concerns me.

And you're right, the earth has seen higher levels of carbon. The earth itself will probably be OK.

As humans, it has always been our responsibility to adapt. Not the other way around. Every being on this world influences the world itself. We cannot live without influencing our surroundings.

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Somehow double posted. So this is now a blank comment.