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If they are donating to Conservatives then they are no more liberal than Joe Manchin is Democrat.

Calling themselves liberal doesn’t make it true. It’s the actions that decide what group they fall into.

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That’s my experience too. I read the whole article to find out what countries have actually tried helping with the expenses of raising a child. The most financial help mentioned was a 30,000 LOAN that would be given to newly weds and only forgiven if they had 3 kids… 30k isn’t enough for one kid…

The only other financial help I saw was $7000 per kid in Russia.

And money is only one part of the problem. It takes time to raise kids. If both parents have to work full time there isn’t any time left to raise your kids even if you’re rich while working.

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2/3rds of Americans don’t know what AI is or the limitations of LLMs.

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From the article (that you didn’t read):

“In a 2018 US poll, about a quarter of respondents said they had or were planning to have fewer kids than they would ideally like to have. Of those, 64 percent cited the cost of child care as a reason. Ballooning costs — of child care, housing, college, and more — are an issue around the world”

It’s bad enough that religions get to freeload and not pay taxes but now they’re trying to take our tax dollars to pay for their indoctrination.

Arrest the police responsible with kidnapping charges.

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But the word shit is ok? Classic lemmyshitpornpost

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He didn’t say that. He said he is willing to have a discussion about immigration policy with republicans.

Whoever wrote the article is trying to speak on behalf of an entire political group called “Progressives” by claiming everyone in the group came to a unanimous decision to not discuss immigration (this isn’t true).

So the writer of the article is claiming Fetterman isn’t a part of the group of Progressives because Fetterman is willing to do his job by being diplomatic.

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Trump wants to pull the US out of NATO and weaken our alliance with our allies like he did in his first term.

Trump also hamstrung our government so they got even less done than normal.

Not to mention Trump would abandon Ukraine allowing Russia to steamroll them.

These are just a few of the benefits they get from Trump. There are many more.

What about the people that aren’t able to watch the drawings and have to check if they won using the website?

If Powerball used their website to communicate the winning numbers and they made the mistake of putting the wrong numbers up then that is their mistake to own.

What is this trash? It reads like an AI hallucination.

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If they didn’t want to hear what HE had to say then why give him an award and a mic?

It is very common for actors to use their speeches as a chance to speak about issues important to them. From Joaquin Phoenix all the way back to Marlon Brando.

This is an obvious attempt from Apple to censor a speech they asked for.

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Or is Gary Oldman 13 days newer than Gary Numan?

How is it a liability? Russia is a threat to Euro-NATO nations. It is in your/their best interests to have the US help against Russia even if US Republicans try to prevent it.

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That’s everywhere on the internet.

Give everyone a platform to be heard and anonymity to hide who they are and you will suddenly have a bunch of experts.

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Carter and Reagan didn’t have Russia, China and Iran spreading talking points to pressure the US to stop supporting Israel.

If your enemies are trying to pressuring you to do something, it’s normal to resist that pressure while you try to figure out what they are up to.

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The only perspective was a wishlist of responsibilities for a software developer.

It seems delusional to pretend one developer “should” do the job of a whole team.

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It’s called diplomacy and it is a requirement of getting anything done in a split Congress.

lol, you got me

The reason their repair service is expensive and slow is because it is mobile.

We are used to bringing our cars to the repair shop when they need service.

With Tesla the repair shop comes to you and that is much more expensive and time consuming to do.

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Biden never wanted to give Covid relief checks

Where did you hear this?

Then he shortchanged everyone on the actual amount he promised

I thought Congress decided the amount?

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Hillary lost because of Russian election interference. She won the popular vote.

Russian bot farms spammed the internet with their talking points in strategic areas to influence the electoral vote.

That is why it is important to check the history of accounts who post to see if they are pushing specific talking points.

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I remember the controversy and would’ve preferred the full $2000.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn’t let the full $2000 pass. So Biden lowered the amount so that it would actually pass.

Because Congress had the final say in what would pass. Right?

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It’s not selfish of you. Children need attention and time. Society has been so focused on maximizing productivity that it has taken away the time needed to raise children. There are many people that have enough money for a child but not enough time for a child.

Before the fossil fuel shills can show up and say,

“we all need to reduce our carbon footprint so these companies will stop creating greenhouse gasses!”

Let me point out, that is a fossil fuel strategy:

In 2005, fossil fuel company BP hired the large advertising campaign Ogilvy to popularize the idea of a carbon footprint for individuals.

This is the first I’ve heard of him “pretending” that he’s lifting up black people of Atlanta. I’ve read the article and didn’t see anything that supports that claim. Where is it coming from?

The article basically says: ‘Tyler Perry bought property in a low income area of Atlanta and it hasn’t single-handedly fixed income inequality. See! Liberals support trickle down economics too!’

This seems like it’s written in bad faith.

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So you feel the US is still in that intermediate sweatshop stage and that will go away if they could just get the capital to modernize?

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some things are buried beneath mountains of different security designations

You say this but then claim it’s embezzlement.

It’s much more likely that the Pentagon keeps this info guarded so it doesn’t end up in a bathroom in Mar-a-Lago.

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If Apple wanted him to only talk about certain things during his speech they could’ve communicated that before he accepted their request for him to give a speech.

He probably would’ve turned down the request.

You acknowledge that it is common for actors to do what he did so it is safe to say Apple knew also.

So Apple takes the “it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission” approach and plays dumb.

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How can he know what Congress would pass before they say? Or are you expecting him to see the future?

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So you feel Biden should’ve stuck with that original $2000 and let Republicans block the bill which would’ve resulted in nothing for the American people?

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I don’t buy it. Those decisions always include the actor for obvious reasons.

“Oops! We aCciDeNtLy cut out the part that might cause insurrection supporters to not watch our award show! Aww shucks our mistake increased our ratings.”

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If you're going to attribute an action to a company as a whole, then it at least needs to be a decision made by a high-level employee and not some peon.”

I’ve had many experiences with companies that fire “peons” for bad PR or misrepresenting the views of the company or however HR wants to word it to avoid legal problems.

It is very easy for CEOs or upper management or middle management to pass down orders that are worded in a way that imply what they want workers to do without saying it in a legally binding way.

The idea that Apple decided to just unilaterally delete portions of his speech at the last minute, without his consent, is among the least plausible scenarios.”

The why is it the first conclusion that De Niro and many others came to?

Anybody with any actual authority at the company is smart enough to know how stupid that would be.

Because it looks like they are censoring his speech.

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Right I get that, but the alternative is no help from the US. Which is less beneficial to Europe/NATO than some help until/if Republicans block additional help.

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Everyone on here was falling for it too.

I realize that there are situations where insurance can be beneficial.

I’m just sharing what I’ve learned from working as a claims adjuster. The company I worked for created incentives for denying claims. Customers were often lied to about what is covered by the person selling the insurance. We often shared technicalities that were found in the contract that allowed us to deny more claims.

This did not only happen at the company I worked for. It is common practice in the insurance industry.

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You’re trying to pretend that the deals city officials make to bring in business that leads to more jobs and revenue is the same as tax cuts for the rich that conservatives campaign for.

Those two things aren’t the same and this is an obvious attempt to portray it that way to claim both sides are the same.

What does the DNC have to do with this article? Or did you not read it?

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The article is claiming that an organization that is donating to conservatives is liberal.

Why do they claim this organization is liberal?

According to the article:

“Of the five groups, two stand out for their prominent histories of supporting liberal causes—the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Omidyar Network Foundation.”

It’s because this organization donated to a couple charities.

How does that make them liberal? Answer: it doesn’t

So why is this article making that claim? What motives could they have to do that?

He’s saying not everyone is in agreement on being pacifist because if they were there wouldn’t be a war going on in Ukraine. I can’t believe that needs to be explained to you.