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Joined 1 years ago

Nothing is True Everything is Permitted


This idiomatic expression originates from Friedrich Nietzsche, the famous philosopher who wrote the phrase in his 1859 book, "The Geneology of Morals." However, Nietzsche attributes the phrase's origin to Hassan-i-Sabbah, the leader of the historical Assassins. This sect was a part of Isma'ili and Shia Islam. However, there is no verified proof of these claims.

Maybe not the best source

Why is Timmy look straight at his moms ass? And what's with big grin. Something unruly is going on!

Who would have expected this? Surprised pikachu

But the only one who opposed Putin (with any military power) being dead isn't necessary a good thing (imho)

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Just saying... Shit just got real

Gambon who asked calmly?

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Damn this looks depressing

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Can someone elaborate?

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For the lazy ones

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It pains me that I probably never do something so important that I will be remembered.

On there other hand, who was the right hand of Napoleon? Who decided the great pyramid should be build exactly there? What was the name of the guy who put the last stone in the Chinese wall? (Figurative speaking)

So to be remembered you need:

  • do "great things" (not great specifically... You know what I mean)
  • be the number one (second places don't count)
  • make such a major impact on the world that even after your society has collapsed, people still remember you.

So the chances that I am in a position to do this would require some massive effort and even then, chances are slim....

When I started typing this reply I was a bit depressed. Now I am finished it just highlights the importance of enjoying oneself while it lasts.

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Awesome next step! Yes it is going to be expensive, yes it will not be successful in the beginning and so on... We need this kind of research, cause it will not develop itself!

This is gold!

So in the 17th century, the Bishop of Quebec approached his superiors in the Church and asked whether his flock would be permitted to eat beaver meat on Fridays during Lent, despite the fact that meat-eating was forbidden. Since the semi-aquatic rodent was a skilled swimmer, the Church declared that the beaver was a fish. Being a fish, beaver barbeques were permitted throughout Lent. Problem solved!

It happens ...

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Yeah i think you might have some other problems as well

Some info points from my first Google hit

Experts say that a woman is raped in India every 16 minutes.

"Rape is a non-bailable offense in the Indian penal code," Anuja Trehan Kapur, a New Delhi-based criminal psychologist and advocate, told DW. Kapur has assisted government officials on high-profile criminal cases, including the 2012 gang rape.

"But people do get bail because of a lack of evidence [in many cases]. The accused are often sheltered by police, or politicians, or even lawyers," Kapur added.

We have a patriarchal society in India, which gives more importance to men. Women are usually considered second-class citizens,"

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It is a damn shame this style fell out of fashion!

To be fair, it is (briefly) explained in the movie. Especially the big Tower: merchandise.

Look i am not a financial advisor or anything: but this dude has some killer marketing skills, financial skills and time management skills

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The article compares the different approaches and goals of China and the US in developing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

China is focusing on building large-scale AI systems that can perform specific tasks such as facial recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous driving. China aims to use AI to boost its economic growth, social stability, and global influence.

The US is pursuing more fundamental research on the nature and limits of intelligence, both human and artificial. The US hopes to create more general and adaptable AI systems that can learn from diverse data and environments, and solve complex problems across domains.

The article argues that both countries face challenges and risks in their AI endeavors, such as ethical, legal, and social issues, as well as potential conflicts and competition. The article suggests that more cooperation and dialogue between the two countries could benefit both sides and the world.

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I find this so freaky interesting! Wow!!!

Think about the stories told, how many people passed through there, how it was build, who might have hid there!


Also, for the ones who read the demon cycle, this is how i imagined Ruins of Anoch Sun

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Yes boss!

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To my understanding, by using this you accept (all) the cookies... I would like a extension that tries to minimize cookie exposure!

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Or 50 years to early? Look global warming, increasing prices, overcrowding, decreasing resources or a looming nuclear world war 3 might just be the case to revert back to ancient times! Just hold on a couple of years, we'll get there don't you worry about a thing honey!

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This is some proper: fuck you, I'll do what I want behaviour!

Friendly reminder not to pre-order!

OP! Can you please let us know:

  1. If you found more clues?
  2. Decided to eat it? And if so, how you are doing!?!


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Eli5: isn't this a regular thing? Like ships are gonna ship... That's what they do. I don't think an American ship is going to attack any Russian if they are not being attacked themselves?!? But please eli5

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I found this graph very clear

Brave yes, the chance of falling out of a window has increased infinite fold

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This is how FARO Automated Solutions started

This dude is killing it! (Literally)

I am one of the few not using Twitter but I like the shitshow!

Thank you! A lot of air came out of my nose... 👃💨

Summary: The article from EL PAÍS discusses a study predicting a significant decline in the global population by 2100. Here's a summary:

Global Population Decline: The study, published in The Lancet by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, forecasts that by 2050, 155 out of 204 countries will have fertility rates too low to maintain their populations. By 2100, this will rise to 97% of countries.

Fertility Rate Drop: The fertility rate is plummeting worldwide. For instance, Spain's fertility rate decreased from 2.47 children per woman in 1950 to 1.26 in 2021, with projections of 1.23 in 2050 and 1.11 in 2100. This trend is mirrored globally, with France, Germany, and the European average also experiencing declines.

Economic and Social Impact: The study urges governments to prepare for the economic, health, environmental, and geopolitical challenges posed by an aging and shrinking population.

Regional Differences: While rich countries already face very low fertility rates, low-income regions start from higher rates. Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, will see a significant increase in its share of global births, from 18% in 2021 to 35% in 2100.

Migration as a Temporary Solution: The authors suggest that international migration could temporarily address demographic imbalances, but as fertility decline is a universal phenomenon, it's not a long-term solution.

The article highlights the need for strategic planning to address the impending demographic shifts and their associated challenges¹.

Great to be honest! How about yours!

I (or we) are chilling on our holidays! Sunshine, beach, cocktail once in a while, good food and reading a book! Good stuff!

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