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Joined 1 years ago

You can save the cash and just never let it connect to the internet.

14 more...

That's awesome. Reminds me of having to tell an SVP that yes, per his demand, I did take his request to keep sharing music online illegally at work. He didnt seem to accept that the legal letters the form received meant he needed to change anything.

What could have been an 'oh shit, my bad' and noone has to know - turned into the entire leadership weighed in to direct me to delete the files and tools and be very clear he was putting his employment at risk.

The poor man's ego. He seemed to think the IT guy didn't have the ability to speak to him like that. Even insisted I tell him in front of two of his staff as a power play

Saw a clip where Jon Stewart asked some politician on the right why it was revered for someone like Trump to pay no taxes or as minimal taxes as possible because they took advantage of the tax loopholes but a lower class person using the system to their benefit to get things like food stamps or take unemployment insurance with somehow weakness. Both of them are just using the system as built to their benefit was the argument.

What do you want to share using the anonymity of this platform?

I don't know enough to even ask a good question.

A couple come to mind

The guy who ran a porn server from work. Was finally caught when the internet bill was huge and the cio and a tech tracked it through the network to his port. Waited until he walked away for a minute and when he came back found them on hands and knees about to pull the network cable from the server under his desk. Apparently he was making quite a bit off it too. His first words were 'I'm fired, aren't I?'

A woman who lied constantly. She'd claim we built something other than what we were asked to make, and the only defense was to show her the email where she asked for exactly what she got. We learned to document everything with her.

Funny side story. When I joined, all bright eyed and energetic, they assigned me to support her. No warning. I went on and created some software for her, only to get screamed at an blamed for made up reasons. I thought I was about to get fired.... Turns out my team was kind of being assholes too. They all decided not to tell me anything to see if a fresh unbiased person had issues too.

Having lived for quite a long time in canada, I think most Americans would love the it.

Semi related - The USA is already socialist if you consider they have more spent per capita on healthcare, and pay for things like roads, police, fire departments, schools and the like. On the last point, they pay all the way through High School and then significantly subsidize universities as well. It's all a matter of degree. In the usa, we socialize on many fronts, and then pay companies more than we would pay to socialize the same service and consider that better. Imo, it's very much not.

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I want the earring stud connected to a personal Ai like in Enders Game. The author (Orson Scott Card) called her Jane.

Of course in the book she was completely connected and insanely intelligent so made him in riches beyond belief while he was doing things like space traveling. Nice side feature.

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Agreed. But what's the fastest time toy have had for a response? For me it's been measurable in quarters, not months or weeks. Usually about 3, but sometimes 5 or 6.

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There are aftermarket options to support screen mirroring over usb, so I think it is possible. Is anyone else putting in the work to compete with Google and Apple? I've been watching as Google ads integration to various cars - as an example they didn't show turn by turn directions on the screen behind the steering wheel a while ago, and added it on Honda at some point. These features take investment, and perhaps the OSS options aren't keeping up?

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As they mention in the article, tesla and rivian are doing quite well and both have opted not to integrate with phone mirroring options. So it's a gamble, but they may think they can get away with it. Like you say, the high demand may be giving them the confidence to try.

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Sounds like you have qmail at the root. I ran that with spamassassin, barracuda and some other custom rules for years. Didn't add on the auto response you have described, but really liked it back in the day.

Did I guess kinda close to what you have running?

I'd think the annoying part would be that you've forced the work to prove they are human back on the sender. Might be a good way to go though given how much spam there is.

Now. What about before?

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I recently restarted Borderlands and even though I have multiple characters leveled to the top they make me start at the basic floor to prove I can play or something when I picked a new character. Annoying

Why are you trying to keep your credit utilization specifically of those cards below 10%? Is this a credit score thing?

Go on your own. You likely know this, but saying it just in case.

There is an effective formula for feedback I like.

  1. When you x it has y effect
  2. Pause for them to reply, ask questions, or even better - suggest an alternative
  3. It would be better if z

In this case, when you make repeat the same joke it loses all humor value and becomes an annoyance.

It would be better if jokes were limited in use, and certainly not repeated.

Met my wife on coffee meets bagel. Used other apps, and had lots of great experiences on all but bumble and shadii (tinder, match, pof, perhaps others).

My suceess got a ton better after one of my first matches helped me take new photos and update my text. She said I wasn't selling myself well, and was 1000% right based on the results.

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Good for you

I think your definition is a fine one. I think the Nuance I was trying to make and perhaps did poorly was that the US already pays a huge amount for healthcare but we pay it to companies to do research that they then use to make profit worldwide. Not to provide services for everyone. It's a matter of priority

I've been asked to help a couple save/recover their porn folder. Harder not to see at that point.

"640k should be enough for anybody "

Bill Gates (in 1985, defending the limit for the dos os)

Reminds me of an apartment I used to live in where there was a completely open wifi with an open and shared RW hard drive from the root on the network. I left them a post it note and slipped a card under the door a week or so later without them making any change. Finally printed their resume to their own printer with added massive text in the middle saying something like "for your sake you need to stop sharing everything in the network!"

It was gone within a day. In my head they unplugged it all in a panic. =)

Don't know if it was against usage terms, but I have been able to get chatgpt answers written 'in the style of' various subreddits since the initial release (or perhaps the second release)

I think you have the elevator example crossed. My random testing suggests the door open button always works. The close button sometimes is as you say, just to make people feel like they have a measure of control.

Fwiw there are aftermarket options do add it through USB.

Sounds ideal. Last time I did this in a similar way. I did apply to 2-5 roles a week which were amazing and appealing roles to me though, with the result I got to keep unemployment insurance requirements met, which paid for my very cheap travel expenses overseas. Eventually one of the long shot roles worked out, and I booked flight home to start work.

I've installed a few for friends and family and so far all of them can't believe they didn't use one before. The install doesn't have to be more than a few minutes, and doesn't have to have anything to do with replacing the seat either. Can just be a hand sprayer for less than $50

Set u a forward from the Gmail address to the new one, and maintain the account at least minimally. As a reference, I have an account created at least 14 years ago still forwarding email. Should be enough time to change the profiles.


This varies by location. I've been through it on both sides in a few states, and when working with an employment lawyer one of the most crucial things he said was to make sure the filing was in the beneficial state.

Notice I wasn't able to do it, and had a female friend rip it apart? So I may not be the best one to answer - in my case I at least didn't have the most egregious usual things like a picture of me holding a fish or a trophy deer, but she did replace most of my photos. She took some more I just looked casual in nature. Just me, no one else in the photos. Also some pictures she selected of me in groups where I was clearly front and center happy and I guess good eye contact.

As for the words in the profile, I had a couple of things in there which implied previous relationships and even the tiniest hint of anything negative she removed all of that. Kept Hobbies and activities and interests as well as what I was looking for. That's all it was as best I recall

Doesn't have to be malicious. Most likely just don't test on it, or at least not a lot.

Hey, a thousand buys a lot of lottery tickets....


Getting hit in the balls.

But you have to have $$ for it be worth a lawsuit. Notice in this case they don't even keep records, so it's likely hard to even fight them using their own papers. Better would be to contest in federal court using the Supreme Court opinion imo

And unless you are stuffing your orifices, don't think you are getting far with a theft of floating cash anyhow

Are they doing that with everyone removing their content lately? So much for having control of your user account and persona.

If you need to live at 5% of current costs, you'll need go further down the oecd country list than Mexico.

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And we seem to like destroying their breeding grounds. I'm leaving some brush piles in place and starting to see few more of them

And some common browsers let you open a top tab, like private browsing, but full tor