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Joined 9 months ago

Desantis is literally pushing these laws and screaming woke while pocketing millions of dollars of "donations" from the large cattle ranching companies throughout the state. Hell, he started attacking Disney once they stopped paying him millions in bribes too. Disney's disagreement with the dont say gay bill was the perfect excuse

Let me add a reminder that Trump's state, Florida, is moving to ban dictionaries...

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What the actual hell??? Last week, I had clients across from Naples to Bradenton, so i woke up at 4am and started doing jobs. Made it up to Bradenton at 10am and the last client wanted to wait til 2pm to do the job

As a result i chilled,, enjoyed a nice lunch, checked out the boardwalk, and after 1.5 hrs of enjoying the place, I entered my car exhausted, set an alarm to 1:30pm, and fell asleep.

You're telling me that THIS NAP I TOOK WOULD BE ILLEGAL?!?!?!

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Yuzu claims to have earned 30k from patreon, where they give their most recent builds with the most bug-fixes & optimizations.

The switch has been out for 7 years. Most they could've earned then would be 210k, and even doubling it wouldn't get close to 2 million

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Harder, but in this with mutliple generations of people being trained to question every link and image on screen? Not necessarily impossible.

People will report this for sure if they feel confident.

There will definitely be false flags though

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Ohh yeah, I literally work as a field technician fixing computers for some of the big companies. Literally the only computers that make me & my competitors go insane are Chromebooks. Hardware is ok at best. Software is absolutely HELL though.

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Good, now move those investments into battery technology, push for Right to Repair on evs (especially batteries), & encourage level 1 & 2 infrastructure so people in multifamily buildings can charge at their places if not here & there at their work or at stores, since most building owners may actually consider it then.

That would do so much more to get EVs on the road.

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Fucking hell... Makes sense though, they earned 30k a year, 200k ain't enough to challenge the bankroll potential of Nintendo.

this is beyond awful, especially to us with broken switches who want to play the games we own in these times, and everyone who can't/ won't afford their shit.

This is the bullshit that deserves shouting and death threats, not people making a subpar decision for a game or a bad one.

Nope, but now I wish i did

Like dont kid yourselves ppl, America is a Machiavellian malignant military monolith, how did you think it was going to respond?

Oh wait, they were supposed to cry "don't bomb my bases waah!" and do nothing right? Like they did from 1946 to today?

Or maybe "Oops, I see that groups i classified as terrorist organizations and enemies don't like my decisions, now that my forces were attacked, I see they meant it!!! Let me just retreat & quickly drop all of my country's positions they don't like!!!"

Quit deluding yourselves. It's getting old.

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I got myself an old itouch and wanted to run emulators to play mario64. I had no real understanding on how computers worked or anything, but the process of jailbreaking and everything else i had to learn and getting a PC to do it & then installing Linux because Windows would be $60 basically made sure from that age i'd be working IT & computing for the next dacade plus

I actually have 5 pairs of ear buds rn, pixel buds, soundcore, Sony, and 2 Jlabs so that if i lose one, I can soon find a different one as i pray to find the one i lost soon (aka it appears out of nowhere), oh, and impulse spending... 😅 How you think i got all of those earbuds?

Working IT helpdesk for a shady VSP. I mean it was fun, but i've seen many fucked up websites, child porn, revenge rape, etc. and received calls from DHS, FBI, state police, Suicide Prevention Services, etc. over all of that shit...

And with stories like this, i wouldn't have it any other way 😊

In Georgia? 75% chance it works

In Florida? 0% chance of yes

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Consumer reports feel like they have a significant bias against battery electric vehicles to be honest, so i'd take everything adjacent with a grain of salt.

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if you look about, this has been spammed out like 1000 times to the lemmy main feed by accounts made in the last week or 2 like it's some disinformation campaign.

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One of those moments the rest of the old continent would stop, look at the USA, & exclaim in unison: "Idiots".

Much of the old world has gone that have existed for centuries and people live in them today.

What horrified you is basically part for the course for them.

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Oh no you right, I misread

... "This approach is completely unrealistic"

Proceeds as a "missing piece" to basically give an example of what i said. Installing superchargers at most apartments is quite unrealistic, but level 2 & 1 charging will be affordable.

What about anything I said is actually unrealistic? The US government investing in battery tech for cheaper cars?

Incentives for apartments, condos, stores etc to install charging infrastructure so ev owners will never have to think "can I charge my car? And if so where?"

Right to repair so people driving used EVs will know for sure that not only can they guarantee a battery replacement or other part on their 2014 tesla model S, Ford Fiesta Electric, Chevy Bolt, of VW e-Golf, but that the parts & service won't cost $20k?

Please enlighten me.

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They're completely manual. There's a manual door latch literally right below the button you'd press inside to open it.

Pull that up & the door unlatches to open.

They're literally designed in for emergencies.

It's the same in the model 3, Y, & S.

Zoning reform, minimize single family housing, prioritize mixed use development, 15 minute (via bike) neighborhoods, encouraging & subsiding building development above 5 stories, separating bike lanes from roads, infill development and subsiding parking garages so people drive into those versus massive parking lots, dedicated bus lanes for emergency services & moving buses much faster than reg streets, signs to restrict right turn at red when pedestrians/ bikers are present, ebike purchase vouchers (Denver did this)

Lower cost of living means more money available which means more housing becomes affordable.

Honestly, i think our biggest difference is where we look. I am looking at people who cant easily afford a new car period and have to maintain what they got. The 7k tax credit doesn't really help them. It helps the middle class where a 40k car with 7-10k tax credit sounds like a nice option.

Right now, im confident that if the coming cheaper cars flood in en masse, at first they'll be bought by the people who took interest with the 7k tax credit, and then as they get sold & enter the used market they'll be accepted by lower income families looking to save money on fuel and servicing over the years by fixing stuff themselves & just having less stuff which needs fixing.

I am of that income level, so there's that too.

Much harder to complain though when it's "terrorist bombs other terrorists after being bombed" right? Lol

Still suspicious, but so far everything seems good, beyond the link cant find anything else out of the ordinary.

You're likely right im guessing, though i'll still stay cautious of links.

I'm sorry, wtf is with that link? 2026/01/01? Links use ISO format so that's January 1st, 2026.

i'm guessing NPR got hacked or something?

Edit: Here's a link from something on their front page today:


Today's date, February 4th, 2024.

Something is wrong here.

Edit 2: couldn't find anything weird beyond that, guess it was a glitch like someone said.

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I said "Good" because at the moment most EVs released in the USA are either gimped in some way like the bolt (55kw) or leaf (most leafs: 100 miles) or are expensive 50-70k luxury performance gods that a 7k govt discount isn't going to make much more popular with the average earning or price-conscious person, ignoring dealerships, potential insurance rate hikes (heard this was a thing), ev road taxes (wtf), etc are thrown in the way.

I ignored the evs on hold part because even without govt funding for infrastructure & whatnot, EVs & car sales are still as "free" of a market as during the GM EV1 days, & as such EVs will keep coming forth unless Ford, GM, Chevy, etc want their lunch eaten by Rivian, Tesla, Lucid, Fisker & friends.

As consumer reports said, potentially about 1/3rd of Americans have significant interest in purchasing an EV. Being the pessemist I am, and only looking at the 14% of definitely buy on how many car owners there are (230 million or so), that's still, at this point with all that is there today, at least 30 million people. As prices fall & used evs become more available, that number will rise significantly as it has in years past, and adoption of then subsidized & simple infrastructure will become a more financially advantageous investment than ever before.

In the end, I wasn't actually asking for a halt or cooling to EV sales. I was asking for a reevaluation of current plans & methods of encouraging adoption.

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Long story short, Puerto Rico doesn't want to leave the USA. All of the choices the people tend to sincerely consider (regardless of reason) are some sort of deep relationship with the US mainland, whether statehood, status quo, or Free Association.

That's the long-standing baseline of the past 70 years

You too? Where i live, I had the only working ATT phone between the local government & my job

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It was an apple as well. As well as the school board i was assisting and my company too.

The only difference i could think of is that i never turn off this device, like ever (my personal phone is android)

Arcologies or greenhouse super domes for food production of any kind wherever it's desired

Or carbon nanotube mass production so we can build mile-high connected super structures

I do kind of agree, this is a bit much, but we are giving them lots of weapons, like i understand maintaining the alliance & there is a large jewish lobby in the USA but like the ammunition would be much better spent in Kharkiv or Robotnye vs Gaza City imo.

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Welp, im a vampire now

(Universal Infinite Shadow of earth is what my username means soo...)

Soo... What if we just replaced the term "climate change" with hurricanium?

They are still debating, they were generally ok with the status quo because they were US nationals and thus were not subject to the full constatution, but I haven't checked on Samoa since citizenship was thrust on them, doubt they'd be happy

... They'd progress that way regardless so...

But it actually isn't, because the largest driver of growth for platforms like facebook & instagram is the already present userbase.

That userbase will always be there if the programs are all federated together, so creating a new platform is now just making a better site versus that and bringing in the userbase.

I wasn't taking any chances on having a feed filled with "you're evil, Palestine labor X Z P etc". I just don't want any part of those debates.