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Joined 10 months ago
  1. Ads
  2. Low Video Quality because you don't want to install Windows
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So if i want to ruin a developer, I only need to install and deinstall all day?

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Bigger Plug?

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Well at least the prime part is wrong. Atleast in my region. If your normal packages arrive on time and without problems, you can join prime with your own shipping. <- This is a simplified, translated and without 'private' info statement, a seller would need to research for themselves.

Imiss my last manager, he bought the bottle.

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No, we don't. I had to do this manually, more than once.

Well thats why i wait untill they are done. Too many canceled shows burned me.

Anyone else getting the Game Pass add on lockscreen? Since last week my work computer tells me game pass is 1 Buck

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My last order in a questionable shop had a 'return policy' pop up, i had to screenshot. It was empty.

Sorry to say but there are already peripherals that are blocked by anti cheat. Back when I bought Rust, i learned the hard way that their anti cheat blocks Input from the steam controller.

Why resort to piracy, just wait for next years 75% discount. It even comes with all the bugfixes.

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Some cars have them integrated.

Well, it makes it a bit harder to inflate the rates but not impossible.

Sausage, Eggs, Bacon, Biscuits and coffe

Its not only that the market wants cheap shit, but also that you would need to trust a company to not just be overpriced shit

At work we used the department field for outrageous addressees

Well you could download the videos instead of streaming, that would get rid of ads too.

I still read much maybe a book a day,buz watching shows is really hard for me. Most anime episodes end up being 10minutes, because I skip(5sec intervals) so much. Flash back scenic views, pre showdown talk, powering up, ceinging, breaks

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Well i bought the 12 month humble choice last year and haven't played a single on of them...

The play button is number 5, 4 is shuffle and 6 is repeat. the buttons for 1-6 are smooth meaning you can not discern on wich button you are without looking. Shuffle and repeat have 3 modes you switch through if you press them.

Volume Knob opens the Menu onclick.

I can type mostly blind on both a Touchscree(phone) and on a Mechanical Keyboard.

Jep their decision that I shouldn't waste energy is the reason i don't want one(wireless charging)

With the delay from transatlantic connections, I could ignore 5

Last time I checked/had a streaming subscription, you didn't get 4k on linux.

Now is MS smart enough to check if the device can run Forza, maybe that's why I only get game pass

Installed Manjaro sway and now i want back to xfce, but i really dont want to reinstall again...

bach when i had to replace mysql with mysqli for a shit ton of stupid old software


Yes to the Volume Knob. The next button or even worse the play button, i cant.

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Congratulations, you managed to burn even more money!