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Joined 12 months ago

solovair, they’re amazing (and expensive).

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The ability not to pee myself every time I sneeze, run or jump after giving birth vaginally would be pretty nice. Even without doing any physical therapy.

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I’ll check my subscription but Im pretty sure Proton doesn’t calculate when I ovulate.

I was offered by my employer to move to the USA with the husband and children to set up a local team for a few years and then return to Europe. Didn’t have questions about the pay, housing, nope. I had questions about healthcare. I usually end up once a year in the ER for myself, last stint was a miscarriage over Christmas with 6 ER meetings but I have a shit ankle and break various bones on the yearly because I don’t pay attention to where I walk. Add children: usual sickness plus all the stupid shit they do and end up in the ER for. Asked is the insurance had a zero deductible or something similar to what we have. Long story short, I didn’t want to leave our healthcare system and we stayed in Europe as all they offered wasn’t up to par with what we got.

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The cheapest livable in Paris, FR would be a 35m2 with two rooms, a kitchen and a tiny basement room for 30k€. It’s actually sold by the courts in April in an auction after being seized for whatever reason and I currently wonder whether I should make an offer for it as it’s so dirt cheap and I could pay it cash.

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Don’t know the English word for it but we bring back bottles (plastic, glass, beer cans) and beer crates for the store who then dispose of them / recycle and we get some money in exchange. Probably why he needs the sticker?

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I know, I’m Swiss and now I live in a country where no one bats an eye when I say I buy studio flats for when my kids will be students and want to live in the city and in the meantime rent them out. The 30k is the auction starting point. But if I could grab it for less than 60k and the have a cost total of 90k max with reno works, that would be splendid.

Depending on which country you live and applicable labor laws, those type of information are available to employees. In France for example, we got CE and CSE who have monthly and special topic meetings with HR and WFH and one of the topics discussed there among a lot others. There’s a third party meeting secretary who notes everything and two weeks later we are sent the full exact write down of the discussions, who was there, who was absent and excused and who said what. It’s usually 30-50 pages long, really instructive and a must read if you want to know what is going on in the company. From negotiations regarding raises, open jobs, services where there are management issues and what’s done to tackle them, wfh, even the state and price of the canteen, input on company results, strategic 5y plan, etc.

That’s for a normal uneventful pregnancy. If past these 12 weeks, it is still possible to have an abortion is the pregnancy threatens the mother’s life or if it is later found the baby would suffer from a decease that at that stage the science can’t cure.

And to answer, we rightfully rejoice. We shouldn’t have to carry a child we don’t want nor raise it. And if we do, we should be able to drop them at the ass’s front door who made us go through it by thinking we are mere incubators. If some of your people are sick enough to want to forbid abortion, let them personally raise those children and take the financial burden. And I write this as a woman and mum living in France. It’s time you take the figurative guillotine out of the shed and have them shit their pants.

Apparently you can’t both think that Russia invasion of Ukraine and its imperialism toward its neighbors is not ok and recognise that Ukraine is also a flawed country, like many others. Corruption there didn’t disappear overnight when Crimea was taken. It is possible to support Ukraine against Russia while knowing that they also have some internal issues and they have to get over them.

Neither is it here. You’re lucky in you get 15cts for a bottle. If you’re not in need of the few extra euros, most people I know give the bottles to homeless folks so they can get a bit of cash out of it.

Used to have an Apple Watch Ultra. Used to because it’s been somewhere in my house for months and I can’t find it and even when I knew where it was I barely wore it. I have a phone, i don’t need further notifications. I wear regular old school watches and love those (I think it comes with the Swiss nationality at this point, our insane love for well crafted watches is in our blood). As a woman who loves watches and has way too many, I also enjoy that mid range and luxury brands are starting to get more exciting models for us. I don’t care about diamonds. But automatic models and such were almost non existant for us a decade ago.

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Ah, that Saturday evening at our old house when we came back from the movies at 23h, brushed our teeth and the the faucet in the master bathroom broke and water kept running. Oh, the great many Sundays we spent at Leroy Merlin and at furniture stores to find a cabinet to put under the new sink after we had to redo the whole plumbing.

And the previous owners of our current house had a thing for shitty electrical wiring. They did a lot of stupid things and we keep fixing their mess as we find them. There’s a special place in hell for those DIYers.

The pay was on par with NYC finance salaries but due to social inflation, i didn’t see how it was worth it to move due to potential medical costs getting out of hand.

I don’t. I try to get it sorted as much as I can and have a cleaning person come twice a week to clean the bathrooms, kitchen and mop the floor if they can can manage to see it. And every time my mother in law comes, she frowns and comments how I’m a not tending to my house myself and she did it while working for 60 hours a week.

Congrats ! Making friends as an adult is so hard.

Not being a native English speaker, by local establishments do you mean she’s a waitress or a bartender?

There’s one in my kids’ bathroom. Can’t wait to reno the room and get rid of rid. Especially as the tub got a shit half broken tap but for some reason the bidet has a fancy working one. According to my daughter it’s there to flood the parquet and transform the room in a giant pool for her mermaid Barbie.

It’s never go for 30k. I need to calculate how much I can offer for it considering they’ll probably be other people interested and works to be done.

Even the gender neutral models are usually designed to rather fit a man and are oversized for a woman’s wrist.

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I definitely fancy a nice boyfriend style watch. Got the pink Swatch x Omega one last spring and once you swap the band for a way less tacky plain white leather, it’s pretty solid for casual days looks at the office.

As an adult, I got 3 ways to make friends, even superficial ones : work, parents association where I usually get a position at the bureau to get to a big pool of people around my age and possible common interests, sports. If you’re unhappy and it reflects on the outside people may unfortunately not want to start a convo with you. Would a move be possible?

As an adult, I got 3 ways to make friends, even superficial ones : work, parents association where I usually get a position at the bureau to get to a big pool of people around my age and possible common interests, sports. If you’re unhappy and it reflects on the outside people may unfortunately not want to start a convo with you. Would a move be possible?

For starters, I’ve always lived in major European cities, with good public transports but not necessarily in the city center. As soon as you can be financially independent ie have a work that allows you to pay rent, utilities, food and a little of saving, even if only 50€ a month. I left for uni, came back shortly after graduating as I interned for 6 months and then moved in with a friend. We could go out in the evening after work with our friend group and no one cared at what time I’d come home nor wait for me to ensure I’m safe because I’m a girl and the city can be dangerous depending who you encounter. I was a lot less awkward if I had one night stand in the morning with no hi mum and when I met my now husband and brought him to our shared flat and my roommate had his girlfriend at the same time, it all went great.

My husband left for his studies cross country at 18 yet his mum made everything for him back home: laundry, cooking, cleaning. After he moved and until we met and we bought our first house, he ate pasta ham and rillettes with cakes every single day. Had his grandma who lived 30km away do his weekly laundry. It’s good he’s excellent at house reno as to this day he’s shit at house upkeep. Can’t put a plate in the dish washer, clean the bathrooms or remember his or his children’ bedsheets need to be washed. Do not be my husband. It’s not when you leave that matters but rather be a competent grown up.

I love my parents but couldn’t imagine living with them full time, not paying rent to them and not try to be independent as much as I could. If I had to live with my mother in law, you could find the bitch’s body buried in the back of the garden next to the Japanese apple tree.

All of my adult friends I met at work. We all live hundred of km away from each other but go to our respective office 2 days a week. And on those days, we have lunch and drinks, they are my children godparents and we talk everyday. As a grown up if you move long distance, it is a lot harder to make friends and keep up with the older ones. You may not have a lot of time because of children especially is they are on the younger side. So your pool to get local mates becomes the school parents and work. It’s a lot easier to determine who you’d like to hang out with with people you spend 8 hours a day 5 days a week that the other mums you only see a few times a week as you all rush off your bicycle to drop you kid at school and have a very superficial relationship with.

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In specialised Reddit communities. Either you bound with people over a hobby or something pretty simple. Like you’re in the same bumper group or are both into that sub about blue heeler dogs. That kind of thing. You’ll usually find regular people there not some type nutjob you can find in some ultra niche community. But you’ll also have to accept not many people are as versed as you in privacy nor willing to comply with all your request for private communications and you might have to dial it down.

A child costs far less than 1500€/mo until they go for higher education. And at that point, if their uni is close enough from house, costs wont dramatically increase. In what world does a single child cost you 1.500€ a month?

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I paid less 800€ a month for a nanny up to my children entering school, 100€ a month of food for three of them and 20€ for clothes. There’s no health insurance as it’s provided by our country and extra is paid by employer, no dental costs and who the fuck cares about piano? The most expensive thing I had to pay for them was to have a single room at the hospital when I gave birth and that was 1.200€ for the whole stay including medical acts. And even if my kids decided to play piano, the conservatory is owned by the city and costs a mere 100€ a quarter? The most expensive activity my children do is ride horses and that’s 75€ a month down the street.

It’s not because your system is screwed and intended to bankrupt people and hinder women with their lives by keeping them at home that everyone else’s is.