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a lot of the stigma surrounding sex work in the modern day (that doesn't just boil down to misogyny/gender norms/religion) is based on the fact that selling intimate aspects of one's self places a set value on something that many see as sacred

The fact that most of the times the stigma only clings to the person selling and not the person buying makes me think that this is actually a negligible part of the stigma.

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Are you telling me your fairytale wedding does not include doves hacking out the eyes of your stepsister or your stepmother dancing to her death in shoes of red hot iron? Boooring.

To be fair though, there are way more cows than crocodiles, snakes, sharks or deadly spiders in the UK.

Adding to what the other comments have already said: Don't bring an unleashed dog on a cow pasture. You'd think that's common sense, but apparently it's a bit of a meme in Austria and Switzerland that every few months some German get's trampled by cows because their totally friendly dog ran towards the cows and they felt threatened.

I can't believe that no one has mentioned the famous shower orange yet. On Reddit there is a whole subreddit dedicated to it.

A cold orange in the shower is perfect – it's refreshing, it smells great and you don't have to deal with the usual mess of eating an orange.

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Or being able to breathe normally when you don't have a cold.

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I'm pretty sure my washing machine is the thing that saves me most time. Washing by hand is fucking hard work and very time consuming. I would neither have the time nor the physical endurance to keep all my clothes and household items in a state acceptable to society.

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Fair. But there's no stepladder that will help you mimic my power of sitting comfortably in trains, planes and busses.

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But are you gonna return something for this method??? You said you'd return an integer, yet there is no return statement!

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Not only more readable than A and B but I would argue it's also easier to remember who did what a few sentences or paragraphs earlier since Alice and Bob invoke slightly less generic mental images than A and B. For example one is a woman and the other one is a man, maybe even some person or character you know.

And now that I'm thinking about it, the different gender also makes it easier to keep track of who does what because different pronouns are used (at least in English and many other languages).

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KDE Connect

I can share files, links and clipboard items between my phone and my computer. Use my phone as remote control while watching stuff. I see phone notifications on my computer and don't miss calls when my phone is in silent mode while I'm at my PC. It has made my life so much smoother.

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I kinda can't see many women wanting to share any contact information with the random creepy stranger sitting opposite them on the train.

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Also: cleaning. I've had flatmates who managed to take the same time for cleaning the bathroom or the kitchen and yet it somehow still wasn't clean.

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I knew being faceblind must have some benefit. I often only realise I know an actor when I see their name in the credits. Then again it can take me half a movie to realise there are two men with dark hair, a beard and glasses, so I wouldn't entirety recommend it.

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It must be unbearable for them.

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I once tried to grab my glasses to keep them in place while I leaned forward or something. Except I was wearing contact lenses at the time, so I just poked myself in the eye. It wasn't a serious injury, but I felt really betrayed by my own brain.

Anything slightly "feminist". You know, like pointing out that women do the majority of unpaid care work. Or saying it's not nice to objectify women. Or sometimes mentioning the word women will do it.

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Also, hardly any cows just eat grass these days. That's not how you get a lot of meat as fast and as cheap as possible. Also, since cows need a lot of grass, I a lot less area would remain for other crops even if they did (since grass needs way more area for the same amount of calories than stuff like soybeans). So it's actually a good thing, they aren't just eating grass.

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Shortly after the terrorist attacks in Paris in 2015, a football match was cancelled here in Germany because of a terror warning. There was a press conference with our Federal Minister of the Interior at the time, Thomas de Maizière. When asked for more information, he did not want to reveal that there was another warning for a train station. So he thought the best thing he could say to dodge the question was:

"Parts of the answer might unsettle the population."

Calmed everyone down immediately.

You're doing neither yourself nor anyone else a favour by being overly shy and reticent. You yourself will enjoy life much more when you are yourself and while not everyone will like you, the ones who don't often don't stay in your life long and it's easier to find people you vibe with if they can see you for who you are.

Granted, I very much did not take this advice as a teenager and even now I'm occasionally too shy. But looking back it was good advice and I really wish I hadn't wasted so much time and energy on not being negatively noticed by people I didn't really care about then and who haven't been in my life for years.

Oh, definitely. It's just that in my experience, women are more likely to be immediately wary of this possible danger. Or maybe I'm biased because I'm a woman. But men definitely can (and should) be wary as well.

Maybe Captain America's real power is that he is really heavy.

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I do this all the time. I print two pages on one A4 sheet (or rather four, two on each side) and then fold them so they are like a leaflet.

That's the main advantage of the system – you don't have to design things differently depending on how big you want to print them. You can scale the same design to an A6 flyer or an A2 Poster.

It's been a while since I watched it, but I think Kingsman fits that description.

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There was a trial against members of the NSU, a German extremist-right terrorist organisation, a few years ago and the lawyers representing them were named Sturm (storm), Heer (army) and Stahl (steel). In combination they sound like something a Nazi came up with to make them sound powerful and strong.

I'm not up to date with the online discussion of British politics. Is Cruella Braverman a thing already or do we need to make it happen?

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Well, most people already forgot where it originated. That is from people whose job was to compute stuff by using tables, calculators and paper.

Stepping on single fallen leaves on the sidewalk. I'm also more disappointed than I should be when they are not crunchy.

When starting to cook on my own, I always found it very stressful, because I felt you had to do so many things in parallel and then you look away for too long at the wrong time and something burns.

What helped me is reading the whole recipe very carefully and then prepare everything before actually starting to cook. Many recipes tell you something like "while x simmers, cut y / prepare z". That's fine, when you have developed a feeling for how long things take, but as a beginner, it's better to do everything sequentially. It takes longer that way, but it makes it much less stressful and overwhelming.

PS is Pferdestärke, which is just horsepower in German. I think CH is the same in French, and CV... Italian? So maybe the other ones also all mean HP. I don't know why they put all of them there, but maybe it's because since it's not a SI unit, there is no official abbreviation everyone knows.

Edit: Just looked it up and I was wrong, they are actually different units, even though horse related. Even HP (747.7 W) and PS (735.5 W) are slightly different. What a mess, that's why we need SI units.

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I can see your point, but tying both shoes would never ever have occurred to me as an option (unless I noticed the other shoe getting loose too). So I get your colleagues' surprise.

To add to this: Many people shrug this off saying they don't have anything to hide. Even assuming that is true, they usually mean they don't have anything to hide right now from their current authorities. Ask yourself the question: Is there absolutely no form of government/regime you might want to hide something from? Are you absolutely certain these authorities might not get access to your data? Doesn't even have to be a possible future government in your own country, it could be in some other country you might want to visit. Or maybe some terrorist organisation who for some reason targets people like you. Is there really absolutely no one you would mind having access to all the data collected about you?

The thing is, the data isn't going to be uncollected again. The way things are drifting the number of countries not in some way endangered by antidemocratic movements is constantly decreasing. Call me paranoid but I just don't want to risk it.

For a moment I forgot about the omnipresence of AI generated pictures and wondered what the hell the thing in the second picture is supposed to be.

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How about some Shakespeare? A lot of his sonnets are about a young man, the "Fair Youth". Then you'd even have some plausible deniability because there are many people and scholars refusing to accept that Shakespeare might have liked me as well as women.

Edit: Just saw that I wrote "me" instead of "men". But I'm sure Shakespeare would have loved me (though scholars might disagree).

I'm sorry, I never can resist poking the bear.

Oh cool, we have a very similar one in German: "His/her swing stood too close to the wall."

They're also not fans. (Relevant xkcd)

OpenStreetMap is amazing. I always use the maps when I want to know details about some place. Much more detailed than Google Maps.

ETA: Especially when you want to go somewhere on foot or by bike, because Google Maps kinda sucks at showing footpaths etc.