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Joined 1 years ago

As you can see, Twitter is now firmly in Act II: 'Finding Out'

But however will the poor shareholders get their value this quarter?

Someone think of the shareholders!

Standard business practice.

  • Get it out there, tout it as the new biggest thing. Most people won't know it's not busted.
  • Improve said item once the company behind it actually figures out what they're doing.
  • Say it's better, when it's basically the original thing you promised.
  • ????
  • Profit.
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"The leopards surely won't eat my face."

A sudden implosion is the best-case scenario, given how else it could have gone.

Get a decent vpn, a worthwhile adblocker and some reliable pirate sites.

I havent paid for a gd thing for over a year and I don't plan to anytime soon.

I love me some cities skylines. Even if it's just me making the worst-designed cities and getting mad about traffic.

Why can't we do like the UK does?

  • You can only campaign for a certain period of time (like, a month or two iirc)
  • You have a hard limit of what you can spend on said campaign
  • TV stations must give equal TV time to both parties, and parties can't start campaigning until a certain period after the election is announced.
  • EDIT: and they use ranked choice voting.

(I'm in the US so I'm pulling a lot of this from memory, please correct me if I'm wrong)

Yeah, people may still vote for an idiot. But it's an idiot they voted for, and not one that was bought for some company for tax breaks.

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I used to eat onion and mustard sandwiches years ago. They're not bad, actually.

Considering I deal with people who blast their music from their phone speakers without headphones, I do not want to know what over-bassed track they're listening to.

undefined> Redact

Gonna do the same. Nuke all my comments and keep the account. Just change the password to something unintelligible.

I still make the argument that Sonic 2 was the best out of the trilogy in terms of gameplay and music.

While 3 was great, I think it suffered from the level design being a bit wonky on some areas (looking at you, Marble Garden Zone).

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It blows my mind that someone who has had so much shady, illegal dealings confirmed in a court of law can go out there and say "You should give me money because America is full of criminals" and a non-zero number of people go "Yeah, he's right."

Or that he liked Nickelback?

I'll see past many things, but Nickelback?

Not even once.

He's gonna need 15x the lifespan for it to be released.

Will also tack on Boneraiser Minions to that list. It's a great survivors-like but your minions deal damage instead of the player. Great art and music.

Legal Eagle is solid stuff. His Top Gun episode with an actual JAG is hilarious bones hurt, now.

I just fired up a GD game with a friend last weekend. I forgot how to play since it's been so long.

Necro/Occultist all day long. BoneZone and the boys causing havoc all around.

Because they can't make people who don't agree with them miserable if they're all relegated to their own bubbles.

Been using the handle for years since I started it in World of Warcraft. Just stuck with me.

Me and some friends jumped into the new season of Fortnite zero build. Not too bad, even though I have the reflexes of a sloth.

Been playing more Space Haven since they put out a big update last week. I do enjoy the game, but the gameplay loop leaves a bit to be desired.

I restarted my Sims 4 playthrough, forgot who these other Sims are, and just started fresh with my own sim.

Otherwise, standard mahjong games.

I've been playing some Fortnite with friends. It's mainly us getting trashed and messing with people.

I found taking it much less seriously increases the fun, but that's just me. Apex is another animal in regards to play style. I can't play it.

Yakuza 0 really is the king of sidequests, imo.

Need to rush to the bridge and stop someone getting shaken down?

Sure, but mahjong and crane games first.

The port of FF4 on the GBA was really good.

Original Gameboy, though, I played a LOT of the Tomogotchi game. I don't know why, but I loved that janky garbage pile of a game.

Wario Land 2 was a constant as well.

  • Parasite Eve
  • Prototype 1
  • Legend of Dragoon
  • NFL Blitz (just a modern upgrade, keep the arcade feel)
  • Smash TV

We're actually getting a Star Ocean 2 remaster in November, so I can cross that off the list.

What an absolute bodying in public. Good on him.

It's Twitter, but in longer form.

Everyone's just there to be outraged at something. The whole internet is outrage-bait.

The 'Path of Exile' method.

You look like a 19th century orphan without all the MTX gear that actually looks good.

Daft Punk's "Alive 2007" is still one of the best live shows I've ever heard.

Thanks for the info. I had a vague idea of UK elections, but didn't realize the specifics of other countries.

Soon the only available free option will be 32kbps, 16kHz, mono, and it's just a sound byte shaming you for not paying them.