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Joined 12 months ago

You forget that the blockchain is all about not trusting some middle-man/site, so you need to stock that blockchain yourself, everyone needs to stock that blockchain.

So multiply not only the cost, but also the ecological impact just buying all those drives.

And that's only for *US" housing (I didn't get the timeframe you used to calculate it, is it for like year 2050? Old data stays forever.).

BTW found the guy buying 0.5TB Hard drives ;-)

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I take a photo with my Polaroid.

As fast as money talks, you'll be losing.

IMO. We should make global random networks and base our connections on top of them instead of clinging onto the hope of niceties because someone have the site for example.

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Or a Samsung fridge.

The race is open!

I would feel devastated, crossed even

All for the buzz I imagine.

Or for some hyper inflated fragile ego I guess.

Well that's my guess.

Here is the 'official' website : Tenfingers

There are versions for Linux and Windows and also the python source code.

Any feedback greatly appreciated!

A good start, but using crypto to just have a website seems overkill.

I have built a shared hosting protocol (and implementation) where you use link-files instead of website+DNS (nor crypto). Simple and lightweight, but with my communication skills it isn't really taking off 😅

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France here, runs like a charm (finally!) on an old dell box at home. yay!

Now I just have to decide what I should actually do with it :-)


You seems to know what you're talking about, have you heard of Juliana trees? Like trees based only on the keys, so searching for a key takes len(key) time.

Bet there is an other name for it but I so remember like that and no web search says anything about it so I'm trying my luck here :-)

Same for robin hood hash trees :-D


Set all branches to fast forward only!!

Fair enough about the size.

Checked out eBay, there are some cheap 2-3Tb drives there! How does it pan out quality wise? I guess they sell them off like after 5 years of usage right?

Remindme 1week :-)

I support your idea.

Tried a few, Jerboa is sort of good but there are things you just have to figure out. Like I'm a user on my own Lemmy, and I can't find my own instances? Does the search only search ... well what actually? Also as I have my super user, another user, a user on beehaw etc (not very rational maybe) but you don't know whith witch obe you are browsing.

Guess it's just too, early so for now I'm sticking with Jerboa as it's the official app.

Everything is great though, I'm just pointing out small inconveniences.