3 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Over a houndred dollars for 700 upvotes O_o

I wouldn't exactly call that cheap 🤑

On the other hand, ten or twenty quick downvotes on an early answer could swing things I guess ...

20 more...

Because we can take the needed wealth from the stupidly rich instead of trying to make old people drag on 2 extra years.

There is s lot of unemployment at over 50 too, and that will just cost the society anyways while bringing suffering (instead of retirement :-)

The keyword here is over 10M.

You know, not the 10 millions, but anything that exceeds 10M.

So if you have 11M, you'd pay 750.000.

IMO it's the only way to not bring back kings with unlimited power over normal people.

Hey, the repost bots will still be there :-D !

And poured every browser and their sister into it just to make the whole selection process shitty.

They want people to think the blackout etc. is not done by reasonable people, but by evil aggressive people.

Like the two people configuring an auto reply when they went on holidays ...

You can figure out the rest I guess, fun even if it wasn't 15 million mails in an hour :-)

Linux Mint, the vanilla distro with chocolate.

That won't change anything though, that ship sailed a long time ago.

Aaand now the PC version is back to 1 stickied post with upvotes and only real new ones (1 upvote each)

So I guess it's just a bug showing "New" when it is actually "Active" the first time you go to lemmy for the first time on a new PC.

Active now works well (on mobile too) BTW.

So just a small bug, cheers!

And a happy one, it's so relieving those idiots no longer gets a platform like everywhere!

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Sorry police officer, but the door was open ajar so hrem I just wanted to check if everything was alright you see?

Had a guy just being mind blown for the whole evening lock picking my way into my apartment, and then open some lock he had on his luggage (all very basic).

Saw him a year later when I had forgot about it and he still was startled about the evening 😁😅

Except for public transport :-D

Just to plug the totally free version here:

I love chess puzzles too and is a really nice app but are we chess dorks super rich or something? Their pricing is crazy IMO.

Edit: .org not .com ...

Yeah large EEE on ActivityPub feels like almost a given if they start to use it.

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Or use the raw IP :-D ?

If you stop and listen to idiots, you won't go far.

If it's chill at night then it can be quite nice, if it's 23°C at night you feel like you are dying all the summer.

As we all did with winxp, hangout and even facebook, and yeah a whole slew of stuff that did seem nice at one moment.

The next moment it wasn't there any more in the way we liked it!

FOSS on the other hand is here to stay.

Yeah we believe you. But where do you store them?

And usability, windows gets more and more complicated IMO, and not in the "fun" way Linux can be completed.

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Same here, so I started an "art" server. We'll see how it fares.

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That seems quite top of the line even today.

For battery life, the screen, the screen, the GPU (seems you use an IGP), the size of the screen, and the CPU are the main culprits.

64GB RAM will use some battery do you really need that much?

Hopefully your 1TB is an SSD otherwise an SSD is a nice upgrade.

There are also fat fat powerbanks for power users far away from a 110/220volt line!

I Am curious, most often power hungry laptops are gaming ones... What do you do with yours?

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Yeah, it's always okay to question if you work enough, but never okay to question if they pay you enough.

Box A.

You never know the shenanigans of a machine, and one million is largely enough for me until I die, or if science gives us the option to live forever I bet machines will do the work for us :-)

Edit: as I believe the machine can be wrong, I'd probably take A + B

I'd even go further and claim that any post on the smallest sub should be more important than almost any other post on a larger one.

You did subscribe to it so you want to know.

Someone believing the two rich guys would eventually fight (in a cage no less) should stop being so much on the internet and go outside a bit.

Excellent GG!!

Then you wonder why those sites are so slow sometimes...

7 if you count me in!

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Hey Gabe, good luck!

Batteries doesn't like (excessive)heat, but is that really a problem nowadays for smartphones? I don't feel my battery is bad after some 3-4 years of nightly 65% => 100% charge with a quick charger. Maybe it's more like 52% => 100% now BTW.

I remember when it was a whole science to keep your battery "ok" (no < 15%, no full charge, sometimes drain it, etc etc) and it still was kind of sucky. So interested in what you all think!

Heey does that actually work?

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True, bug what if there were a way to split big instances in smaller ;-)

And maybe new instances filtering out the crap (and reposting the good stuff)...

Got a 3b a loong time ago and I love it, I use it as a jukebox and a tinker station.

Would love to get another one but man are they crazily expensive now. Tried the banana and orange pis and the are like okay but yep, they are different and doesn't seem to have the same community at all.

Chip shortage please go away!

Edit: I buy old dell optiplexes for like 40€ instead but they do take up quite the space...

Excluding GPU extensive operations a used ThinkPad is so good and cheap it's incredible.

Bought a T490 16GB 512GB for 260€ ... I think my desktop will be used less and less ...

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You can try a boot from usb key too for example.

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We'll surely invent something even worse ;-)

Slightly unintuitive but works perfectly well!

Thanks a bunch 💖!

I had one main account but also a couple for using when I didn't want to mix my "private" life up with other things. I don't even know if it's not allowed in the TOS?

Anyway, I stupidly made a Valmond account on several Lemmy instances before I got the hang of it, and when (if!) my server will one day function I'll make an account there so ...

I guess it might be like in the old forum days, you have a respectable account and another if you wanted to ask a stupid question etc. admin would see (if they cared) but not the ordinary users.