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Joined 1 years ago

If spez was a big ol burly man with a beard would you still be yelling at him? Or would you be spanking his bare bottom, balls and back

Honestly had no idea usenet was still a thing. I’m old. Old enough to know usenet and have used it back in the day. But young enough to switch torrenting and not ever really learn another way

Now I have to look up some info!

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Yeah. I wouldn’t say I’m a huge oracle fan - and maybe this is pandering - but ibm’s move was such shit. It’s plain manipulation of gpl terms and does not really honor the intent.

I haven’t slept in a week man.

I keep thinking what will happen to splatoon? Will the world turn its back? This is the first time two sort of similar games are on the market. Gaming, nay- capitalism may not be able to survive this attack. What do we do? Should we protest????

I will be standing at the corner of main and 3rd tomorrow. I’m getting my poster board. I’m getting my markers. I need to let the world know.

The whole world is watching.

So you posted a 2 year old video because of “some people” think Apple is secure?

Edit: so it’s a fucking check on signed apps? Ok? He takes one thing: Apple validates certain on signed apps - and then extrapolates it into this company is monitoring when you open photoshop from a friends house. They can get your isp! - holy fuck they could do this already.

Your response to - this is on every major os was to say “yeah but some people think Apple is beyond reproach”.

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Maybe because you seem to have personally invested yourself in a fight against a company by posting a 2 year old unconvincing YouTube video?

Because you disagree with people thinking Apple is secure. It’s honestly such a circle jerk. You’ll find more people on Lemmy and Reddit who are ready to tear down Apple. But it’s fucking hilarious to think you are inundated with shills. Go look at that (2 year old) YouTube’s videos comments. Go look at any Apple thread in tech subreddits. It’s so fucking old. It’s so tiring watching people shit on a company when I trust that company with my data much more than google or Microsoft.

It’s fine to make something your personality. You’re going to get pushback though. And it’s not fucking shills. The idea that shills would even be here is laughable.

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Yea. It’s pretty laughable. I’ve been in software development and open source software for 25+ years at this point. No. You’ve made it your personality because you like the circle jerk. Reading the other comments you’ve absolutely chosen to not respond to anyone’s salients points other to call them shills.

When did I argue for the security of Apple? I simply pointed to your logical fallacies. Others called you out for not really understanding the concepts you’ve posted. Stop setting up strawmen for your points to land.

And sure. You’ll respond to this, again, missing any point to give yourself a nice rebuttal. Don’t worry about it. It’s fine.

I’m loving Memmy so far. That developer is knocking out updates too at a fast pace.