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Joined 1 years ago

I’ll be your shooting star~ Wish upon me and I’ll be there to SUCK YOUR BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD

After reading @StarkillerX42@lemmy.ml's comment, I'm not sure if there is a way to estimate.

I do think we can reliably say: Not enough. However, it's pretty cozy here so I don't mind for now.

You don't carry a fanny pack loaded with cigs in waterproof bags along with your dive gear?

But what if a marine biologist shows up????

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My touch screen randomly disabled itself and when I attempted to shut my phone off, it instead triggered a 911 call.

The only way to stop it? Swiping right on the touch screen.

I was just a bit frustrated and had no idea 5 taps triggered emergency calls. What a terrible event. Q.Q

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An iconic style I'll recognize even when it's just two plants

If you are exposed to lies and manipulations a lot, maybe you developed a defence mechanism against language.

I have, and for example my boss loves to fist-bump me and compliment my work. This means nothing to me because I know he's a POS scum human through his actions.

My aunt is one of the loveliest people in the world, yet she let slip once that she befriends people because they're useful to her. She's nothing but smiles and good gestures, yet it's only to use and discard you, as I've observed throughout her life. She meant it. Thanks, wine.

My father is in jail for basically being Andrew Tate.

Compliments can be real, and they definitely feel more real when they're still expressed behind your back, but from my experience humans are generally playing a shitty social game. That's why rude people are so great - you're actively putting yourself at a disadvantage in our relationship just to express yourself? Fuck yeah, preach your feelings buddy!

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I have some suspicions the kitty one is a little less wholesome considering their origins

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Early access paranoia can finally be shared by all~ Yippeeeeeeee

That looks really fun to me but damn, that souvenir store doesn't have any chill if they're only stocking [HARD MODE] puzzles.

Maybe my subjective take of sudden is different, but is it sudden? (aka I progressively succumb to madness over a title)

There've been many fantastic roguelike deckbuilders out since 2020, a little after Slay teh Spire's official release date. It feels more like people have became aware of how fun the subgenre is after the hype Baltaro generated on streaming platforms. If anything is sudden, it's the second-wind of attention we're getting thanks to the above-mentioned game.

I know I'm continuing to split hairs over nothing down here, but 861 games is a little misleading once you get to the end: "Surprisingly, deckbuilders are still an underserved market"

You never know when you’ve reached the peak of a trend, but deckbuilders seem like they’re not quite there yet. Games-Stats tracks 527 roguelike deckbuilders, and Dev_Hell’s Westendorp suggests their higher-than-average revenues, wider revenue spread, and demand make them “relatively underserved as a market.”

So, there's not 861 games, but 527 games?

If you investigate why there's a large gap in reported game listings, it's because Steam is including packs like [Slay the Spire x Backpack Hero] and DLC where Game-Stats is tracking the individual games (i.e, bloatless). This ties back to the title - ultimately we're not trying to answer the literal question, "Why are there 861 roguelike deckbuilders on Steam", because OP never answers that question. Instead, we are answering an alternative interpretation: "Why are there so many roguelike games appearing on Steam in a short amount of time?" The answer, may shock you:

::: spoiler spoiler Money, popularity, ez(er) to dev :::

While I've taken those answers from the article, I find it further interesting that they conclude a different question all-together: "Why are roguelike deckbuilders taking off?"

Buh, I've lost it. Ultimately I really liked the core article and their enthusiasm, but I've driven myself to madness here.

Fuck society. Grr, I don't like how much we're expected to have phones. It's not just the electronic though, but the number attached to it as well.

I'm phoneless as a stand against canadian telecom companies and wow I'm basically a second-class citizen. Almost any service becomes inaccessible.

Heavens forbid I care about my own privacy and get a vpn. Now I'm locked out of even MORE services that want to ID check me with my phone.

Just let me have what I seek 😭 there's too many steps to these services now

auuuugh rant done ty.

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Nah, the prison scene followed by the hot escape headed by a natural beauty ends 5 minutes in

Anyone that doesn't wake up after this is lost forever in the shadow realm where they continue to watch the truffle shuffle to this very day...

Uhhhh yeah, it's called being 10 with unrestricted internet access silly. 🤭

My $500 laptop I panic bought after an employee started talking to me

It's incapable of anything and stutters when I start Firefox. I have a freebie laptop I got from Telus 10+ years ago that runs better than this off-the shelf laptop.

I couldn't in good-conscience sell this to make my money back either... sigh... at least it keeps me focused on work..?

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... I don't know why I never thought to put my screws into my magnetic bowl. I've been throwing change into it like an M.

Thank you, I needed this.

It's not okay. I can hear some of my customers' anxiety when they struggle to tip me. Some people lord it over me like I should revere them for their blessing. There is an unnecessary layer of stress to the customer service routine for everyone involved except the owner who benefits from this system. Not to mention some businesses pool their tips and share it with everyone, sometimes redirecting these funds into unscrupulous items like snacks without consent. >:(

Tips don't motivate me to provide great customer service to my customers. Tips serve to maintain cheap labor, but more important to me is how they erect social barriers. I can't blame someone for wanting or being motivated by tips when they're stuck near the bottom of the socio-economic ladder. I'm there too so I understand, but there's just no reason for tips when we can get/provide great service without adding layers of paranoia; When we can provide a satisfying quality of life for everyone in the process with a not-so-simple wage increase (and God forbid, better budgeting and management from business owners).

They also in general make my job harder, especially when an old person who's basically blind can't find any of the buttons or follow simple directions (PRESS 3 FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MARIANNE)

I've had people try to slip me deals when an error occurs but I'm so genuinely in the moment I can't see it. Leads to awkward exchanges where they're trying to push free food on me and I'm just like "nah just a mistake bruh here ya go!"

And then facepalm 10 minutes later when the situation catches up.

This phantasmal creature can be slain just like the rest.

Get into a well spaced octagon with some VERY trustworthy individuals. If everyone turns their back at the same time at equal distance, the sharks will amalgamate at the center. They will all split apart when they try to eat you, killing the creature(s) once and for all.


I wanted to feel loved. I just went through another break-up. My partner was actively trying to cheat at the time too, which is the second time I've experienced this behaviour. Now I'm not one to use small sample-sizes - but I am. So I took it as a sign that something was wrong with me. Does no one care about me? I politely listen to everyone, I help when I'm asked, I go out of my way for people... What was wrong with me?

I started blindly by researching anything that made me feel 'better'. I started a ton of language courses, Began research on psychology and ANYTHING related to it - I spent months learning colour theory because someone mentioned colours can affect our emotions and that was good enough for me to invest my time.

That was all useful, but it didn't help with my goal or reinvent me. It's the matter that I was desperate for change and seeking something I wasn't completely aware of.

My discovery of Mortimer J. Adler's How to Read was life changing. After reading it I began seeking information from the back. The philosophy chipped a crack in the corruption from my youth and I was finally able to ask the questions I needed for change. The psychology helped shape those questions.

I've seen many functional families in my youth, but I never questioned why mine wasn't and there's probably a good reason for that. I decided to approach my family on all of the verbal abuse and neglect I received in my youth. The rejection and blatant denial of events broke me and put me in a dissociative state; I experienced temporary ego death. The rejection was the most horrific thing I've experienced to this moment. However, the following two months were euphoria as I was able to finally see objective reality beyond my subjective experience. Everything I'd read was starting to click into place like a domino effect... I hadn't understood trans issues before-hand, I even contributed to some of the hate, but suddenly everything seemingly made sense and I could see the error of my ways.

My ego came back due to the fast-paced nature of my chaotic life, but the event still radically changed me. I'm reconnecting with my family as I can finally see their horrifically misguided love for the lack of emotional intelligence that it is. The world feels more accessible as I'm aware of just how much power I as an individual with knowledge actually have (and the moral responsibility that follows)... I did a 180 on hoarding and became as non-materialistic as I could. Anything I own has purpose or it has a deep emotional connection to someone I care about. <3

I started off depressed, lost, confused, now I'm vibing with the moments and only slightly less lost and confused. :)

It's a topic I care about so I'll definitely start loading myself up on walking material.

That said, there's over 100 episodes and they're quite lengthy. Are there any episodes that stood out to you?

It'll all come with time, but I'd ideally like to prioritize what you felt had more impact or potential, if you recall at all.

snip... snip... snip snip snip

a happy conclusion :)

I'd like to supplement that I've had access to my various employer's records multiple times... because why lock the admin computer.

With my current employer, my entire wages for the month are paid for with net profits in a single day thanks to the skeleton crew we operate. I get to work knowing every other day is going straight to my boss's luxurious life-style because it's certainly not coming back here.

Don't be surprised when you hear of another staff walk-out~

Fuck tips, support good living standards for everyone!

I've been a nutritional fiend for ever and hyperfocused on self improvement to the point I abandoned my sociatal responsibilities. Shhhh...

Before covid happened, I was working out and eating well. Custom diet plan that ensured I'd reach my daily caloric goal. Generally wanted fats and protein earlier in the day with a nice sugar boost to wake me up, then dinner was ensured a new variety because I wanted to maintain a healthy gut biome. Felt fucking great - I was studying hardcore everyday, working out... Felt so incredible compared to my currently recovering self.

Then covid happened and following it, financial devistation. Had to start working again so I began eating fast food. Had no time and didn't think too much beyond this point in time.

Energy levels rapidly reached points similar to depression and studying became a chore even after I quit and tried returning to my studies. I could never restore my energy levels because I couldn't afford healthy food; Bottom barrel garbage. Nutrigrain bars give ~200 cals @ 24/$15. STEAL. My gut biome was non-existent due to 0 variety and grease obliterating any new life.

Cut to today, my family takes me in and feeds me. I'm able to finally return to my varied homecooked diet. Nearing the end of week 2 and my productivity has already skyrocketed despite the constant verbal abuse :') even just noticed my journal entries have become less shakey.

The main point is, my actions beyond my food did not influence my energy outcomes. Kind of. Gaining more muscle did not make me feel any better. Losing muscle, it was infinitely harder to regain it and I'd end up using more enegy, making me even more apathetic.

Basically, life's a balance. Maintain that tummy balance! Don't buy those cheap burgers from Wendies even if it's a steal of quik protien!!!

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I'll be checking this out later, thanks for sharing!

I wanted the duck loon flag, so this works out perfectly in my mind.

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Yep, and I don't feel all that bad. AAA games have been getting shafted for ages.

Now we can support and enjoy even more indie games, big companies can suck it while losing more money, and inevitably something will come along against Denuvo down the line.

And maybe Empress can recoup. Seems like she's not in a great place atm.

I see almost nothing but suggestions of violence towards Nazis so idk whats up with your intake here.

Reminds me of that one dude who tried to find his partner cheating on him based on a rumor. Dude's history was hoooours of searching porn. That was legendary.

BC budtender. My managers are out-of-touch crazies that enabled tipping (5%/10%/25%) because, 'they feel bad we don't make much money', paraphrased.

That's great, love hearing that from my lake-house owning mega-rich hippie manager, but I've already posted a rant here about how my month's wage of part-time work is easily paid in a day of work with their ludicrous profit margins. 50% on cannabis where I saw 30% in the liquor industry. They can pay me a livable wage, they choose not to.

I have compounding evidence that they're shitty people wearing masks of integrity and compassion and I hate it.

Greed sucks :(

Sounds like a lot of misconceptions have been given.

You don't need to get any weird joycon, you definitely have everything you need. Either a right-joycon or a paperclip.

I've done both (and broke my spare JC in the process). I recommend the paperclip. [2:24 tutorial]

What's simply happening is you're sending power to a specific pin on your switch. When it gets power and you press the special dev-buttons (Minus-Volume & Power) it goes black and can be exploited with some tech-wizardry.

There's some cool stuff like themes, homebrew, mods... Been playing Smash Ultimate online for years with mods. However, if you have the means on PC the actual gaming experience over the Switch is typically better and easier to get into.

That sounds fun, but I was (and still am) an idiot and locked myself out on the bios. I've reset locks on bios before, but as I've discovered recently, Acer found out you can charge people for the privilege instead.

At that point, I'll simply use this as a learning experience and continue exploring Arch. Another bevi of copium for me, please.

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claps vigorously


I'm democratically free of viruses, baby 😎 ✌️

I've had a terrible trip once. Smoked a whole joint when I was 14 in highschool. I hugged my friends arm who didn't smoke any of it and begged him to walk me home (we were also ditching class for the first time lol). I lived right behind an elementary school and just as we were approaching, they let all the tots out. Pure paranoia as every kid is staring into my soul. Once we got there, I realized I couldn't be home or I'd get in trouble so I asked him to walk me back to school. Back up the hill we went just for me to turn around and go home because school ended.

I had a similar experience to yours from a J once though. Shared between 3 people but it knocked me out. Had to lay down in an alley for what felt like 15 minutes, probably like 2 tops. My visuals were completely disorienting and it felt like the ends of the alley were getting perpetually farther, like a cursed toilet bowl at 3 am. We all shimmied to Tim Hortons and had some donuts. They were unreal.

What's important to consider here in this post is type and dosage. Edibles are volatile as is. Homebrew browies or cookies has the added bonus of being difficult to spread equal dosage to, so some bites might be mind-killers while others might not even effect you at all. And if you don't consume, you really shouldn't be having more than 10mg of THC, where I've had some brownies that sit at 200mg per square. That's why I like thc-sugar candies. Limited surface area = hard-capped dosage.

Beyond that, you must contend with your tummy's digestive state, blood flow (working out etc), additional narcotics that can play off each other like alcohol (don't mix!)... It's not as wickedly complicated as I might be making it out to be, just don't consume when you're hungry or working out etc.

What did you take, do you know?

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Wouldn't want them to miss out of their fun for a moment! Now they can torture generations of people~

This rocks, he loves it so much :) thanks for sharing

I like the spoiler XD

::: spoiler spoiler I really do~ :::

That's incorrect, my appologies for the confusion.

My privacy concerns are a seperate issue that causes additional turmoil. Most services throw a ton of 2fa at you once they see the vpn, typically involving some means of identifying you with a phone number. Discord is the most common place I run into. That's a lot of stuff I'm missing out on just with one service.

I'm standing against telecoms because they provide terrible service for rediculous prices. I'm especially aware of what they can offer as I used to work in Bell's loyalty department (lasted a month LOL). By paying for shitty phone services, I'm accepting it. I'd rather search for an alternative.

I mean, who wouldn't want internet access anywhere they want in their city?

How does one spark curiosity?