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Joined 9 months ago

I have like 30 reddit accounts and I'm just trolling not-for-profit, so... maybe ~1,000,000? Seems legit

First Twitter, then reddit, to massive social platforms apparently trying to shoot themselves in the foot at every available opportunity. Never was a Twitter user, but sad to see reddit is likely in a slow death spiral.

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The tl;dr seems to be this was a money losing account for Cloudflare, and they couldn't squeeze them so they weaseled out with some TOS violation to prevent losing money on what was promised to be unlimited traffic, they have better lawyers so they're not worried.

Cloudflare 100% in the wrong here, they are closing accounts for TOS violations when they are just unprofitable, I would very strongly consider how tightly to couple with them knowing how cavalier they are about squashing small businesses.

If enough of these happen though, they'll get destroyed by a class action lawsuit, and they'd deserve every bit of it

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*To stifle competition FTFY

Try sitting in traffic for 2 hours with a stick, moving 10 feet at a time, and we can talk about how much you love manual

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I just commit directly to master with auto-deploy like a real cowboy, yee-haw!

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So its a bank with video calling where you can also get laid and read right wing misinformation, that is a lot of checked boxes

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West Taiwan you mean?

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Even people who accept and believe climate change is real are unwilling to make any personal sacrifices and magically think some scientists somewhere will just solve the problem.

Nobody is coming to your rescue, the planet will save itself from the plague that is our industrial society. We could pretty easily fix this, but it would be politically unpopular, and therefore, won't happen.

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Its never enough. Its called unlimited growth. Its why most of us aren't going to live until our natural death age, but will likely perish due to environmental factors like extreme weather, plague, famine, etc. Its gonna start sucking at around 3C.

Better yet just edit files live on prod from Notepad (not plus plus) over Samba for "xtreme moral" boost

I'm sure no predators will be calling people fully nude, no way thats going to happen

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I think people have a hard time imagining what its going to be like. They assume we'll just wake up one day and it will be Mad Max outside your window. It will be much more incremental.

Covid is probably the best analogy, it was a shock, there were major reactions and societal changes, but it got better over a couple years. It will probably be a lot like that, except the getting better part.

It will just slowly get worse and worse until you can hardly recognize the world around you. Floods getting slightly worse every year, hurricanes getting a bit stronger, insurance going higher until people just stop buying it, famines, gas price increases, food shortages.

Remember how people flipped out about not being able to buy TP? Wait until you can't buy coffee, then bread, and clean water becomes scarce, thats when shit gets real and we revert to survival of the fittest, or who has the most ammo.

Politicians will promise quick and easy solutions, none will work. We're in for a less comfortable, convenient world probably in most of our lifetimes. I'll be moving north, and at least +500 ft above sea level.

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Nail in the coffin, RIP Netflix

She's good the goods. $6000 for trying to steal an election, you don't get off with a slap on the wrist unless you know where some bodies are buried.

Maybe just turn it off for the good of all humanity, why stop at Europe?

On the flipside for advertisers, prices for ad clicks have never been higher. Its so outrageously high now, making Google such an obscene amount of money, that its unlikely to get better, I'd expect it to get much worse.

Cool, now break up the monopolies while you're at it FAANG should be like 500 companies, not 5

Just downgraded back to Windows 10, such a relief. 11 is absolute trash. Constantly hangs, on a completely stock install with literally ONE app, a single app that I even still use Windows for that is not the cause the hang. The UI on 10 is so much simpler, and functional 11 just feels like Windows ME/Vista all over again.

"Group-IB said the flaw was exploited as a zero-day — since the developer had zero time to fix the bug before it was exploited — as far back as April to compromise the devices of at least 130 traders."

We're all to blame for not registering

Do people not remember the "jews will not replace us" march?


That job is a hot potato

So they are not believing the Pentagon's assessment? Or just don't care and going with feels instead?

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My pronouns are infinite/recursion

RIP antitrust laws


You got a whole brand name lifesaver? Are they hiring? /s

True, but different time, different administration, different circumstances. Just because a government lied once doesn't necessarily mean everything they say in the future is a lie, but certainly should be taken with a grain of salt.

Yeah we pretty much already just assumed that

"I don't know, but let me tell you about how 5G activates the vaccines"

Capitalism is a hell of a drug

Yeah that is going to be a huge factor in reducing the quality of life. If people think we have issues with overwhelming migration now, they are in for a surprise when it reaches into the billions of people with no other choice

^^^ How skynet was born, ChatGPT injecting subroutines copied by lackadaisical programmers copying and pasting without checking

Its been weird, I feel like I'm kind of missing something, same kind of FOMO, but when I actually go back to it I see I'm not missing anything at all. Lemmy is pretty neat, but haven't fully gotten the hang of it yet. Just discovered how to sub another instance today, so progress is being made.

I've been back to reddit probably 20 times in the past 3 months, and every time I'm waiting for the dopamine hit, and it never kicks in. Its just flat now, the content just isn't that interesting. Its all pretty cringy, and I'm pretty much over it, just going there out of habit, chasing the content dragon that no longer exists.

Facebook is useless, Xitter is dead, reddit lost its way. I'm enjoying Lemmy so far, but it seems to be missing the viral content, ultra red-hot breaking news that reddit used to have.

Rahode Issland

I accept your offer

They say he's still ducking to this day

TPB + VPN for many years now, just make sure that killswitch is on, got nabbed once by HBO, fortunately only got a nasty letter, nothing more

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So because they weren't successful at wiping out every jew, which was their intention, they get a pass? That's unrealistic.