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Joined 1 years ago

Accidentally made a hot-girl union.

Now they can organize and demand higher quality pickup lines.

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US gun owner here:

It 100% warrants a call to the police.

Sounds like assault with a deadly weapon, and if he took it out to show, then it's brandishing. It doesn't matter if it was non-firming because the target didn't know that, and typically these laws are written to be what "a reasonable person would believe".

Also, at the time this happened he was a known user of Marijuana and thus not eligible to own a firearm, as that rule had not yet been struck down.

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I do have to admit, after getting concussed I also appeared to freeze but I was thinking hard of what the right word is to say next.

That said, probably anyone in concussion recovery should be on leave from legislating. The brain will heal more slowly, and your work will be of poor quality.

That's all before getting into the actual politics of having a gerentocracy.

I know a lot of people have talked a out adding an age limit, but it seems to me most of the ancient ones are skating by on incumbent effect. If we had term limits it would resolve that. Alternatively something like the Virginia Gubernatorial rules where you cannot hold the position successively.

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Without saying anything about politics, environment, or source:

Why, for the love of Satan, does this graph have only 2 data points per source?

Why use a line chart 📉 for that?

This is clear bar chart territory đź“Š.

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So we're going to pursue PPP fraud as aggressively as welfare fraud right?

Or do we have separate systems for the rich and for the poor?

Oh boy, what can't we put ads in?

Can we get MtDew Green Lights with Coca-Cola Red lights?

The spacebar on laptops is free game, just asking for it.

It really is a shame that I can still buy bedsheets that aren't branded with a corporate advertising campaign.

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Fetch: grab the toy if they play with it and it ends up close by, use verbal reinforcement

Names: the cats recognize everyone's name in the hous thanks to reinforcement learning

Locations: the cats know where I'm going and can beat me there because I tell them where I'm going, sounds like reinforcement learning again?

Activities: set phrases like "let's go", "come on", "let's get some food", "jump up", etc, all by reinforcement training.

Paw-touching: slowly touch more and more often, for longer, until nail clipping is a breeze. Hmm... Might be reinforcement training again.

To end bad behaviors, hiss, it's a built-in "no" for cats.

It shouldn't matter as long as the sites are developed only with open standards.

We already have webcompat for anything truly broken.

Oh and I forgot, a big one, I engage the cats if they show interest in my task.

When cooking they can smell safe things, if I'm working on tech i have a very large screw and bolt for them to play with/try out instead of my small ones.

Cats are social and want to be included, if you give them the option to do "parallel play" I think it will improve what people see as problem behaviors that are really just begging to be included.

He discovered the weapon during the flight between San Francisco and Hong Kong, it said.

So he made it passed TSA with an entire firearm.

Not just that, but he doesn't keep track of where his firearms are.

For an honest mistake, so much had to go wrong.

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If you cannot trust yourself, then do not provide yourself temptation

Based on pics it looks like a rifle that's not legal in DC due to it having too many features, and probably the named/clone ban.

Being from Atlanta I presume the fellow did not take the 16 hour class to put in for a DC carry permit, which doesn't let you open carry or carry on the mall.

That's a felony for the firearm, carrying it, one for each bullet, and each magazine over 10 rounds.

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Who could have guessed that may-issue permits could be (gasp) abused!

I thought the police would be even and fair in their determination of who should get one, just like they are in all their other activities.

No one has mentioned The Culture?

There really wouldn't be much to update because a good chunk of it is still modern. Not only that, but Banks really fucked with gender, ideology, and civil rights in a way that is still incredibly relevant in 2023.

I also really want someone to try to portray Fwi-Song from Consider Phlebas.

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Only superpower left who hasn't tried to invade them at some point in time.

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Very car-brained to not consider a car heavy machinery.

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Adipose tissue is estrogenic, if anything it should enhance results.

I am an engineer that has worked in the space industry my entire career, and here are my thoughts:

GOES and METEOR weather satellites transmit images publicly that are NOT real time, but are downlinked, processed, and uplinked for public broadcast. This is pretty simple and saves a lot of processing power on the spacecraft side. That's important because the biggest constraints on spacecraft processing are: power budget, radiation hardiness, and thermal.

I was able to find an image of the actual satellite in assembly. From this we can guess that there is probably not more than a square meter of solar on-board, so we can give it a round 1300W of power. I couldn't find any orbital parameters(If Gunter doesn't have it, who does?), but given it's main task is as an imager, we can assume LEO, and so this 1300W isn't going to be constant since the spacecraft will most likely be eclipsed part of the time.

Generous 1000W average solar flux, generous 25% panel efficiency, 250W/h.

So lets look at rad hard processors. They have to be either shielded or run multiple and do voting, though even that isn't fully acceptable as some SEU (single event upset) can cause permanent damage and leave you down a voting member. The latest and greatest RAD5545 advertises 5.6 giga-operations per second (GOPS) at 20 watts, so if we assume (artlessly, and likely incorrectly) a linear power usage, the 80 TOPS of the WJ-1A should need some 280kW. So we know they aren't using a typical rad-hard CPU topology for their AI models. I see that Corel/Google advertise 2 TOPS per watt on their edge TPUs (Tensor Processing Unit).

So assume a large ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) at the same efficiency of 2TOPS/W, with 4x multiples for voting and we get a far more reasonable 160W. Still a LOT of power on orbit for such a small spacecraft, but actually possible.

So for thermal limits, do they run the TPU only on the dark side in place of their on-board heater? The have some white panels that might be radiators, but it's hard to say.

Hard to say from these fluff articles. I really want to hear:

  • What's the efficiency on the TPU?
  • How did they make it rad-hard, and how long do they expect it to last?
  • What models do they run on the edge?
  • What is their downlink budget? Can they pull full imagery if they want it or are they limited to ML analysis only?

I expect to see more ML in space, but to be honest I did not expect it to be in such a small form factor.

I wasn't worried about it being proprietary until I saw the founder reasoning for not having the source be open under a nonpermissive licence.

I decided to go with logseq because of it.

It also syncs with all my devices using my own servers, instead of needing to trust obsidian/logseq.

It is a pretty good article but I have some nitpicks:

They say both that you cannot decide in a vacuum and fast fashion uses synth materials to make disposable clothing. I think given these two ideas, the carbon usage for one garment of wool vs one garment of nylon should include all the "waste" garments produced as well. Since, when you buy from a company that practices this, the impact is from the whole process, as they are keen to point out. That includes the sweatshop to landfill garments.

Personally I like not wearing a microplastics generator.

I am also curious about hemp clothing.

Unfortunately extremely high water usage to grow cotton, and a lot of it is grown in places that need that water for other things (RIP Aral Sea).

Based on the article we should use flax aka linen, which I suppose makes sense. Linen was once a finery due to the excessive effort needed to produce it, but now we have machinery.

Mother Jones: these ads are killing people

Also Mother Jones: please disable your adblocker

If they revoke your license you should get a full refund tbh.

If it's worth $n to access something, then the damages for revoking it should also be $n.

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If you don't want abusers to have rights, then just make it a felony.

It's really that easy.

I actually believe that constitutionality is an important factor in our system of checks and balances.

Unfortunately we haven't been very good at amending the constitution in recent history so we can't add new checks and/or balances.

No one wants to do so because it means relinquishing some power, and possibly loosing marketshare uh I mean voter approval.

No, these devices hold water at the appropriate temperature for long periods of time using extremely good insulation. They provide hot water on-demand after reaching temperature and are used in a way that is somewhat different from kettles.

I have had 2 employers tell me to go back to work in person.

They simply didn't end up committing. The first job, they had us all coming in but didn't even open the cafeteria.

The first, I have no co-workers at the local office as I am in a different country than everyone else on the team.

I'll go back to work in-person if and when someone makes it really worth my while. Until then I get to use my own keyboard, mouse, and screens in a room that's exactly the right temperature.

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Everyone does it eventually

That is correct.

Ethics come at a premium. Ethics are a luxury good.

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Microwaves mess up basically any food

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Despite big annual losses the situation is a far cry from 2007 when many bee experts expected an end to managed pollination said U.S. Department Agriculture research entomologist Jay Evans, who wasn’t part of the survey.

“There are threats certainly in the environment and honeybees have persisted,” Evans said. “I don’t think honeybees will go extinct but I think they will always have these sort of challenges.”

AGU Local 2, Messenger Hot Girls Union

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

I buy very few clothes, so I save up to spend more on ones I think will last longer.

It's very burdensome when something doesn't last long enough to reach that price-equilibrium point compared to simply purchasing more, cheaper clothing.

I am currently almost out of socks and panties because of this :(

You can see my reply to SeaJ which gives more context I think.

The area this person was in is already an area where your rights are severely curtailed. You can be searched at any time, for instance.

You're right, it's never as long as this. I am young, though so I don't know how it would show in an ancient man hahaha.

I don't see the appeal in insisting everything is fine. I would rather see my leaders saying "hey, I don't feel good so I'm going to take some time to get healthy".

Ultra-agree, the thing that really makes no sense here is softballing violence because it happens with an intimate partner.

If we treated it like every other violence you wouldn't need a special one-off patch law since their rights would be automatically restricted by the prohibited person laws.

They couldn't find this man's gun, but they confiscated my Leatherman when my bags got bumped from checked to carry-on.

I never have been able to.

I used to be able to boil my water with electrons from a nuclear reactor.

Now that I moved, all my electrons get excited by high tech coal..... Oh...

I am floored no one mentioned the original Ratchet and Clank

David Bergeaud did such a standout job with it, it's so varied but cohesive, it's engaging and synthy but real and groovy.

It MAKES the environment just as much as graphics.

Hmm maybe not, since Bruen implements the history/tradition check which is the basis for the felony prohibition.

I do, however, still think that domestic violence exceeds a misdemeanor and should be a felony like any other assault.