16 Post – 235 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm no context sending this picture to people.

Leaded fuel

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Libre office, a great office option. I've been using it for 15 years. Foreshadowing

VLC, Plays media. It's a tank. Also Highways use VLC to mark many winter potholes.

Linux, It's not that hard to use anymore.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

WINE, not just for one night stands! it's great for running Windows Stuff on Linux.

Also, and my personal favorite, your mom is free and open source. Mic Drop going to bed. With your mom. Wasn't expecting that twice were you? Well, neither was your mom. Got 'em.

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I've seen too many memes as of late. I really thought this would have been Saddam Hussein without reading this first.

You know what would fix this? More military spending.

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As someone who has gone to the hospital for an overdose on caffeine, I really want to try one of these. Because, I clearly haven't learned my lesson at all.

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What a time to be alive. We are in an age where every new technology shall be seen as a way to produce more advertisements.

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Why do we need a preserving corpse box. By the time I die, I will be more micro plastics than man. I will not decay. I will be embalmed by plastic symbiosis.

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The fuck?

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Well. I've seen a video where a guy tried to put a pickle jar in his pooper and then a whoopsie happened where the jar breaks.

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I just bought 10 80-packs of toilet paper. $426.50. I should be fine now.

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My wife and I work a total of 4 main jobs. I think we had 10+ total forms of income for 2023.I try to get money on the side too. I can't afford a kid. Even if I could, what time would I have to be a parent?

My in laws want us to pop out kids. We live in a 1br place. And we are just barely keeping our heads above water. They will say stuff like "well if you wait for a perfect time there will never be one," or saying it's our duty to let them have grandkids.

Linux is great.

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Suck the air out. Pushing air in with fans creates a higher pressure zone in the house. You won't move as much air. On the upper floors where it's warmer suck the air out of what windows you have, but push the air in at the lower windows. Personally my house doesn't have any windows, this is Lemmy we use Linux here.

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It doesn't surprise me since the infinite is possible at zombocom.

Credit seems like a tax on the poor.

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The bee movie guy?

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Ohh thus the /c/ that I see being referenced right?

Thanks for clarifying that!

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I'm not at all shocked. At my company my coworker i rationing his medication. I'm concerned he could die at any time due to this. We as a team mentioned this to work and HR's answer was they sent a provider listing.

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A Marijuana grinder. I like foraging for foods, so I tend to use the grinder on things like Staghorn Sumac, or Spice Bush to make a course grind. It allows a lot of control on how much you want to use and how fine, unlike a blender.

Before it's asked, I actually have never smoked weed. It was listed as a "spice grinder" and I never thought it was for weed when I got it.

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Please don't give them ideas. If they could figure out how to beam ads to our brains when sleeping they would.

How the fuck does anyone even afford to buy a house now? Billionaires keep buying them all out just to rent them out, to buy more houses. It's almost as bad as me trying to use a hula hoop.

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If they didn't want you to download stuff, they shouldn't have given you a cool title like "pirate."

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I got quoted $840 a month for insurance. Clean accident history. Insurance is bullshit levels of expensive.

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You can't wipe your ass with jealousy and spite.

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I'm okay with just not using YouTube. The Internet sucks compared to how it was back in the day. Now it's built around selling you something. Fuck that.

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I have been using duckduckgo. I personally think it's pretty good. So much so, that I think I have used it for 10 years now.


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First off, you are 21. Be okay with that. When I was 21 I definitely didn't have my shit together. It's a crap economy everywhere.

Take less classes. If you need to focus your studies, do so. It took me 4.5 years to get my 2 year degree. Finally got my driver's license, got a shitty car, and got a decent job in 2 weeks. Talk about hurry up and wait. I was 23.

Don't beat yourself up things will get better. I have friends that are in their late 30s/mid 40s that live with their parents. Not because they messed up, but they could never get ahead.

I had a teacher once say to me, "Aim for the moon, if you miss you will end up in the stars" It was accurate. Set lofty goals, sometimes with the expectation of failing. Take Retirement it's an odd example. I want to retire at 48. Will I? Fuck no. But is it a failure if I retire at 53?

I have OCD, Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Dyslexia, Sensory issues, Insomnia, Anemia, and heart issues. But I also was born stubborn. And being stubborn was a gift. Don't give up.


coaches seem to focus more on CBT

Cock and Ball Torture??? You need different coaches. That took a wild turn.

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Ooh something I can explain. Here where I am at to be a home care health helper I needed to install an app that tracks every move I make on my phone and pings it to the company. They do not provide a device unless you work full time. This requires multiple clients and driving. Plus, expect to be cleaning up every bodily fluid. All this for $14/hr.

I like the job, my client and her family are awesome and that's the only perk to the job. I picked this up to help make ends meet after a job loss; and I have friends for life. I don't really work for them anymore, but I do visit and say hello when I can.

Tom from MySpace follows me. Not the other way around

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I believe someone hurled a cabbage at their staff.

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Starting this out:

P51 Military Can Openers: I have several of these. I have one on a tiny magnet attached to my kitchen door should I ever need it. Works about as well as any other can opener. Easy to slip in a drawer, keychain, car, exct.

Mason Jar plastic reusable lids: great for storage as well as meal prep. I have a lot of mason jars and these are awesome.

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Is there a Fedi for looking for D&D groups?

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The Internet has ruined me. I will not elaborate further.

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It's fresher this way.

"take my upvote"

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If you had to have sexual CBT and BDSM with your grandparents, who are you picking and why?

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The sad part is when piracy makes a superior product.

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