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Joined 1 years ago

Why would it be a mistake? If you want to have blue hair, go for it. Life is short and dyed hair is for everyone.

I'd like to see the results if you feel like posting it!

Can you explain the girldick thing? I'm a transman and that comes off as one of the many things that are low key alienating in expressions of support, but it's possible I'm just mistaken.

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The new direction is more than fair honestly. I both really appreciate and sympathize with the need to point out that these hostile bad faith responses are upsetting. For a long time, commentary on attack dogging a forum has had to sidestep the issue that having to deal with this shit is emotionally draining. It's reasonable that there is a place for eveyrone at the table but the chairs have an emergency eject for diners who start throwing food. It's bad enough that everyone still eating has to finish their meal with a mess everywhere.

As a FTM, I don't find there to be any specific endorsement of body views in the article. Rather, he is being transparent with who he has in mind, which is extremely helpful to someone like myself. It lets me know how to approach the text for my own use.

I think immediately dismissing the author as harmful merely because he's exacting in his disclaimers is a disappointing take. If it isn't applicable to you, that's fine. Going so far as to lob accusations over body image is pretty rough - more so when you're not the target audience. Finding good sources speaking to the FTM experience is so rare and it saddens me to see anyone want to tear it down right out of the gate.

Far as I know, this is used for MTF so I'm not really sure where the income joke fits in.

I'm confused as to why you'd post such a reddit-esque bait statement when so many of the responses are civil, patient, and respectfully explaining viewpoints without attacking OP. Don't you think discourse can be better than that? Don't you want to at least give it a chance?

All I look for Is a willingness to speak to others in good faith and for there to be a referee intervention when that isn't respected. "Safe space" has been so twisted and ridiculed that it's hard to use it and not feel some of the inflection of entitlement that's been imparted to it. Safe for me is an end to needless hostility in conversation and being able to talk without someone else launching a curio cabinet of their favorite ad hominems at you. So far I've found beehaw to be a bit more in line with this than tildes, but both communities have a lot of room left to establish what they want to be.

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The proposal being made is to keep your pet cat(s) indoors. That's it.

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Congratulations!! I am so happy your loved ones are accepting!

You can't compare animals and humans, though. I know we love our pets like children but that's just not how this works. A lot of work has been put into the behavioral science of enriching an indoor cat's environment but for some reason it gets entirely disregarded when it comes to the idea that your cat doesn't belong outside.

"Someone who doesn't identify as male or female" has worked with my boomer family.

I'm a six foot turkey.

It is not, as has also already been mentioned.

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Can I ask why you felt the need to comment something so dismissive and negative when you also readily admit that this just isn't targeted at you? I just want to understand. I don't think you intend to be hurtful, but that is indeed what's happening. Having to pass on the binary is a safety issue for a lot of trans people just as much as it's affirming and euphoric.

Traditional and digital artist here. I do graphic design and illustration. Have always had a healthy interest in tech, though.

I am from a very catholic family. Before I knew what or who I was, I had family members use religion as abuse to belittle and degrade me from the age of 6 onward. My home life was awful and extended family piled on to make sure I really had nothing left for myself to cling to. I was kept on a cycle of love bombing (with church approved rewards only) when the constant insistence on my selfishness and awfulness would periodically succeed in breaking me. It made life entirely unenjoyable by design. Yet the programming they instilled also came with heavy guilt designed to keep me trapped by "faith."

I understand the fear of knowing you need to leave. The abuse ramped up every time I even remotely suggested I be able to live without the church. But my only regret is that I wish I had done it sooner. Religion doesn't stop you from coming out. The toxicity that it bakes into the community and your family does. They make it very hard and painful to stand up for yourself and advocate for life to be the gift it is. As with many such things, the cruelty seems to be the point.

I'm about to go on a two week trip to a bunch of places I've never been before! I'm super excited! Been watching a lot of the Katmai bear cam of the salmon run while I work on packing and some last minute chores. I'm excited to visit some places that are a bit more accepting of trans people than where I currently live, too.

What's cruel is having a pet you never interact with or care for. Inflicting your cat on your neighborhood is just a different kind of cruelty altogether - as is dropping your domesticated animal into a dangerous environment unsupervised. It's not a zero sum game where the cat is either indoors and tortured or outdoors and fulfilled. You can provide more than adequate enrichment with a modest investment of time and money. Insisting on the misery of your cat to persist is ironically the true projection of human emotion here.

Honest question to anyone who disagrees: many small animals are kept inside their entire lives. Is this torture? Do you look down on those who own small animals?

Hi there. I'm trans. It wasn't up to me. I didn't choose to be. Life would be way easier if I wasn't. I'm dealing with it as best I can so I can live my life. An entire political party is currently putting money and energy behind denying me healthcare. I'm an adult. I'm at a point where I can't make hormones on my own but that doesn't matter to them. The dysphoria I was experiencing prior to transitioning was straight up not compatible with continuing to live. You don't even have to take my word for it - several doctors at different agencies agreed enough to write letters for me to start care. It is disingenuous to look at how conservatives are trying to, at best, make me very sick on a daily basis, or are, at worst, trying to put me in the ground and say "yeah, this is just as bad as the left's typical talking points."

If I were a cis person who couldn't synthesize my own hormones for whatever reason, there would be nothing stopping me from getting this exact. Same. Treatment. These things don't happen by accident. They happen because the hate is there to open the door and a lot of self-proclaimed "good" folks are real happy to watch it go down.

How do you reconcile with such an insanely disjointed false equivalency? Honest question.

How far removed from the instigating post is that? It doesn't seem all that different if we're immediately diving into fuckables and unfuckables.

Damn that's such a nice blue! Thanks for updating with a pic. You look great!

The hostility was exhausting and constant, but equally so was knowing I would have to bake in a bunch of qualifiers into my post to try to head off common bad faith arguments at the pass. When you're doing this for the very real problems you're having just existing in society as a minority, it's absolutely soul-sucking. Even if you know it's by design, you're still just one person dealing with a lot of weighty garbage in real life who then has to deal with redditor JAQing/name calling/strawmanning the minute you try to talk about it to try to offset even a fraction of the emotional burden.

I am pretty happy to watch reddit die. Less happy when I think about how this can further distill the abuse within a lot of current discourse.

I made a list of names I've always liked and found I kept coming back to one in particular, so that had to be it.

Humans are sapient. Your cat is not. Treating your cat by human standards is not fair to the cat.

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I find this kinda fascinating because if you've thought this your entire life, you would have had to have read every intended plural "you" as singular and there would be nothing to inform you otherwise without very explicit context.

For the record, every 2nd person pronoun in the preceding paragraph can be singular or plural and still be grammatically correct while remaining socially correct for my speaking to an audience of unknown size. "You all" and "you guys" are slang phrases that don't appear in formal writing.

Or to come into contact with coyotes and raccoons.

It's also just ultimately selfish to not put the work in to provide indoor enrichment. Of course it's not an easy adjustment when the cat is used to being outdoors, but it's doable. Just requires some effort on the part of the owner.

I love birds. I have a couple myself but I also put considerable time and effort into making my garden a place for them to visit. I'm sure you know where this is going.

I hate that there's nothing I can do to keep cats out of the yard. I hate that people are too lazy to provide enrichment for their pet indoors and feel entitled to inflict it upon the neighborhood instead. I have had to clean up dead kittens who got hit and crawled under my car to die. I have had to clean up full dead families of birds I rarely get to see anymore who I somehow lucked into enticing them to nest nearby. I have found full nests of dead newborn rabbits with my lawn mower because they had been left scattered dead in tall grass and already teeming with maggots in the summer sun.

I don't understand why all of this has to be my problem. There is quite simply nothing good about letting cats outdoors. If they're not fixed, they create kittens who end up dead. If someone tries to control their hunting with a bell on the collar, they just adapt and go on killing. They shit and fight and die miserable deaths, and for what? Why are people so stubborn and just straight up mean when it comes to keeping your pet indoors? You can show someone the statistics and point them to resources for indoor enrichment and they get mad about it. I don't get it.

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OP is providing sources for all their information. Disagreeing with it doesn't make it false.

I wish we as a species would just drop this trend of having to eventually ruin a good thing just about every goddam time.

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It’s been made clear time and time again

Please cite examples. This entire post is disproving this already.

To point this out is not “ragebaiting” and that’s completely absurd that you would even claim that.

It's absurd to come in here, throw around vague accusations, and then do absolutely no work to back up those claims.

the hivemind

There are already more viewpoints being expressed within respondents to this post than in typical reddit front page subs. I'm sorry but it is not good faith to start name calling. I feel like you know that, though.

I will forever think it's pretty fucking funny that the only thing Musk had to do to retain his popularity was absolutely fucking nothing. Doing nothing is too hard for this silver spoon coward.

In the end, it's a numbers game. Wild populations of cats around the world don't hold a candle to the amount of domestic cats. That's what ends up making it so damaging to wildlife. There's no shortage of people enabling cat populations either. It's inevitable when the animals in question are so cherished by humanity. Feral pigs would be another case of domesticated animals ruining habitats and killing wildlife. They are routinely destroyed, and for good reason. With cats, you're far more likely to see someone feeding a feral population than gunning them down the way hogs are. It's just the reality of our attachment.

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My point was not to cull or relocate cats. My point was that cats have a lot of cultural factors boosting their numbers that other invasive species don't.

...You are agreeing with me. Sapience is what you are describing. Cats are sentient, not sapient.

Yeah, I really cannot stress enough just how upsetting it is to clean up dead kittens. All the dead baby animals are upsetting but it hits different when it's a kitten.

Maybe using a cis bigot's words isn't the best way to show trans support. Hurts that you'd rather hear it from a trans woman. I guess this place just isn't for me or people like me. It happens. Pretty depressing though.

Thought on it is split. This article has some decent citations on for and against as well as ways to keep an indoor cat more than happy:

My personal experience with years of pet sitting and just being familiar with many different cat personalities is that it can help, but it can also be adapted around and does nothing for the other major risks of being outdoors. They will still try to hunt wildlife. A baby bird, for example, probably won't get to observe the significance of a cat bell before meeting one in a close encounter.

This will be news to no one, but Slay the Spire was an absolute bonkers thing to drop on roguelikes.