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Joined 1 years ago

You Can't Stop The Signal

What's watchy?

Yup. You can run both local amd external services off the same proxy, at least with traefik and I assume others. Alternatively you could use traefik to solely for local services and Cloudflare zero trust tunnel for external. I think his traefik video covers it? If not, it covers some part.

The other part is that you need pihole setup to serve local DNS.

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Sure can. I had mine separated with and If you need help let me know :)

That's a fanmade movie... Right

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Switch to cloudlfare DNS or something similar.

The only problem(s) I have on linux are either my own fault or because Tim Sweeney decides he wants to make it a problem.

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The hell is movie-web

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All blueray will. Its built into the spec. You can rip it easily though.

When we stop hosting projects on places where their actions have an effect. Its small, but there is an effect.

Shadow libraries is such a metal name. Information should be free ya fucks. Eat shit.

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This is always a weird take to me because it always ignores the fact that nuclear has been screwed continuously for decades. If any other tecbology, renewable energy or not, had the same public and private blockers did it would also have no future.

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William Gibson. He's a huge influence on modern scifi

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Plex w/ plexamp Jellyfin w/finamp

Thats what I would go with but theres tons of options here as well

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My wife taught me to cook and that I was allowed to have feelings. I taught her a bunch of computer stuff and that she was allowed to have feelings.

Sounds like you need to either relearn or unlearn whatever the hell you're talking about

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Isn't that basically all Linux distros?

Buy a brother. Anything else is a straight up scam.

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I never understand this line of thought. The amounts of energy we use is never ever going to go down. It just isn't. This shouldn't be an argument against tech using power. It should be an argument for clean energy solutions.

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Absolutely do not do this on windows. It makes everything a nightmare. Bare metal install ubuntu server and install docker/portainer. Its 5 copy pasted commands and you never have to look at the terminal ever again if you don't want to.

Thats the problem with just laws and rights. They have to apply to everyone, even those we feel don't deserve it, otherwise they ain't just.

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I think you're thinking about this way to hard. Its an anxiety response. No ones going to blacklist you or judge you for taking a medicine you were prescribed by a doctor. They also probably wouldn't make a record if the pills were destroyed. If they did it certainly wouldn't be attached to your medical records. They aren't being counted against your record. Its not a punishment or a test. You had a surgery, and the prescribed treatment for said surgery aftercare is pain meds. Its okay. You aren't a criminal or suspicious or being judged for anything.

If you don't like how they make you feel that's okay. I personally can't stand opioids and could manage the pain with Tylenol when I had surgery. But that doesn't mean its a bad thing to take them. Opioid addiction is generally only a concern after several weeks of constant use, and if you immediately hated them then you're even less likely to get addicted.

You are going to be okay no matter what you decide. No one will judge you or think less of you no matter what you do.

They think that cause they aren't a tech worker. Also, as a non American tech worker were also underpaid.

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Prowlarr is an alternative if you're using sonarr/radarr.

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Lemmy is a cesspool for politics. Of all flavours. Hell, most of the internet is. Lemmy is especially left slanted though. I wouldn't look for anything remotely right wing here. Hell I wouldn't look for anything politically flavoured. All you'll find is Lemmygrad, Hexbear and Exploding Heads. All awful cesspools of different flavours.

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Well I guess its time to flood r/piracy with magnet links as soon as the new jannies open it.

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Bionics require right to repair and open sourced software.

Yes. Its way faster. If a download has bittorrent available, I'll always test its speed

Imagine telling the guy who invented the tool that he's using the tool wrong

Are you 14?

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Youre entirely correct about proton unless your kid wants to play fortnite

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With DSC DP 1.4 can do 4k 360 but it still ain't close to 1000

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I'm sorry, there's microtransactions in minesweeper?

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Embrace Extend Extinguish

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Bro what. The rest of your account doesn't seem to be a troll account. What made you choose violence?

Well that's simply false. Its been screwed by ignorance propaganda and fear mongering.

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Piracy is a service problem

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The internet is filled with a lot of extremists. Nuanced thinking is in short supply here.

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